R Under development (unstable) (2023-06-22 r84597 ucrt) -- "Unsuffered Consequences" Copyright (C) 2023 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 R is free software and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. You are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions. Type 'license()' or 'licence()' for distribution details. R is a collaborative project with many contributors. Type 'contributors()' for more information and 'citation()' on how to cite R or R packages in publications. Type 'demo()' for some demos, 'help()' for on-line help, or 'help.start()' for an HTML browser interface to help. Type 'q()' to quit R. > library(robust) Loading required package: fit.models > > sessionInfo() R Under development (unstable) (2023-06-22 r84597 ucrt) Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 Running under: Windows Server 2022 x64 (build 20348) Matrix products: default locale: [1] LC_COLLATE=C LC_CTYPE=German_Germany.utf8 [3] LC_MONETARY=C LC_NUMERIC=C [5] LC_TIME=C time zone: Europe/Berlin tzcode source: internal attached base packages: [1] stats graphics grDevices utils datasets methods base other attached packages: [1] robust_0.7-2 fit.models_0.64 loaded via a namespace (and not attached): [1] DEoptimR_1.0-14 rrcov_1.7-3 MASS_7.3-60 compiler_4.4.0 [5] mvtnorm_1.2-2 robustbase_0.99-0 grid_4.4.0 pcaPP_2.0-3 [9] stats4_4.4.0 lattice_0.21-8 > > testTRUEfile <- function(file, srcfile = NULL, verbose = TRUE) { + exps <- parse(file = file, srcfile=srcfile) + if(verbose) cat(length(exps)," expressions :\n") + for(i in seq_along(exps)) { + if(verbose) cat(" ") + if(!isTRUE(eval(exps[[i]], envir = .GlobalEnv))) { + ch.ex <- paste(substr(paste(format(exps[[i]])[-1], + collapse = " ; "), 1, 60), "...") + ## For testing many at once: + warning("*** ", ch.ex," was *not* TRUE", immediate. = TRUE) + ## Once, the tests work + ## stop("*** ", ch.ex," was *not* TRUE") + } + if(verbose) cat(i %% 10) + } + } > > tDir <- system.file("tests_S", package = "robust") > > tstFiles <- list.files(tDir, pattern = "\\.t$") > ## Remove those that are not (yet) available for package 'robust' : > > .not.yet <- c("asymmetric.t", ## robust & MLE Gamma, Weibull, ... + "plots.wblrob.t", ## gammaRob(), weibullRob() not ported + "discrob.t", ## robust discrimn.analysis: discRob() not ported + "princomprob.t", ## princompRob() not ported + "plots.princomprob.t", ## ditto + "plots.aovrob.t", ## aovRob() not ported __ FIXME: use lawson data in lmRob()! + "covm.t", ## loc/scat estimators all come from robustbase/rrcov now + "") > > (tstFiles <- tstFiles[! match(tstFiles, .not.yet, nomatch=0)]) [1] "glmrob.t" "lmrob.t" "plots.covrob.t" "plots.glmrob.t" [5] "plots.lmrob.t" > > for(f in tstFiles) { + cat("Test File", f,": ") + testTRUEfile(file.path(tDir, f), verbose = TRUE) + cat("\n\n") + } Test File glmrob.t : 9 expressions : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Test File lmrob.t : 14 expressions : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 Warning in testTRUEfile(file.path(tDir, f), verbose = TRUE) : *** source(system.file("datasets", "wagner.q", package = "ro ... was *not* TRUE 2 3 4 Test File plots.covrob.t : 28 expressions : 1 2 Error in plot.covfm(fm, which.plots = which.plots, ...) : 'which' must be in 2:4 3 Warning in testTRUEfile(file.path(tDir, f), verbose = TRUE) : *** class(try(plot(temp, which = 2))) != "Error" ; } ... was *not* TRUE 4 Warning in testTRUEfile(file.path(tDir, f), verbose = TRUE) : *** class(try(plot(temp, which = 3))) != "Error" ; } ... was *not* TRUE 5 Error in plot.covfm(fm, which.plots = which.plots, ...) : 'which' must