## Tests for object creation and preprocessing data("pbmc", package = "rliger") rawDataList <- getMatrix(pbmc, "rawData") withNewH5Copy <- function(fun) { ctrlpath.orig <- system.file("extdata/ctrl.h5", package = "rliger") stimpath.orig <- system.file("extdata/stim.h5", package = "rliger") if (!file.exists(ctrlpath.orig)) stop("Cannot find original h5 file at: ", ctrlpath.orig) # if (file.exists("ctrltest.h5")) file.remove("ctrltest.h5") # if (file.exists("stimtest.h5")) file.remove("stimtest.h5") # pwd <- getwd() # # Temp setting for GitHub Actions # fsep <- ifelse(Sys.info()["sysname"] == "Windows", "\\", "/") # if (Sys.info()["sysname"] == "Windows") { # pwd <- file.path("C:\\Users", Sys.info()["user"], "Documents", fsep = fsep) # } # ctrlpath <- file.path(pwd, "ctrltest.h5", fsep = fsep) # stimpath <- file.path(pwd, "stimtest.h5", fsep = fsep) ctrlpath <- tempfile(pattern = "ctrltest_", fileext = ".h5") stimpath <- tempfile(pattern = "stimtest_", fileext = ".h5") cat("Working ctrl H5 file path: ", ctrlpath, "\n") cat("Working stim H5 file path: ", stimpath, "\n") file.copy(ctrlpath.orig, ctrlpath, copy.mode = TRUE) file.copy(stimpath.orig, stimpath, copy.mode = TRUE) if (!file.exists(ctrlpath)) stop("Cannot find copied h5 file at: ", ctrlpath) if (!file.exists(stimpath)) stop("Cannot find copied h5 file at: ", stimpath) fun(list(ctrl = ctrlpath, stim = stimpath)) if (file.exists(ctrlpath)) unlink(ctrlpath) if (file.exists(stimpath)) unlink(stimpath) } closeH5Liger <- function(object) { for (d in names(object)) { if (isH5Liger(object, d)) { h5file <- getH5File(object, d) h5file$close() } } } process <- function(object) { object <- normalize(object) object <- selectGenes(object) object <- scaleNotCenter(object) object <- online_iNMF(object, k = 20, miniBatch_size = 100) object <- quantileNorm(object) object <- runUMAP(object) } ### IMPORTANT DEVELOPER NOTICE below %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% # When writing H5 related unit tests, please follow this template: test_that(" - on-disk", { withNewH5Copy( function(rawList, arg1, arg2) { pbmc <- createLiger(rawList) #%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% # Then whatever test with pbmc. For example: expect_true(isH5Liger(pbmc)) #%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% # And must close with: closeH5Liger(pbmc) } ) }) ### IMPORTANT DEVELOPER NOTICE above %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% #%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% # Tests for data merging #%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% test_that("Merged sparse matrix", { # create fake datasets dataset1 <- as(matrix(0, nrow = 6, ncol = 5), 'CsparseMatrix') dataset1[c(1, 5, 14, 18, 21, 28)] <- 1:6 rownames(dataset1) <- paste0('gene', 11:16) colnames(dataset1) <- paste0('cell', 1:5) dataset2 <- as(matrix(0, nrow = 6, ncol = 6), 'CsparseMatrix') dataset2[c(3, 8, 12, 14, 20, 21, 35)] <- 1:7 rownames(dataset2) <- c(paste0('gene', 11:13), paste0('gene', 7:9)) colnames(dataset2) <- paste0('cell', 6:11) merged <- mergeSparseAll(list(dataset1, dataset2)) expect_equal(unname(merged[, 'cell2']), rep(0, 9)) expect_equal(unname(merged[, 'cell7']), c(0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3)) expect_equal(unname(merged['gene12', ]), c(0, 