R Under development (unstable) (2024-06-30 r86854 ucrt) -- "Unsuffered Consequences" Copyright (C) 2024 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 R is free software and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. You are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions. Type 'license()' or 'licence()' for distribution details. R is a collaborative project with many contributors. Type 'contributors()' for more information and 'citation()' on how to cite R or R packages in publications. Type 'demo()' for some demos, 'help()' for on-line help, or 'help.start()' for an HTML browser interface to help. Type 'q()' to quit R. > himed <- function(x) { n2 <- 1 + length(x) %/% 2; sort(x, partial = n2)[n2] } > > ## Tolerance 2e-7 {13 * higher than default 1.49e-8 } > is.all.equal <- function(x,y, tol = 2e-7) { + is.logical(r <- all.equal(x,y, tolerance = tol)) && r } > > > library(robustbase) > > stopifnot(is.na(wgt.himedian(numeric()))) > ## hi-median() seg.faulted or inf.looped till Jan.3, 2021 > > options(digits = 7)# single precision! > set.seed(15) > > cat(" n | range(x) | wgt.Himed\n", + "------------------------------\n",sep="") n | range(x) | wgt.Himed ------------------------------ > for(i in 1:100) { + n <- rpois(1, lam = 10) + cat(formatC(n,wid=3)," ") + x <- round(rnorm(n),3) + iw <- 1 + rpois(n, lam = 2) + him <- himed(rep(x, iw)) ## == naive R solution + whim <- wgt.himedian (x, iw) + if(!is.all.equal(whim, him)) + cat("whim != him: ", whim, "!=", him,"\n") + cat(formatC(range(x), wid = 6, flag="-"), "", + formatC(whim, wid = 6, flag="+"), "\n") + } 10 -1.255 1.831 +0.488 9 -1.167 1.412 +0.032 18 -2.253 1.611 +0.471 10 -1.589 0.754 +0.004 11 0.2 1.575 +0.712 16 -2.587 1.552 -0.04 8 -1.499 1.055 +0.041 15 -1.069 1.966 +0.621 15 -1.829 1.193 -0.177 13 -2.088 1.33 +0.022 15 -1.905 2.1 +0.104 18 -1.827 1.43 -0.338 15 -1.494 1.409 +0.378 6 -1.266 1.263 -0.162 11 -1.243 1.458 +0.227 9 -1.609 1.146 +0.609 6 -0.898 1.625 -0.659 14 -1.379 1.898 -0.123 6 -1.928 0.656 -0.44 9 -1.286 2.61 +0.442 8 -1.196 1.169 -0.376 5 -1.871 0.875 +0.004 10 -1.618 1.87 -0.023 11 -0.979 1.337 +0.156 6 -0.357 1.723 +0.519 8 -2.566 2.334 -0.416 14 -1.909 2.04 -0.051 15 -2.229 2.505 +0.377 9 -0.409 1.553 +0.452 7 -0.924 1.009 -0.645 13 -2.14 0.711 -0.348 9 -1.697 1.601 +0.369 12 -2.227 1.793 +0.508 14 -2.308 1.808 +0.444 11 -1.85 3.437 +0.285 9 -1.312 0.601 +0.017 7 -1.792 0.005 -0.247 10 -2.178 1.51 -0.905 10 -1.121 1.464 -0.133 8 -0.246 1.299 +0.885 14 -1.666 2.306 +0.234 9 -0.752 2.056 +0.151 13 -0.472 1.625 -0.055 6 -1.795 0.449 +0.122 10 -2.023 2.992 +0.141 8 -1.265 1.476 +0.083 11 -1.715 0.966 +0.137 8 -1.943 0.374 -0.215 8 -2.377 1.483 +0.029 8 -0.659 2.699 +1.052 8 -0.671 1.426 +0.033 12 -1.462 2.075 -0.13 14 -1.865 1.406 -0.478 6 -0.324 2.014 +1.453 12 -1.519 1.072 -0.106 12 -1.511 1.232 +0.055 14 -0.516 1.865 +0.31 8 -2.402 0.218 -0.319 10 -2.724 0.983 -0.47 5 -1.566 1.034 +0.676 7 -1.98 1.7 -0.002 11 -2.203 1.736 -0.209 8 -1.782 0.435 +0.035 15 -0.835 1.668 +0.166 12 -1.938 0.838 -0.228 8 -1.257 1.542 -0.527 11 -2.394 2.062 -0.007 14 -2.574 2.356 +0.095 10 -1.691 1.387 -0.217 14 -0.601 2.453 +0.951 9 -0.631 0.953 +0.601 9 -1.501 1.146 -0.337 7 -1.826 1.32 +0.621 6 -0.859 0.343 +0.009 4 -1.038 1.396 +1.375 9 -1.325 0.892 +0.399 10 -0.632 1.347 +0.026 4 -0.926 0.666 -0.555 11 -1.67 2.158 -0.355 17 -0.818 1.842 +0.054 6 -1.296 1.066 +0.384 11 -1.494 1.224 -0.222 11 -2.397 2.254 +0.165 11 -1.76 2.115 +0.008 9 -0.542 1.41 +0.412 7 -1.078 1.596 -0.43 9 -1.161 1.527 -0.12 7 0.112 1.656 +0.929 13 -1.175 2.39 +0.627 11 -1.177 1.838 +0.359 8 -1.601 0.792 +0.313 12 -2.57 1.827 +0.019 5 -0.463 0.505 +0.49 11 -2.077 1.694 +0.032 7 -1.139 1.232 -0.141 9 -0.814 1.482 +0.331 5 -0.542 0.405 +0.244 13 -2.127 1.754 -0.424 7 -1.082 1.015 -0.1 11 -0.773 2.253 -0.011 > > proc.time() user system elapsed 0.20 0.09 0.29