be in 2:4 6 7 8 9 Warning in testTRUEfile(file.path(tDir, f), verbose = TRUE) : *** class(try(plot(temp, which = 1))) != "Error" ; } ... was *not* TRUE 0 Warning in testTRUEfile(file.path(tDir, f), verbose = TRUE) : *** class(try(plot(temp, which = 2))) != "Error" ; } ... was *not* TRUE 1 Warning in testTRUEfile(file.path(tDir, f), verbose = TRUE) : *** class(try(plot(temp, which = 3))) != "Error" ; } ... was *not* TRUE 2 Warning in testTRUEfile(file.path(tDir, f), verbose = TRUE) : *** class(try(plot(temp, which = 4))) != "Error" ; } ... was *not* TRUE 3 Warning in testTRUEfile(file.path(tDir, f), verbose = TRUE) : *** class(try(plot(temp, which = 1:4))) != "Error" ; } ... was *not* TRUE 4 5 6 Warning in testTRUEfile(file.path(tDir, f), verbose = TRUE) : *** class(try(plot(temp, which = 1))) != "Error" ; } ... was *not* TRUE 7 Warning in testTRUEfile(file.path(tDir, f), verbose = TRUE) : *** class(try(plot(temp, which = 2))) != "Error" ; } ... was *not* TRUE 8 Warning in testTRUEfile(file.path(tDir, f), verbose = TRUE) : *** class(try(plot(temp, which = 4))) != "Error" ; } ... was *not* TRUE 9 Warning in testTRUEfile(file.path(tDir, f), verbose = TRUE) : *** class(try(plot(temp, which = c(1, 2, 4)))) != "Error" ; ... was *not* TRUE 0 1 2 Warning in testTRUEfile(file.path(tDir, f), verbose = TRUE) : *** class(try(plot(temp, which = 1))) != "Error" ; } ... was *not* TRUE 3 Warning in testTRUEfile(file.path(tDir, f), verbose = TRUE) : *** class(try(plot(temp, which = 2))) != "Error" ; } ... was *not* TRUE 4 Warning in testTRUEfile(file.path(tDir, f), verbose = TRUE) : *** class(try(plot(temp, which = 4))) != "Error" ; } ... was *not* TRUE 5 Warning in testTRUEfile(file.path(tDir, f), verbose = TRUE) : *** class(try(plot(temp, which = c(1, 2, 4)))) != "Error" ; ... was *not* TRUE 6 7 8 Test File plots.glmrob.t : 18 expressions : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Warning in testTRUEfile(file.path(tDir, f), verbose = TRUE) : *** class(try(plot(temp, which = "all"))) != "try-error" ; } ... was *not* TRUE 9 0 Calls: Robust: glmRob(formula = glmRob.formula, family = "poisson", data = breslow.dat) Deviance Residuals: Min 1Q Median 3Q Max Robust: -54.31 -1.487 0.04103 0.8795 8.925 Coefficients: Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|) (Intercept): Robust: 1.83516 0.28542 6.430 1.28e-10 *** Age10: Robust: 0.12081 0.07495 1.612 0.1070 Base4: Robust: 0.13915 0.03541 3.930 8.50e-05 *** Trtprogabide: Robust: -0.39277 0.22101 -1.777 0.0756 . Base4:Trtprogabide: Robust: 0.02182 0.04003 0.545 0.5857 --- Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1 Null deviance: Robust: 11983 on NULL degrees of freedom Residual deviance: Robust: 3888 on 54 degrees of freedom 1 2 Warning in testTRUEfile(file.path(tDir, f), verbose = TRUE) : *** class(try(plot(temp, which = "all"))) != "Error" ; } ... was *not* TRUE 3 4 5 6 Warning in testTRUEfile(file.path(tDir, f), verbose = TRUE) : *** class(try(plot(temp, which = "all"))) != "Error" ; } ... was *not* TRUE 7 8 Test File plots.lmrob.t : 50 expressions : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 Warning in testTRUEfile(file.path(tDir, f), verbose = TRUE) : *** class(try(plot(temp, which = 1))) != "Error" ; } ... was *not* TRUE 5 Warning in testTRUEfile(file.path(tDir, f), verbose = TRUE) : *** class(try(plot(temp, which = 2))) != "Error" ; } ... was *not* TRUE 6 Warning in testTRUEfile(file.path(tDir, f), verbose = TRUE) : *** class(try(plot(temp, which = 3))) != "Error" ; } ... was *not* TRUE 7 Warning in testTRUEfile(file.path(tDir, f), verbose = TRUE) : *** class(try(plot(temp, which = 