has_RcppPlanc <- requireNamespace("RcppPlanc", quietly = TRUE) data("pbmc", package = "rliger") withNewH5Copy <- function(fun) { ctrlpath.orig <- system.file("extdata/ctrl.h5", package = "rliger") stimpath.orig <- system.file("extdata/stim.h5", package = "rliger") if (!file.exists(ctrlpath.orig)) stop("Cannot find original h5 file at: ", ctrlpath.orig) if (file.exists("ctrltest.h5")) file.remove("ctrltest.h5") if (file.exists("stimtest.h5")) file.remove("stimtest.h5") pwd <- tempdir() fsep <- ifelse(Sys.info()["sysname"] == "Windows", "\\", "/") ctrlpath <- file.path(pwd, "ctrltest.h5", fsep = fsep) stimpath <- file.path(pwd, "stimtest.h5", fsep = fsep) cat("Working ctrl H5 file path: ", ctrlpath, "\n") cat("Working stim H5 file path: ", stimpath, "\n") file.copy(ctrlpath.orig, ctrlpath, copy.mode = TRUE) file.copy(stimpath.orig, stimpath, copy.mode = TRUE) if (!file.exists(ctrlpath)) stop("Cannot find copied h5 file at: ", ctrlpath) fun(list(ctrl = ctrlpath, stim = stimpath)) if (file.exists(ctrlpath)) unlink(ctrlpath) if (file.exists(stimpath)) unlink(stimpath) } closeH5Liger <- function(object) { for (d in names(object)) { if (isH5Liger(object, d)) { h5file <- getH5File(object, d) h5file$close() } } } process <- function(object) { object <- normalize(object) object <- selectGenes(object) object <- scaleNotCenter(object) object <- runOnlineINMF(object, k = 20, minibatchSize = 100) object <- quantileNorm(object) object <- runUMAP(object) } #%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% # liger object creation #%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% context("subset liger object") test_that("subsetLiger", { expect_message(a <- subsetLiger("a"), "`object` is not a ") expect_identical(a, "a") skip_if_not(has_RcppPlanc) pbmc <- process(pbmc) expect_error(subsetLiger(pbmc, featureIdx = 1:3), "Feature subscription from a") expect_error( expect_warning(subsetLiger(pbmc, featureIdx = c("fakeGene1", "fakeGene2")), "2 out of 2 given features were not found"), "No feature can be retrieved" ) expect_is(retrieveCellFeature(pbmcPlot, 1, slot = "H"), "data.frame") }) context("subset ligerDataset object") test_that("subsetH5LigerDataset", { skip_if_not(has_RcppPlanc) withNewH5Copy( function(rawList, arg1, arg2) { pbmcH5 <- createLiger(rawList) #%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% # Then whatever test with pbmc. For example: pbmcH5 <- process(pbmcH5) ctrl <- dataset(pbmcH5, "ctrl") ctrlSmall <- subsetLiger(ctrl, featureIdx = 1:10, cellIdx = 1:10, newH5 = FALSE) expect_false(isH5Liger(ctrlSmall)) path <- dirname(h5fileInfo(ctrl, "filename")) newName <- file.path(path, "ctrltest.h5.small.h5") expect_message( subsetLigerDataset(ctrl, featureIdx = 1:10, cellIdx = 1:10, newH5 = TRUE, filename = newName, returnObject = FALSE), "Cannot set `returnObject = FALSE`" ) expect_true(file.exists(newName)) unlink(newName) expect_message( rliger:::subsetH5LigerDatasetToMem(letters), "`object` is not a " ) expect_message( rliger:::subsetH5LigerDatasetToMem(dataset(pbmc, "ctrl")), "`object` is not HDF5 based." ) valueList <- rliger:::subsetH5LigerDatasetToMem( ctrl, 1:20, 1:20, returnObject = FALSE ) expect_is(valueList, "list") expect_message( rliger:::subsetH5LigerDatasetToH5(letters), "`object` is not a" ) expect_message( rliger:::subsetH5LigerDatasetToH5(dataset(pbmc, "ctrl")), "`object` is not HDF5 based." ) expect_no_error( subsetH5LigerDataset(ctrl, 1:20, 1:20) ) ctrlSmallH5 <- rliger:::subsetH5LigerDataset( ctrl, 1:20, 1:20, filenameSuffix = "small2" ) newPath <- file.path(path, "ctrltest.h5.small2.h5") expect_true(file.exists(newPath)) unlink(newPath) expect_no_error( rliger:::subsetH5LigerDataset(ctrl, 1:20, 1:20, newH5 = TRUE, useSlot = "normData", filenameSuffix = "small3") ) newPath <- file.path(path, "ctrltest.h5.small3.h5") expect_true(file.exists(newPath)) unlink(newPath) expect_no_error( subsetH5LigerDataset(ctrl, 1:20, 1:20, useSlot = "scaleData") ) #%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% # And must close with: closeH5Liger(pbmcH5) } ) }) unlink(grep("ctrltest", list.files(), value = TRUE)) unlink(grep("stimtest", list.files(), value = TRUE))