local_unexport_signal_abort() test_that("errors are signalled with backtrace", { fn <- function() abort("") err <- expect_error(fn()) expect_s3_class(err$trace, "rlang_trace") }) test_that("can pass classed strings as error message", { message <- structure("foo", class = c("glue", "character")) err <- expect_error(abort(message)) expect_identical(err$message, message) }) test_that("errors are saved", { # `outFile` argument skip_if(getRversion() < "3.4") file <- tempfile() on.exit(unlink(file)) local_options( `rlang::::force_unhandled_error` = TRUE, `rlang:::message_file` = tempfile() ) try(abort("foo", "bar"), outFile = file) expect_true(inherits_all(last_error(), c("bar", "rlang_error"))) try(cnd_signal(error_cnd("foobar")), outFile = file) expect_true(inherits_all(last_error(), c("foobar", "rlang_error"))) }) test_that("No backtrace is displayed with top-level active bindings", { local_options( rlang_trace_top_env = current_env() ) env_bind_active(current_env(), foo = function() abort("msg")) expect_error(foo, "^msg$") }) test_that("Invalid on_error option resets itself", { local_options( `rlang::::force_unhandled_error` = TRUE, `rlang:::message_file` = tempfile(), rlang_backtrace_on_error = NA ) expect_snapshot({ (expect_warning(tryCatch(abort("foo"), error = identity))) }) expect_null(peek_option("rlang_backtrace_on_error")) }) test_that("format_onerror_backtrace handles empty and size 1 traces", { local_options(rlang_backtrace_on_error = "branch") trace <- new_trace(list(), int()) expect_identical(format_onerror_backtrace(trace), NULL) trace <- new_trace(list(quote(foo)), int(0)) expect_identical(format_onerror_backtrace(trace), NULL) trace <- new_trace(list(quote(foo), quote(bar)), int(0, 1)) expect_match(format_onerror_backtrace(error_cnd(trace = trace)), "foo.*bar") }) test_that("error is printed with backtrace", { skip_if_stale_backtrace() run_error_script <- function(envvars = chr()) { run_script(test_path("fixtures", "error-backtrace.R"), envvars = envvars) } default_interactive <- run_error_script(envvars = "rlang_interactive=true") default_non_interactive <- run_error_script() reminder <- run_error_script(envvars = "rlang_backtrace_on_error=reminder") branch <- run_error_script(envvars = "rlang_backtrace_on_error=branch") collapse <- run_error_script(envvars = "rlang_backtrace_on_error=collapse") full <- run_error_script(envvars = "rlang_backtrace_on_error=full") rethrown_interactive <- run_script( test_path("fixtures", "error-backtrace-rethrown.R"), envvars = "rlang_interactive=true" ) rethrown_non_interactive <- run_script( test_path("fixtures", "error-backtrace-rethrown.R") ) expect_snapshot({ cat_line(default_interactive) cat_line(default_non_interactive) cat_line(reminder) cat_line(branch) cat_line(collapse) cat_line(full) cat_line(rethrown_interactive) cat_line(rethrown_non_interactive) }) }) test_that("empty backtraces are not printed", { skip_if_stale_backtrace() run_error_script <- function(envvars = chr()) { run_script(test_path("fixtures", "error-backtrace-empty.R"), envvars = envvars) } branch_depth_0 <- run_error_script(envvars = c("rlang_backtrace_on_error=branch", "trace_depth=0")) full_depth_0 <- run_error_script(envvars = c("rlang_backtrace_on_error=full", "trace_depth=0")) branch_depth_1 <- run_error_script(envvars = c("rlang_backtrace_on_error=branch", "trace_depth=1")) full_depth_1 <- run_error_script(envvars = c("rlang_backtrace_on_error=full", "trace_depth=1")) expect_snapshot({ cat_line(branch_depth_0) cat_line(full_depth_0) cat_line(branch_depth_1) cat_line(full_depth_1) }) }) test_that("parent errors are not displayed in error message and backtrace", { skip_if_stale_backtrace() run_error_script <- function(envvars = chr()) { run_script( test_path("fixtures", "error-backtrace-parent.R"), envvars = envvars ) } non_interactive <- run_error_script() interactive <- run_error_script(envvars = "rlang_interactive=true") expect_snapshot({ cat_line(interactive) cat_line(non_interactive) }) }) test_that("backtrace reminder is displayed when called from `last_error()`", { local_options( rlang_trace_format_srcrefs = FALSE, rlang_trace_top_env = current_env() ) f <- function() g() g <- function() h() h <- function() abort("foo") err <- catch_error(f()) poke_last_error(err) expect_snapshot({ "Normal case" print(err) "From `last_error()`" print(last_error()) "Saved