local_options( rlang_trace_use_winch = FALSE ) # These tests must come first because print method includes srcrefs test_that("tree printing only changes deliberately", { # Because of srcrefs skip_on_cran() skip_if_not_installed("testthat", "2.99.0") local_options( rlang_trace_format_srcrefs = TRUE ) dir <- normalizePath(test_path("..")) e <- environment() i <- function(i) j(i) j <- function(i) { k(i) } k <- function(i) { NULL l(i) } l <- function(i) trace_back(e) trace <- i() expect_snapshot({ print(trace, dir = dir) cat("\n") print(trace_slice(trace, 0L), dir = dir) }) }) test_that("can print tree with collapsed branches", { # Because of srcrefs skip_on_cran() skip_if_not_installed("testthat", "2.99.0") # Fake eval() call does not have same signature on old R skip_if(getRversion() < "3.4") local_options( rlang_trace_format_srcrefs = TRUE ) dir <- normalizePath(test_path("..")) e <- environment() f <- function() { g() } g <- function() { tryCatch(h(), foo = identity, bar = identity) } h <- function() { tryCatch(i(), baz = identity) } i <- function() { tryCatch(trace_back(e, bottom = 0)) } trace <- eval(quote(f())) expect_snapshot_trace(trace, dir = dir, srcrefs = TRUE ) # With multiple siblings f <- function() eval(quote(eval(quote(g())))) g <- function() tryCatch(eval(quote(h())), foo = identity, bar = identity) h <- function() trace_back(e) trace <- eval(quote(f())) expect_snapshot_trace(trace, dir = dir, srcrefs = TRUE ) }) test_that("trace_simplify_branch() extracts last branch", { e <- environment() j <- function(i) k(i) k <- function(i) l(i) l <- function(i) eval(quote(m()), parent.frame(i)) m <- function() trace_back(e) x1 <- j(1) expect_equal(sum(x1$visible), 6) expect_equal(sum(trace_simplify_branch(x1)$visible), 3) x2 <- j(2) expect_equal(sum(x2$visible), 6) expect_equal(sum(trace_simplify_branch(x2)$visible), 2) x3 <- j(3) expect_equal(sum(x3$visible), 1) expect_equal(sum(trace_simplify_branch(x3)$visible), 1) }) test_that("integerish indices are allowed", { trace <- trace_back() expect_identical(trace_slice(trace, 0), trace_slice(trace, 0L)) }) test_that("cli_branch() handles edge case", { e <- environment() f <- function() trace_back(e) trace <- f() tree <- trace_as_tree(trace, srcrefs = FALSE) expect_snapshot(cli_branch(tree[-1, ])) }) test_that("trace formatting picks up `rlang_trace_format_srcrefs`", { e <- environment() f <- function() trace_back(e) trace <- f() with_options( rlang_trace_format_srcrefs = FALSE, expect_false(any(grepl("testthat", format(trace)))) ) with_options( rlang_trace_format_srcrefs = TRUE, expect_true(any(!!grepl("test-trace\\.R", format(trace)))) ) }) test_that("trace picks up option `rlang_trace_top_env` for trimming trace", { e <- current_env() f1 <- function() trace_back() f2 <- function() trace_back(e) with_options(rlang_trace_top_env = current_env(), expect_identical(trace_length(f1()), trace_length(f2())) ) }) # This test used to be about `simplify = "collapse"` test_that("collapsed formatting doesn't collapse single frame siblings", { e <- current_env() f <- function() eval_bare(quote(g())) g <- function() trace_back(e) trace <- f() expect_snapshot({ print(trace, simplify = "none", drop = TRUE, srcrefs = FALSE) print(trace, simplify = "none", drop = FALSE, srcrefs = FALSE) }) }) test_that("recursive frames are rewired to the global env", { dir <- normalizePath(test_path("..")) e <- environment() f <- function() g() g <- function() trace_back(e) trace <- eval_tidy(quo(f())) expect_snapshot_trace(trace) }) test_that("long backtrace branches are truncated", { e <- current_env() f <- function(n) { if (n) { return(f(n - 1)) } trace_back(e) } trace <- f(10) expect_snapshot({ cat("Full:\n") print(trace, simplify = "branch", srcrefs = FALSE) cat("\n5 frames:\n") print(trace, simplify = "branch", max_frames = 5, srcrefs = FALSE) cat("\n2 frames:\n") print(trace, simplify = "branch", max_frames = 2, srcrefs = FALSE) cat("\n1 frame:\n") print(trace, simplify = "branch", max_frames = 1, srcrefs = FALSE) }) expect_error(print(trace, simplify = "none", max_frames = 5), "currently only supported with") }) test_that("eval() frames are collapsed", { # Fake eval() call does not have same signature on old R skip_if(getRversion() < "3.4") e <- current_env() f <- function() base::eval(quote(g())) g <- function() eval(quote(trace_back(e, bottom = 0))) trace <- f() expect_snapshot_trace(trace) f <- function() base::evalq(g()) g <- function() evalq(trace_back(e, bottom = 0)) trace <- f() expect_snapshot_trace(trace) }) test_that("children of collapsed frames are rechained to correct parent", { # Fake eval() call does not have same signature on old R skip_if(getRversion() < "3.4") e <- current_env() f <- function() eval(quote(g()), env()) g <- function() trace_back(e) trace <- f() expect_snapshot({ cat("Full + drop:\n") print(trace, simplify = "none", drop = TRUE, srcrefs = FALSE) cat("Full - drop:\n") print(trace, simplify = "none", drop = FALSE, srcrefs = FALSE) cat("\nBranch:\n") print(trace, simplify = "branch", srcrefs = FALSE) }) }) test_that("combinations of incomplete and leading pipes collapse properly", { skip_if_not_installed("magrittr", "") skip_on_cran() # Fake eval() call does not have same signature on old R skip_if(getRversion() < "3.4") `%>%` <- magrittr::`%>%` e <- current_env() F <- function(x, ...) x T <- function(x) trace_back(e) trace <- NA %>% F() %>% T() %>% F() %>% F() expect_snapshot_trace(trace) trace <- T(NA) %>% F() expect_snapshot_trace(trace) trace <- F(NA) %>% F() %>% T() %>% F() %>% F() expect_snapshot_trace(trace) trace <- NA %>% T() expect_snapshot_trace(trace) trace <- NA %>% F() %>% T() expect_snapshot_trace(trace) trace <- F(NA) %>% T() expect_snapshot_trace(trace) trace <- F(NA) %>% F() %>% T() expect_snapshot_trace(trace) }) test_that("calls before and after pipe are preserved", { skip_if_not_installed("magrittr", "") skip_on_cran() # Fake eval() call does not have same signature on old R skip_if(getRversion() < "3.4") `%>%` <- magrittr::`%>%` e <- current_env() F <- function(x, ...) x T <- function(x) trace_back(e) C <- function(x) f() f <- function() trace_back(e) trace <- F(NA %>% T()) expect_snapshot_trace(trace) trace <- NA %>% C() expect_snapshot_trace(trace) trace <- F(NA %>% C()) expect_snapshot_trace(trace) }) test_that("always keep very first frame as part of backtrace branch", { # Fake eval() call does not have same signature on old R skip_if(getRversion() < "3.4") e <- current_env() gen <- function(x) UseMethod("gen") gen.default <- function(x) trace_back(e) trace <- gen() expect_snapshot_trace(trace) }) test_that("can take the str() of a trace (#615)", { e <- current_env() f <- function(n) if (n < 10) f(n - 1) else trace_back(e) expect_output(expect_no_error(str(f(10)))) }) test_that("anonymous calls are stripped from backtraces", { e <- current_env() trace <- (function() { "foo" "bar" trace_back(e) })() expect_identical(format(trace, simplify = "branch"), chr()) expect_snapshot_trace(trace) }) test_that("collapsing of eval() frames detects when error occurs within eval()", { e <- NULL trace <- NULL fn <- function() { local_options( rlang_trace_format_srcrefs = FALSE ) e <<- current_env() eval() } catch_cnd(withCallingHandlers( fn(), error = function(err) trace <<- trace_back(e) )) expect_snapshot_trace(trace) }) test_that("can print degenerate backtraces", { trace_sym <- new_trace(list(quote(foo)), int(0)) expect_snapshot_trace(trace_sym) trace_null <- new_trace(list(NULL), int(0)) expect_snapshot_trace(trace_null) trace_scalar <- new_trace(list(1L), int(0)) expect_snapshot_trace(trace_scalar) }) test_that("check for dangling promise in call CAR (#492)", { expect_snapshot_trace(local({ e <- current_env() print.foo <- function(x) { rlang::trace_back(e) } foo <- structure(list(), class = "foo") print(foo) })) }) test_that("dangling srcrefs are not printed", { from <- test_path("fixtures", "trace-srcref.R") to <- test_path("fixtures", "trace-srcref2.R") file.copy(from, to) on.exit(unlink(to)) source(to, local = TRUE, keep.source = TRUE) unlink(to) expect_snapshot_trace( local(f(current_env())), srcrefs = TRUE ) }) test_that("summary.rlang_trace() prints the full tree", { e <- current_env() f <- function() g() g <- function() h() h <- function() trace_back(e) trace <- f() expect_snapshot(summary(trace, srcrefs = FALSE)) }) test_that("unexported functions have `:::` prefix", { expect_true(TRUE) return("no longer using the rlanglibtest") # Should be installed as part of the C API tests skip_if_not_installed("rlanglibtest") test_trace_unexported_child <- env_get(ns_env("rlanglibtest"), "test_trace_unexported_child") e <- current_env() f <- function() test_trace_unexported_child(e) trace <- f() expect_snapshot_trace(trace) }) test_that("global functions have `global::` prefix", { f <- eval_bare(expr(function(e) rlang::trace_back(e)), global_env()) g <- function(e) f(e) trace <- g(current_env()) expect_snapshot_trace(trace) }) test_that("local functions inheriting from global do not have `global::` prefix", { f <- eval_bare(expr(function(e) rlang::trace_back(e)), env(global_env())) g <- function(e) f(e) trace <- g(current_env()) expect_snapshot_trace(trace) }) test_that("can trim layers of backtraces", { e <- current_env() f <- function(n) identity(identity(g(n))) g <- function(n) identity(identity(h(n))) h <- function(n) identity(identity(trace_back(e, bottom = n))) trace0 <- f(0) trace1 <- f(1) trace2 <- f(2) trace3 <- f(3) expect_snapshot({ local_options(rlang_trace_format_srcrefs = FALSE) cat_line("No trimming:") summary(trace0) cat_line("", "", "One layer (the default):") summary(trace1) cat_line("", "", "Two layers:") summary(trace2) cat_line("", "", "Three layers:") summary(trace3) }) # Test that trimming with frame environment is equivalent e <- current_env() f <- function(n) identity(identity(g(n))) g <- function(n) identity(identity(h(n))) h <- function(n) identity(identity(trace_back(e, bottom = caller_env(n - 1L)))) trace1_env <- f(1) trace2_env <- f(2) trace3_env <- f(3) expect_equal_trace(trace1, trace1_env) expect_equal_trace(trace2, trace2_env) expect_equal_trace(trace3, trace3_env) }) test_that("fails when `bottom` is not on the stack", { expect_error(trace_back(bottom = env()), "Can't find `bottom`") }) test_that("caught error does not display backtrace in knitted