require(robustbase) ## see also ./lmrob-psifns.R <<<<<<<< source(system.file("xtraR/plot-psiFun.R", package = "robustbase", mustWork=TRUE)) EQ <- function(x,y) all.equal(x,y, tolerance = 1e-13) ## Demonstrate that one of tukeyChi() / tukeyPsi1() is superfluous x <- seq(-4,4, length=201) suppressWarnings(## as tukeyPsi1(), tukeyChi() are deprecated for(c. in c(0.1, 1:2, pi, 100)) { ix <- abs(x) != c. stopifnot(EQ(tukeyChi(x, c.), 6/c.^2* tukeyPsi1(x, c., deriv=-1)), EQ(tukeyChi(x, c., deriv= 1), 6/c.^2* tukeyPsi1(x, c., deriv= 0)), EQ(tukeyChi(x, c., deriv= 2), 6/c.^2* tukeyPsi1(x, c., deriv= 1)), ## Now show equivalence with Mpsi(): EQ(tukeyPsi1(x, c.), Mpsi(x, c., "tukey")), EQ(tukeyPsi1(x, c., d=1), Mpsi(x, c., "tukey", d=1)), EQ(tukeyPsi1(x[ix], c., d=2), Mpsi(x[ix], c., "tukey", d=2)) ) } ) ## Test if default arguments are used h2Psi <- chgDefaults(huberPsi, k = 2) x <- 1:10 stopifnot(h2Psi@ rho(x, k=2) == h2Psi@ rho(x), h2Psi@ psi(x, k=2) == h2Psi@ psi(x), h2Psi@Dpsi(x, k=2) == h2Psi@Dpsi(x), h2Psi@ wgt(x, k=2) == h2Psi@ wgt(x), h2Psi@Dwgt(x, k=2) == h2Psi@Dwgt(x)) ## Test default arguments for E... slots stopifnot(EQ(h2Psi@Erho (), 0.49423127328548), EQ(h2Psi@Epsi2(), 0.920536925636323), EQ(h2Psi@EDpsi(), 0.954499736103642)) stopifnot(EQ(1, huberPsi@psi(1, k = 1e16)), huberPsi@wgt(0.1591319494080224, 0.5 + 1/13) <= 1) ## both used to fail because of numeric instability in pmin2/pmax2 f1 <- function(.), length(.)) F1 <- function(x, .), length(x)) ## correct "classical psi": cPs <- psiFunc(rho = function(x,.) x^2 / 2, psi = function(x, .) x, wgt = F1, Dpsi = F1, Erho = function(.), length(.)), Epsi2 = f1, EDpsi = f1, . = Inf) validObject(cPs); cPs ## incorrect dummy psi cP <- psiFunc(rho = F1, psi = F1, wgt = F1, Dpsi = F1, Erho = f1, Epsi2 = f1, EDpsi = f1, . = Inf) cP ## Check the autogenerated Dwgt(): x <- seq(0,2, by=1/4) stopifnot(## strict symmetry { including Dwgt(0) == 0 } : huberPsi @Dwgt(-x) == -huberPsi @Dwgt(x), hampelPsi@Dwgt(-x) == -hampelPsi@Dwgt(x), huberPsi @Dwgt(x)[x < 1.345] == 0, hampelPsi@Dwgt(x)[x < 1.487] == 0, EQ(huberPsi @Dwgt(x[x >= 1.5]), c(-0.597777777777778, -0.439183673469388, -0.33625)), EQ(hampelPsi@Dwgt(x[x >= 1.5]), c(-0.660883932259397, -0.485547378802822, -0.371747211895911)) ) .defDwgt <- robustbase:::.defDwgt (ddd <- .defDwgt(psi = function(u, k),, u)), Dpsi = function(u, k) abs(u) <= k)) stopifnot(is.function(ddd), names(formals(ddd)) == c("u","k"), EQ(ddd(x, 1.345), huberPsi@Dwgt(x))) ## TODO: Provide some functionality of this as a Plot+Check function ## ---- and then call the function for all our psiFunc objects (with different 'k') kk <- c(1.5, 3, 8) psiH.38 <- chgDefaults(hampelPsi, k = kk) c1 <- curve(psiH.38@psi(x), -10, 10, n=512, col=2) abline(h=0, v=0, lty=3, lwd=.5, col="gray25") c2 <- curve(x * psiH.38@wgt(x), add=TRUE, n=512, col=adjustcolor("blue", .5), lwd=2) title("psi_Hampel_(1.5, 3, 8) : psi(x) = x * wgt(x)") axis(1, at=kk, expression(k[1], k[2], k[3]), pos=0) axis(2, at=kk[1], quote(k[1]), pos=0, las=1) stopifnot(all.equal(c1,c2, tolerance= 1e-15)) r1 <- curve(psiH.38@rho(x), -10, 10, col=2, main = quote(rho(x) == integral(phi(t) * dt, 0, x))) axis(1, at=kk, expression(k[1], k[2], k[3]), pos=0) curve(psiH.38@psi(x), add=TRUE, n=512, col=adjustcolor("blue", .5), lwd=2) abline(h=0, v=0, lty=3, lwd=.5, col="gray25") ## check rho(x) = \int_0^x psi(x) dx {slightly *more* than rho' = psi !