from `last_error()`" { saved <- last_error() print(saved) } "Saved from `last_error()`, but no longer last" { poke_last_error(error_cnd("foo")) print(saved) } }) }) local({ local_options( rlang_trace_format_srcrefs = FALSE, rlang_trace_top_env = current_env() ) throw <- NULL low1 <- function() low2() low2 <- function() low3() low3 <- NULL high3_catch <- function(..., chain, stop_helper) { tryCatch( low1(), error = function(err) { parent <- if (chain) err else NA if (stop_helper) { stop1("high-level", parent = err) } else { abort("high-level", parent = err) } } ) } high3_call <- function(..., chain, stop_helper) { withCallingHandlers( low1(), error = function(err) { parent <- if (chain) err else NA if (stop_helper) { stop1("high-level", parent = err) } else { abort("high-level", parent = err) } } ) } high3_fetch <- function(..., chain, stop_helper) { try_fetch( low1(), error = function(err) { parent <- if (chain) err else NA if (stop_helper) { stop1("high-level", parent = err) } else { abort("high-level", parent = err) } } ) } high1 <- function(...) high2(...) high2 <- function(...) high3(...) high3 <- NULL stop1 <- function(..., call = caller_env()) stop2(..., call = call) stop2 <- function(..., call = caller_env()) stop3(..., call = call) stop3 <- function(..., call = caller_env()) abort(..., call = call) throwers <- list( "stop()" = function() stop("low-level"), "abort()" = function() abort("low-level"), "warn = 2" = function() { local_options(warn = 2) warning("low-level") } ) handlers <- list( "tryCatch()" = high3_catch, "withCallingHandlers()" = high3_call, "try_fetch()" = high3_fetch ) for (i in seq_along(throwers)) { for (j in seq_along(handlers)) { case_name <- paste0( "Backtrace on rethrow: ", names(throwers)[[i]], " - ", names(handlers)[[j]] ) low3 <- throwers[[i]] high3 <- handlers[[j]] # Use `print()` because `testthat_print()` (called implicitly in # snapshots) doesn't print backtraces test_that(case_name, { expect_snapshot({ print(catch_error(high1(chain = TRUE, stop_helper = TRUE))) print(catch_error(high1(chain = TRUE, stop_helper = FALSE))) print(catch_error(high1(chain = FALSE, stop_helper = TRUE))) print(catch_error(high1(chain = FALSE, stop_helper = FALSE))) }) }) } } }) test_that("abort() displays call in error prefix", { skip_if_not_installed("rlang", "") expect_snapshot( run("{ options(cli.unicode = FALSE, crayon.enabled = FALSE) rlang::abort('foo', call = quote(bar(baz))) }") ) # errorCondition() skip_if_not_installed("base", "3.6.0") expect_snapshot( run("{ options(cli.unicode = FALSE, crayon.enabled = FALSE) rlang::cnd_signal(errorCondition('foo', call = quote(bar(baz)))) }") ) }) test_that("abort() accepts environment as `call` field.", { check_required2 <- function(arg, call = caller_call()) { check_required(arg, call = call) } f <- function(x) g(x) g <- function(x) h(x) h <- function(x) check_required2(x, call = environment()) expect_snapshot((expect_error(f()))) }) test_that("format_error_arg() formats argument", { exp <- format_arg("foo") expect_equal(format_error_arg("foo"), exp) expect_equal(format_error_arg(sym("foo")), exp) expect_equal(format_error_arg(chr_get("foo", 0L)), exp) expect_equal(format_error_arg(quote(foo())), format_arg("foo()")) expect_error(format_error_arg(c("foo", "bar")), "must be a string or an expression") expect_error(format_error_arg(function() NULL), "must be a string or an expression") }) test_that("local_error_call() works", { foo <- function() { bar() } bar <- function() { local_error_call(quote(expected())) baz() } baz <- function() { local_error_call("caller") abort("tilt") } expect_snapshot((expect_error(foo()))) }) test_that("can disable error call inference for unexported functions", { foo <- function() abort("foo") expect_snapshot({ (expect_error(foo())) local({ local_options("rlang:::restrict_default_error_call" = TRUE) (expect_error(foo())) }) local({ local_options("rlang:::restrict_default_error_call" = TRUE) (expect_error(dots_list(.homonyms = "k"))) }) }) }) test_that("error call flag is stripped", { e <- env(.