context("test-seasonal_averages.R") api_unavailable <- function(){ resp1 <- httr::GET(url = "", query = list(format = "json-object", station = 39001,`data-type` = "gdf"), httr::user_agent("")) resp2 <- httr::GET(url = "", query = list(format = "json-object", station = 39001,`data-type` = "cmr"), httr::user_agent("")) # if any of the two streams is not working skip tests (httr::http_error(resp1) | httr::http_error(resp2)) } test_that("seasonal_averages works", { skip_if(api_unavailable(), "API not available") x <- seasonal_averages(timeseries = cmr(18019), season = "Spring") expect_equal(length(x), 2) expect_equal(names(x), c("cmr.Estimate", "cmr.Pr(>|t|)")) x <- seasonal_averages(cmr(18019), season = "Summer") expect_equal(length(x), 2) x <- seasonal_averages(cmr(18019), season = "Autumn") expect_equal(length(x), 2) x <- seasonal_averages(list(cmr(18019), cmr(18019)), season = "Winter") expect_equal(length(x), 2) expect_equal(x[1], x[2]) })