} <- function(x) integrate(function(u) psiH.38@psi(u), 0, x, rel.tol=1e-10)$value r2 <- curve(sapply(x,, add = TRUE, lwd=4, col=adjustcolor("red", 1/4)) ## numerical integration == "formula" : stopifnot(all.equal(r1,r2, tolerance=1e-10)) curve(psiH.38@Dpsi(x), -10, 10, n=512, col=2, main = quote(psi*minute(x))) abline(h=0, v=0, lty=3, lwd=.5, col="gray25") ## check rho'(x) = phi(x) etc {TODO: for all our psiFun.} head(xx <- seq(-10, 10, length=1024)) FrhoH.38 <- splinefun(xx, rho.x <- psiH.38@rho (xx)) FpsiH.38 <- splinefun(xx, psi.x <- psiH.38@psi (xx)) F1psH.38 <- splinefun(xx, Dps.x <- psiH.38@Dpsi(xx)) curve(FpsiH.38(x, deriv=1), -10,10, n=512) curve(F1psH.38, add=TRUE, col=4, n=512) stopifnot(all.equal(FpsiH.38(xx, deriv=1), Dps.x, tolerance = 0.02))# not better because of discontinuities curve(FrhoH.38(x, deriv=1), -10,10, n=512) curve(FpsiH.38, add=TRUE, col=4, n=512) stopifnot(all.equal(FrhoH.38(xx, deriv=1), psi.x, tolerance = 1e-4)) E.norm <- function(FUN, tol=1e-12, ...) { integrate(function(x) FUN(x) * dnorm(x), -Inf, Inf, rel.tol=tol, ...)$value } ##' asymptotic efficiency -- both integrate + "formula"(@Epsi, @EDpsi) version aeff.P <- function(psiF, k, ...) { stopifnot(is(psiF, "psi_func")) if(!missing(k)) psiF <- chgDefaults(psiF, k = k) ## E[ psi'(X) ] ^2 / E[ psi(X) ^ 2 ] : c(int = E.norm(psiF@Dpsi, ...)^2 / E.norm(function(x) psiF@psi(x)^2, ...), form= psiF@EDpsi()^2 / psiF@Epsi2()) } ## Breakdown Point --- for redescenders only, ## both integrate + "formula"(@Erho) version bp.P <- function(psiF, k, ...) { stopifnot(is(psiF, "psi_func")) if(!missing(k)) psiF <- chgDefaults(psiF, k = k) if(!is.finite( rhoInf <- psiF@rho(Inf) )) stop("rho(Inf) is not finite: ", rhoInf) integ <- function(x) psiF@rho(x) c(int = E.norm(integ, ...), form= psiF@Erho()) / rhoInf } ## Print & Check the result of aeff.P() or bp.P() chkP <- function(rp, tol = 1e-9) { print(rp) ae <- all.equal(rp[[1]], rp[[2]], tolerance=tol) if(isTRUE(ae)) invisible(rp) else stop(ae) } chkP(aeff.P(huberPsi)) chkP(aeff.P(huberPsi, k = 1.5)) chkP(aeff.P(huberPsi, k = 2)) chkP(aeff.P(huberPsi, k = 2.5)) chkP(aeff.P(hampelPsi)) chkP(aeff.P(hampelPsi, k = c(1.5, 3, 8))) chkP(aeff.P(hampelPsi, k = c(2, 4, 8), tol=1e-10),# fails with tol=1e-11 tol = 1e-4) ## Now works too: chkP(bp.P(hampelPsi)) chkP(bp.P(hampelPsi, k = c(1.5, 3, 8))) chkP(bp.P(hampelPsi, k = c(2, 4, 8))) ## test derivatives (adapted from ./lmrob-psifns.R) head(x. <- seq(-5, 10, length=1501)) ## [separate lines, for interactive "play": ] stopifnot(chkPsiDeriv(plot(huberPsi, x.))) ## ToDo: improve accuracy of derivative check stopifnot(chkPsiDeriv(plot(hampelPsi, x.), tol=c(1e-4, 1e-1)))