test_that("toc has correct identifier", { skip_on_cran() # avoid pandoc issue on CRAN skip_if_not_pandoc("2.10.1") # changes in gfm writer break this test for earlier versions tmp_file <- local_rmd_file( c("# 10 Section","","Sentence.","", "# Header","","Sentence ") ) pandoc_version <- if (pandoc_available("3")) { "pandoc-3" } else if (pandoc_available("")) { "after-pandoc-2.18" } else if (pandoc_available("2.18")) { "pandoc-2.18" } else { "before-pandoc-2.18" } res <- render(tmp_file, github_document(toc = TRUE, html_preview = FALSE)) expect_snapshot_file(res, "github-toc.md", compare = compare_file_text, variant = pandoc_version) }) test_that("toc has correct identifier also when sections are numbered ", { skip_on_cran() # avoid pandoc issue on CRAN skip_if_not_pandoc("2.10.1") # changes in gfm writer break this test for earlier versions tmp_file <- local_rmd_file( c("# Section","","Sentence.","", "# Header","","Sentence ") ) pandoc_version <- if (pandoc_available("3")) { "pandoc-3" } else if (pandoc_available("")) { "after-pandoc-2.18" } else if (pandoc_available("2.18")) { "pandoc-2.18" } else { "before-pandoc-2.18" } res <- render(tmp_file, github_document(toc = TRUE, number_sections = TRUE, html_preview = FALSE)) expect_snapshot_file(res, "github-toc-numbered.md", compare = compare_file_text, variant = pandoc_version) }) test_that("github_document produces atx-header", { skip_on_cran() # avoid pandoc issue on CRAN h <- paste0(Reduce(paste0, rep("#", 5), accumulate = TRUE), " title ", 1:5, "\n\n") tmp_file <- local_rmd_file(h) res <- render(tmp_file, github_document(html_preview = FALSE)) expect_snapshot_file(res, "github-atx.md", compare = compare_file_text) }) test_that("github_document supports native math", { skip_on_cran() skip_if_not_pandoc("2.10.1") tmp_file <- local_rmd_file(c( "**The Cauchy-Schwarz Inequality**", "$$\\sum_{k=1}^n$$", "", "This sentence uses `$` delimiters to show math inline: $\\sqrt{3x-1}+(1+x)^2$" )) res <- .render_and_read(tmp_file, output_format = github_document(html_preview = FALSE)) expect_match(res, "$$\\sum_{k=1}^n$$", fixed = TRUE, all = FALSE) expect_match(res, "$\\sqrt{3x-1}+(1+x)^2$", fixed = TRUE, all = FALSE) }) test_that("github_document supports math with webtex", { skip_on_cran() skip_if_not_pandoc("2.0.4") skip_if_offline("latex.codecogs.com") tmp_file <- local_rmd_file(c( "**The Cauchy-Schwarz Inequality**", "$$\\sum_{k=1}^n$$", "", "This sentence uses `$` delimiters to show math inline: $\\sqrt{3x-1}+(1+x)^2$" )) res <- .render_and_read(tmp_file, output_format = github_document(html_preview = FALSE, math_method = "webtex")) expect_match(res, "^!\\[.*][(]https://latex[.]codecogs[.]com", all = FALSE) }) test_that("github_document uses webtex as default for pandoc before 2.10.1", { skip_on_cran() skip_if_pandoc("2.10.1") skip_if_not_pandoc("2.0.4") skip_if_offline("latex.codecogs.com") tmp_file <- local_rmd_file(c( "**The Cauchy-Schwarz Inequality**", "$$\\sum_{k=1}^n$$", "", "This sentence uses `$` delimiters to show math inline: $\\sqrt{3x-1}+(1+x)^2$" )) res <- .render_and_read(tmp_file, output_format = github_document(html_preview = FALSE, math_method = "default")) expect_match(res, "^!\\[.*][(]https://latex[.]codecogs[.]com", all = FALSE) })