0, 3, 0, 0, 0, 2, 4, 5, 0, 0)) expect_equal(unname(merged['gene7', ]), rep(0, 11)) expect_equal(merged['gene13', 'cell9'], 6) expect_equal(merged['gene14', 'cell5'], 6) }) #%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% # Normalization #%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% context("QC") test_that("QC", { pbmc <- normalize(pbmc) expect_warning(getProportionMito(pbmc)) metric <- getProportionMito(pbmc, use.norm = TRUE) pbmc <- removeMissing(pbmc, orient = "feature") expect_equal(ncol(pbmc), 600) skip_if_not_installed("DoubletFinder") skip_if_not_installed("fields") pbmc.df1 <- runDoubletFinder(pbmc) expect_is(pbmc.df1$DoubletFinder_classification, "character") expect_is(pbmc.df1$DoubletFinder_pANN, "numeric") pbmc.df2 <- runDoubletFinder(pbmc, nExp = 0.1) expect_false(identical(pbmc.df1$DoubletFinder_classification, pbmc.df2$DoubletFinder_classification)) }) context("normalization") test_that("Normalization - in-memory", { pbmc2 <- normalize(pbmc, log = TRUE, scaleFactor = 1e4) ctrl.norm <- normData(dataset(pbmc2, "ctrl")) expect_gt(sum(ctrl.norm[,1]), 345) pbmc <- normalize(pbmc, scaleFactor = 1) expect_identical(dim(rawData(dataset(pbmc, "ctrl"))), dim(normData(dataset(pbmc, "ctrl")))) expect_identical(dim(rawData(dataset(pbmc, "stim"))), dim(normData(dataset(pbmc, "stim")))) ld <- dataset(pbmc, "ctrl") for (i in seq_len(ncol(ld))) { expect_equal(sum(normData(ld)[, i]), 1, tolerance = 1e-6) } ld <- dataset(pbmc, "stim") for (i in seq_len(ncol(ld))) { expect_equal(sum(normData(ld)[, i]), 1, tolerance = 1e-6) } # For atac peak normalization fakePeak <- rawData(ld) ld <- as.ligerDataset(ld, modal = "atac") rawPeak(ld) <- fakePeak datasets(pbmc)[["stim"]] <- ld pbmc <- normalizePeak(pbmc, useDatasets = "stim") expect_identical(dim(rawPeak(dataset(pbmc, "stim"))), dim(normPeak(dataset(pbmc, "stim")))) ld <- dataset(pbmc, "stim") for (i in seq_len(ncol(ld))) { expect_equal(sum(normPeak(ld)[, i]), 1, tolerance = 1e-6) } expect_message(fakeNorm <- normalize(fakePeak, scaleFactor = -1), "Invalid `scaleFactor` given") expect_true(all.equal(colSums(fakeNorm), setNames(rep(1, ncol(fakeNorm)), colnames(fakeNorm)))) # Seurat method skip_if_not_installed("Seurat") skip_if_not_installed("SeuratObject") seu <- ligerToSeurat(pbmc, assay = "RNA") expect_no_error(normalize(seu)) }) test_that("Normalize - on disk", { withNewH5Copy( function(rawList) { pbmc <- createLiger(rawList, formatType = "10X") pbmc1 <- normalize(pbmc, chunk = 100, log = TRUE, scaleFactor = 1e4) expect_is(normData(dataset(pbmc1, "ctrl")), "H5D") expect_is(normData(dataset(pbmc1, "stim")), "H5D") expect_equal(normData(dataset(pbmc1, "ctrl"))$dims, rawData(dataset(pbmc1, "ctrl"))$dims) expect_equal(normData(dataset(pbmc1, "stim"))$dims, rawData(dataset(pbmc1, "stim"))$dims) closeH5Liger(pbmc) } ) }) #%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% # Variable gene selection #%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% context("Select variable genes") test_that("selectGenes", { pbmc <- normalize(pbmc, useDatasets = 1) expect_error(selectGenes(pbmc, thresh = 0.1), "Normalized data not available") pbmc <- normalize(pbmc, useDatasets = 2) pbmc <- selectGenes(pbmc, useUnsharedDatasets = 1:2, unsharedThresh = 0) expect_identical(dataset(pbmc, "ctrl")@varUnsharedFeatures, character()) expect_identical(dataset(pbmc, "ctrl")@varUnsharedFeatures, character()) pbmc <- selectGenes(pbmc, combine = "inters") expect_equal(length(varFeatures(pbmc)), 161) expect_message(selectGenes(pbmc, thresh = 3), "No genes were selected.") pbmc <- selectGenes(pbmc) expect_equal(length(varFeatures(pbmc)), 173) glist <- plotVarFeatures(pbmc, combinePlot = FALSE) expect_is(glist, "list") expect_is(glist[[1]], "ggplot") g <- plotVarFeatures(pbmc, combinePlot = TRUE) expect_is(g, "ggplot") # Seurat method if (requireNamespace("Seurat", quietly = TRUE) && requireNamespace("SeuratObject", quietly = TRUE)) { seu <- ligerToSeurat(pbmc, assay = "RNA") seu <- normalize(seu) expect_no_error(selectGenes(seu, nGenes = 100)) } pbmc <- selectGenesVST(pbmc, useDataset = "ctrl", n = 50) expect_equal(length(varFeatures(pbmc)), 50) expect_message(pbmc <- selectGenesVST(pbmc, useDataset = "ctrl", n = 300, useShared = FALSE), "Not all variable features passed are found in datasets") expect_equal(length(varFeatures(pbmc)), 266) }) test_that("selectGenes - on disk", { withNewH5Copy( function(rawList) { pbmc <- createLiger(rawList) pbmc <- normalize(pbmc) pbmc <- selectGenes(pbmc) expect_equal(length(varFeatures(pbmc)), 173) closeH5Liger(pbmc) } ) }) #%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% # Scaling #%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% context('Gene scaling (no centering)') test_that("scaleNotCenter - in-memory", { expect_error(scaleNotCenter(pbmc), "No variable feature") pbmc <- normalize(pbmc) pbmc <- selectGenes(pbmc) pbmc <- scaleNotCenter(pbmc) expect_equal(length(varFeatures(pbmc)), nrow(scaleData(pbmc, 1))) expect_equal(length(varFeatures(pbmc)), nrow(scaleData(pbmc, 2))) # Add false unshared features in order to cover the code that scales the # unshared features pbmc@datasets$ctrl@varUnsharedFeatures <- varFeatures(pbmc)[1:5] pbmc <- scaleNotCenter(pbmc) expect_equal(nrow(scaleUnsharedData(pbmc, "ctrl")), 5) expect_null(scaleUnsharedData(pbmc, "stim")) expect_equal(scaleData(pbmc, "ctrl")[3, 5], 0.4693316, tolerance = 1e-6) expect_equal(scaleData(pbmc, "stim")[7, 9], 2.360295, tolerance = 1e-6) # DNA Methylation data cases ctrl.meth <- as.ligerDataset(dataset(pbmc, "ctrl"), modal = "meth") ctrl.meth <- normalize(ctrl.meth) ctrl.meth <- scaleNotCenter(ctrl.meth, features = varFeatures(pbmc)) expect_equal(sum(scaleData(ctrl.meth) == 1116), 26246) pbmc.rev <- reverseMethData(pbmc, useDatasets = "ctrl") expect_true(identical(scaleData(ctrl.meth), scaleData(pbmc.rev, "ctrl"))) skip_if_not_installed("Seurat") skip_if_not_installed("SeuratObject") seu <- ligerToSeurat(pbmc, assay = "RNA") seu <- normalize(seu) seu <- selectGenes(seu, datasetVar = "orig.ident") expect_no_error(scaleNotCenter(seu)) }) test_that("scaleNotCenter - on-disk", { withNewH5Copy( function(rawList) { pbmc <- createLiger(rawList) pbmc <- normalize(pbmc) pbmc <- selectGenes(pbmc) # Add false unshared features in order to cover the code that scales the # unshared features pbmc@datasets$ctrl@varUnsharedFeatures <- varFeatures(pbmc)[1:5] pbmc <- scaleNotCenter(pbmc) expect_is(scaleData(pbmc, "ctrl"), "H5Group") expect_is(scaleData(pbmc, "stim"), "H5Group") } ) })