4))) != "Error" ; } ... was *not* TRUE 8 Warning in testTRUEfile(file.path(tDir, f), verbose = TRUE) : *** class(try(plot(temp, which = 5))) != "Error" ; } ... was *not* TRUE 9 Warning in testTRUEfile(file.path(tDir, f), verbose = TRUE) : *** class(try(plot(temp, which = 6))) != "Error" ; } ... was *not* TRUE 0 Warning in testTRUEfile(file.path(tDir, f), verbose = TRUE) : *** class(try(plot(temp, which = 7))) != "Error" ; } ... was *not* TRUE 1 Warning in testTRUEfile(file.path(tDir, f), verbose = TRUE) : *** class(try(plot(temp, which = 8))) != "Error" ; } ... was *not* TRUE 2 Warning in testTRUEfile(file.path(tDir, f), verbose = TRUE) : *** class(try(plot(temp, which = 9))) != "Error" ; } ... was *not* TRUE 3 Warning in testTRUEfile(file.path(tDir, f), verbose = TRUE) : *** class(try(plot(temp, which = 1:9))) != "Error" ; } ... was *not* TRUE 4 5 6 Warning in testTRUEfile(file.path(tDir, f), verbose = TRUE) : *** class(try(plot(temp, which = 1))) != "Error" ; } ... was *not* TRUE 7 Warning in testTRUEfile(file.path(tDir, f), verbose = TRUE) : *** class(try(plot(temp, which = 2))) != "Error" ; } ... was *not* TRUE 8 Warning in testTRUEfile(file.path(tDir, f), verbose = TRUE) : *** class(try(plot(temp, which = 3))) != "Error" ; } ... was *not* TRUE 9 Warning in testTRUEfile(file.path(tDir, f), verbose = TRUE) : *** class(try(plot(temp, which = 4))) != "Error" ; } ... was *not* TRUE 0 Warning in testTRUEfile(file.path(tDir, f), verbose = TRUE) : *** class(try(plot(temp, which = 5))) != "Error" ; } ... was *not* TRUE 1 Warning in testTRUEfile(file.path(tDir, f), verbose = TRUE) : *** class(try(plot(temp, which = 6))) != "Error" ; } ... was *not* TRUE 2 Warning in testTRUEfile(file.path(tDir, f), verbose = TRUE) : *** class(try(plot(temp, which = 7))) != "Error" ; } ... was *not* TRUE 3 Warning in testTRUEfile(file.path(tDir, f), verbose = TRUE) : *** class(try(plot(temp, which = 8))) != "Error" ; } ... was *not* TRUE 4 Warning in testTRUEfile(file.path(tDir, f), verbose = TRUE) : *** class(try(plot(temp, which = 9))) != "Error" ; } ... was *not* TRUE 5 Warning in testTRUEfile(file.path(tDir, f), verbose = TRUE) : *** class(try(plot(temp, which = 1:9))) != "Error" ; } ... was *not* TRUE 6 7 8 Warning in testTRUEfile(file.path(tDir, f), verbose = TRUE) : *** class(try(plot(temp, which = 1))) != "Error" ; } ... was *not* TRUE 9 Warning in testTRUEfile(file.path(tDir, f), verbose = TRUE) : *** class(try(plot(temp, which = 2))) != "Error" ; } ... was *not* TRUE 0 Warning in testTRUEfile(file.path(tDir, f), verbose = TRUE) : *** class(try(plot(temp, which = 3))) != "Error" ; } ... was *not* TRUE 1 Warning in testTRUEfile(file.path(tDir, f), verbose = TRUE) : *** class(try(plot(temp, which = 4))) != "Error" ; } ... was *not* TRUE 2 Warning in testTRUEfile(file.path(tDir, f), verbose = TRUE) : *** class(try(plot(temp, which = 5))) != "Error" ; } ... was *not* TRUE 3 Warning in testTRUEfile(file.path(tDir, f), verbose = TRUE) : *** class(try(plot(temp, which = 6))) != "Error" ; } ... was *not* TRUE 4 Warning in testTRUEfile(file.path(tDir, f), verbose = TRUE) : *** class(try(plot(temp, which = 7))) != "Error" ; } ... was *not* TRUE 5 Warning in testTRUEfile(file.path(tDir, f), verbose = TRUE) : *** class(try(plot(temp, which = 8))) != "Error" ; } ... was *not* TRUE 6 Warning in testTRUEfile(file.path(tDir, f), verbose = TRUE) : *** class(try(plot(temp, which = 9))) != "Error" ; } ... was *not* TRUE 7 Warning in testTRUEfile(file.path(tDir, f), verbose = TRUE) : *** class(try(plot(temp, which = 1:9))) != "Error" ; } ... was *not* TRUE 8 9 0 > > proc.time() user system elapsed 5.67 0.21 5.89