files", { skip_if_not_installed("knitr") skip_if_not_installed("rmarkdown") skip_if(!rmarkdown::pandoc_available()) local_options( rlang_backtrace_on_error = NULL, rlang_backtrace_on_error_report = NULL, rlang_interactive = FALSE ) lines <- render_md("test-trace.Rmd") error_line <- lines[[length(lines)]] expect_match(error_line, "foo$") expect_snapshot({ cat_line(render_md("test-trace-full.Rmd")) }) }) test_that("empty backtraces are dealt with", { foo <- NULL local({ env <- new.env() local_options(rlang_trace_top_env = env) tryCatch( error = identity, withCallingHandlers( error = function(cnd) foo <<- cnd_entrace(cnd), eval(quote(stop("stop")), env) ) ) }) expect_identical(trace_length(foo$trace), 0L) }) test_that("can trace back with quosured symbol", { e <- current_env() f <- function(foo = g()) { # This will create a call in the call stack that isn't really a call quo <- quo(foo) # Quosure must be nested otherwise `eval_tidy()` unwraps it eval_tidy(expr(identity(!!quo))) } g <- function() trace_back(e) # FIXME: Weird trace structure trace <- f() expect_s3_class(trace, "rlang_trace") }) test_that("can slice backtrace", { trace <- new_trace(alist(a(), b(), c()), 0:2) expect_identical( trace_slice(trace, 2:3), new_trace(alist(b(), c()), 0:1) ) exp <- new_trace(alist(a(), c()), c(0L, 0L)) expect_identical( trace_slice(trace, c(1, 3)), exp ) expect_identical( trace_slice(trace, -2), exp ) }) test_that("backtraces carry `version` attribute", { expect_identical(attr(trace_back(), "version"), 2L) }) test_that("can bind backtraces", { trace1 <- new_trace(alist(a(), b(), c()), 0:2) expect_equal(trace_bind(), new_trace(list(), int())) expect_equal(trace_bind(trace1), trace1) trace2 <- new_trace(alist(foo(), bar(), baz()), c(0L, 1L, 1L)) out <- trace_bind(trace1, trace2) expect_equal( out$call, alist(a(), b(), c(), foo(), bar(), baz()) ) expect_equal( out$parent, c(0:3, c(4L, 4L)) ) }) test_that("backtraces don't contain inlined objects (#1069, r-lib/testthat#1223)", { # !! deparsing in older R skip_if_not_installed("base", "3.5.0") local_options( rlang_trace_format_srcrefs = FALSE ) e <- environment() f <- function(...) do.call("g", list(runif(1e6) + 0)) g <- function(...) h() h <- function() trace_back(e) trace <- inject(f(!!list())) expect_snapshot(summary(trace)) expect_lt(object.size(trace$call), 50000) }) test_that("runs of namespaces are embolden (#946)", { local_options( rlang_trace_format_srcrefs = FALSE, rlang_trace_top_env = current_env() ) f <- function() g() g <- function() h() h <- function() identity(1 + "") err <- catch_cnd(withCallingHandlers(f(), error = entrace), "error") testthat::local_reproducible_output(crayon = TRUE) expect_snapshot({ print(err) summary(err) }) }) test_that("`bottom` must be a positive integer", { expect_snapshot((expect_error(trace_back(bottom = -1)))) }) test_that("collapsed case in branch formatting", { trace <- new_trace(alist(f(), g(), h(), evalq(), evalq()), 0:4) expect_snapshot_output(print(trace, simplify = "branch")) }) test_that("can detect namespace and scope from call", { fn <- set_env(function() NULL, empty_env()) expect_equal( call_trace_context(quote(bar()), fn), trace_context() ) expect_equal( call_trace_context(quote(foo::bar()), fn), trace_context("foo", "::") ) expect_equal( call_trace_context(quote(foo:::bar()), fn), trace_context("foo", ":::") ) }) test_that("trailing `FALSE` visibility is handled", { trace <- new_trace( alist(f(), g(), h(), foo(), bar()), parent = 0:4, visible = c(TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE) ) expect_snapshot_trace(trace) }) test_that("can create empty trace with trace_back()", { expect_equal( trace_back(top = environment()), new_trace(list(), int()) ) }) test_that("can format empty traces", { trace <- new_trace(list(), int()) expect_snapshot_trace(trace) }) test_that("backtrace is formatted with sources (#1396)", { file <- tempfile("my_source", fileext = ".R") with_srcref(file = file, " f <- function() g() g <- function() abort('foo') ") err <- catch_cnd(f(), "error") rlang_cli_local_hyperlinks() lines <- format(err$trace) n_links <- sum(grepl("\033]8;.*my_source.*\\.R:", lines)) expect_true(n_links > 0) }) test_that("sibling streaks in tree backtraces", { f <- function(x) identity(identity(x)) g <- function() f(f(h())) h <- function() abort("foo") err <- catch_cnd(f(g()), "error") expect_snapshot_trace(err) }) test_that("parallel '|' branches are correctly emphasised", { f <- function(n) g(n) g <- function(n) h(n) h <- function(n) if (n) parallel(f(n - 1)) else abort("foo") parallel <- function(x) p1(identity(x)) p1 <- function(x) p2(x) p2 <- function(x) p3(x) p3 <- function(x) x err <- expect_error(parallel(f(0))) expect_snapshot_trace(err) deep <- function(n) parallel(f(n)) err <- expect_error(deep(1)) expect_snapshot_trace(err) }) test_that("error calls and args are highlighted", { f <- function(x) g(x) g <- function(x) h(x) h <- function(x) check_string(x) wrapper <- function() { try_fetch(f(1), error = function(cnd) abort("Tilt.", parent = cnd)) } parent <- catch_error(f(1)) child <- catch_error(wrapper()) expect_snapshot({ print_highlighted_trace(parent) print_highlighted_trace(child) }) }) test_that("error calls and args are highlighted (no highlighted arg)", { f <- function() g() g <- function() h() h <- function() abort("foo") argless <- catch_error(f()) expect_snapshot({ print_highlighted_trace(argless) }) }) test_that("frame is detected from the left", { f <- function() g() g <- function() h() h <- function() identity(evalq(identity(abort("foo")))) err <- catch_error(f()) expect_snapshot({ "If detected from the right, `evalq()`is highlighted instead of `h()`" print_highlighted_trace(err) }) }) test_that("arg is defensively checked", { f <- function() g() g <- function() h() h <- function() abort("foo", arg = env()) err <- catch_error(f()) expect_snapshot({ print_highlighted_trace(err) }) }) test_that("namespaced calls are highlighted", { f <- function() g() g <- function() h() h <- function() rlang:::as_string(1) err <- catch_error(f()) expect_snapshot({ print_highlighted_trace(err) }) }) test_that("can highlight long lists of arguments in backtrace (#1456)", { f <- function(...) g( aaaaaaaaaaaa = aaaaaaaaaaaa, bbbbbbbbbbbb = bbbbbbbbbbbb, cccccccccccc = cccccccccccc, dddddddddddd = dddddddddddd, eeeeeeeeeeee = eeeeeeeeeeee, ... ) g <- function(aaaaaaaaaaaa, bbbbbbbbbbbb, cccccccccccc, dddddddddddd, eeeeeeeeeeee, ...) { rlang::abort("foo", ...) } err <- catch_error(f()) expect_snapshot({ print_highlighted_trace(err) }) err <- catch_error(f(arg = "bbbbbbbbbbbb")) expect_snapshot({ print_highlighted_trace(err) }) }) test_that("can highlight multi-line arguments in backtrace (#1456)", { f <- function(...) g(x = { a b }, ...) g <- function(x, ...) { rlang::abort("foo", ...) } err <- catch_error(f()) expect_snapshot({ print_highlighted_trace(err) }) err <- catch_error(f(arg = "x")) expect_snapshot({ print_highlighted_trace(err) }) })