context("") ################################################################## test_that("man build.idgraph", { skip_on_cran() options(java.parameters = "-Xmx4g") require(testthat) require(rJava) require(rmcfs) # create input data adata <- = 10) showme(adata) # Parametrize and run MCFS-ID procedure result <- mcfs(class~., adata, cutoffPermutations = 0, featureFreq = 50, buildID = TRUE, finalCV = FALSE, finalRuleset = FALSE, threadsNumber = 2) # build interdependencies graph for top 6 features # and top 12 interdependencies and plot all nodes gid <- build.idgraph(result, size = 6, size_ID = 12, orphan_nodes = TRUE) plot(gid, label_dist = 1) # Export graph to graphML (XML structure) path <- tempdir() igraph::write_graph(gid, file = file.path(path, "artificial.graphml"), format = "graphml", prefixAttr = FALSE) }) ##################################################################