__error_call__. = quote(foo(bar))) expect_equal(error_call(e), quote(foo(bar))) expect_equal(format_error_call(e), "`foo()`") }) test_that("NSE doesn't interfere with error call contexts", { # Snapshots shouldn't show `eval()` as context expect_snapshot({ (expect_error(local(arg_match0("f", "foo")))) (expect_error(eval_bare(quote(arg_match0("f", "foo"))))) (expect_error(eval_bare(quote(arg_match0("f", "foo")), env()))) }) }) test_that("error_call() requires a symbol in function position", { expect_null(format_error_call(quote((function() NULL)()))) expect_null(format_error_call(call2(function() NULL))) }) test_that("error_call() preserves index calls", { expect_equal(format_error_call(quote(foo$bar(...))), "`foo$bar()`") }) test_that("error_call() preserves `if` (r-lib/testthat#1429)", { call <- quote(if (foobar) TRUE else FALSE) expect_equal( error_call(call), call ) expect_equal( format_error_call(call), "`if (foobar) ...`" ) }) test_that("error_call() and format_error_call() preserve special syntax ops", { expect_equal( error_call(quote(1 + 2)), quote(1 + 2) ) expect_snapshot(format_error_call(quote(1 + 2))) expect_equal( error_call(quote(for (x in y) NULL)), quote(for (x in y) NULL) ) expect_snapshot(format_error_call(quote(for (x in y) NULL))) expect_snapshot(format_error_call(quote(a %||% b))) expect_snapshot(format_error_call(quote(`%||%`()))) # Suboptimal }) test_that("error_call() preserves srcrefs", { eval_parse("{ f <- function() g() g <- function() h() h <- function() abort('Foo.') }") out <- error_call(catch_error(f())$call) expect_s3_class(attr(out, "srcref"), "srcref") }) test_that("withCallingHandlers() wrappers don't throw off trace capture on rethrow", { local_options( rlang_trace_top_env = current_env(), rlang_trace_format_srcrefs = FALSE ) variant <- if (getRversion() < "3.6.0") "pre-3.6.0" else "current" low1 <- function() low2() low2 <- function() low3() low3 <- function() abort("Low-level message") wch <- function(expr, ...) { withCallingHandlers(expr, ...) } handler1 <- function(err, call = caller_env()) { handler2(err, call = call) } handler2 <- function(err, call = caller_env()) { abort("High-level message", parent = err, call = call) } high1 <- function() high2() high2 <- function() high3() high3 <- function() { wch( low1(), error = function(err) handler1(err) ) } err <- expect_error(high1()) expect_snapshot(variant = variant, { "`abort()` error" print(err) summary(err) }) # Avoid `:::` vs `::` ambiguity depending on loadall fail <- errorcall low3 <- function() fail(NULL, "Low-level message") err <- expect_error(high1()) expect_snapshot(variant = variant, { "C-level error" print(err) summary(err) }) }) test_that("headers and body are stored in respective fields", { local_use_cli() # Just to be explicit cnd <- catch_cnd(abort(c("a", "b", i = "c")), "error") expect_equal(cnd$message, set_names("a", "")) expect_equal(cnd$body, c("b", i = "c")) }) test_that("`abort()` uses older bullets formatting by default", { local_use_cli(format = FALSE) expect_snapshot_error(abort(c("foo", "bar"))) }) test_that("abort() preserves `call`", { err <- catch_cnd(abort("foo", call = quote(1 + 2)), "error") expect_equal(err$call, quote(1 + 2)) }) test_that("format_error_call() preserves I() inputs", { expect_equal( format_error_call(I(quote(.data[[1]]))), "`.data[[1]]`" ) }) test_that("format_error_call() detects non-syntactic names", { expect_equal( format_error_call(quote(`[[.foo`())), "`[[.foo`" ) }) test_that("generic call is picked up in methods", { g <- function(call = caller_env()) { abort("foo", call = call) } f1 <- function(x) { UseMethod("f1") } f1.default <- function(x) { g() } f2 <- function(x) { UseMethod("f2") } f2.NULL <- function(x) { NextMethod() } f2.default <- function(x) { g() } f3 <- function(x) { UseMethod("f3") } f3.foo <- function(x) { NextMethod() } f3.bar <- function(x) { NextMethod() } f3.default <- function(x) { g() } expect_snapshot({ err(f1()) err(f2()) err(f3()) }) }) test_that("errors are fully displayed (parents, calls) in knitted files", { skip_if_not_installed("knitr") skip_if_not_installed("rmarkdown") skip_if(!rmarkdown::pandoc_available()) expect_snapshot({ writeLines(render_md("test-parent-errors.Rmd")) }) }) test_that("can supply bullets both through `message` and `body`", { local_use_cli(format = FALSE) expect_snapshot({ (expect_error(abort("foo", body = c("a", "b")))) (expect_error(abort(c("foo", "bar"), body = c("a", "b")))) }) }) test_that("can supply bullets both through `message` and `body` (cli case)", { local_use_cli(format = TRUE) expect_snapshot({ (expect_error(abort("foo", body = c("a", "b")))) (expect_error(abort(c("foo", "bar"), body = c("a", "b")))) }) }) test_that("setting `.internal` adds footer bullet", { expect_snapshot({ err(abort(c("foo", "x" = "bar"), .internal = TRUE)) err(abort("foo", body = c("x" = "bar"), .internal = TRUE)) }) }) test_that("setting `.internal` adds footer bullet (fallback)", { local_use_cli(format = FALSE) expect_snapshot({ err(abort(c("foo", "x" = "bar"), .internal = TRUE)) err(abort("foo", body = c("x" = "bar"), .internal = TRUE)) }) }) test_that("must pass character `body` when `message` is > 1", { expect_snapshot({ # This is ok because `message` is length 1 err(abort("foo", body = function(cnd, ...) c("i" = "bar"))) # This is an internal error err(abort(c("foo", "bar"), body = function() "baz")) }) }) test_that("must pass character `body` when `message` is > 1 (non-cli case)", { local_use_cli(format = FALSE) expect_snapshot({ # This is ok because `message` is length 1 err(abort("foo", body = function(cnd, ...) c("i" = "bar"))) # This is an internal error err(abort(c("foo", "bar"), body = function() "baz")) }) }) test_that("can supply `footer`", { local_error_call(call("f")) expect_snapshot({ err(abort("foo", body = c("i" = "bar"), footer = c("i" = "baz"))) err(abort("foo", body = function(cnd, ...) c("i" = "bar"), footer = function(cnd, ...) c("i" = "baz"))) }) }) test_that("can supply `footer` (non-cli case)", { local_use_cli(format = FALSE) local_error_call(call("f")) expect_snapshot({ err(abort("foo", body = c("i" = "bar"), footer = c("i" = "baz"))) err(abort("foo", body = function(cnd, ...) c("i" = "bar"), footer = function(cnd, ...) c("i" = "baz"))) }) }) test_that("can't supply both `footer` and `.internal`", { expect_snapshot({ err(abort("foo", .internal = TRUE, call = quote(f()))) err(abort("foo", footer = "bar", .internal = TRUE, call = quote(f()))) }) }) test_that("caller of withCallingHandlers() is used as default `call`", { low <- function() { # Intervening `withCallingHandlers()` is not picked up withCallingHandlers(stop("low")) } high <- function() { withCallingHandlers( low(), error = function(cnd) abort("high", parent = cnd) ) } err <- catch_error(high()) expect_equal(err$call, quote(high())) # Named case handler <- function(cnd) abort("high", parent = cnd) high <- function() { withCallingHandlers( low(), error = handler ) } err <- catch_error(high()) expect_equal(err$call, quote(high())) # Wrapped case handler1 <- function(cnd) handler2(cnd) handler2 <- function(cnd) abort("high", parent = cnd) high <- function() { try_fetch( low(), error = handler1 ) } err <- catch_error(high()) expect_equal(err$call, quote(high())) function(cnd) abort("high", parent = cnd) }) test_that("`cli.condition_unicode_bullets` is supported by fallback formatting", { local_use_cli(format = FALSE) local_options( cli.unicode = TRUE, cli.condition_unicode_bullets = FALSE ) expect_snapshot_error( rlang::abort(c("foo", "i" = "bar")) ) }) test_that("call can be a quosure or contain quosures", { err <- catch_error(abort("foo", call = quo(f(!!quo(g()))))) expect_equal(err$call, quote(f(g()))) }) test_that("`parent = NA` signals a non-chained rethrow", { variant <- if (getRversion() < "3.6.0") "pre-3.6.0" else "current" local_options( rlang_trace_top_env = current_env(), rlang_trace_format_srcrefs = FALSE ) ff <- function() gg() gg <- function() hh() foo <- function() bar() bar <- function() baz() baz <- function() stop("bar") expect_snapshot(variant = variant, { "Absent parent causes bad trace bottom" hh <- function() { withCallingHandlers(foo(), error = function(cnd) { abort(cnd_header(cnd)) }) } print(err(ff())) "Missing parent allows correct trace bottom" hh <- function() { withCallingHandlers(foo(), error = function(cnd) { abort(cnd_header(cnd), parent = NA) }) } print(err(ff())) "Wrapped handler" handler1 <- function(cnd, call = caller_env()) handler2(cnd, call) handler2 <- function(cnd, call) abort(cnd_header(cnd), parent = NA, call = call) hh <- function() { withCallingHandlers( foo(), error = function(cnd) handler1(cnd) ) } print(err(ff())) "Wrapped handler, `try_fetch()`" hh <- function() { try_fetch( foo(), error = function(cnd) handler1(cnd) ) } print(err(ff())) "Wrapped handler, incorrect `call`" hh <- function() { withCallingHandlers( foo(), error = handler1 ) } print(err(ff())) }) }) test_that("can rethrow outside handler", { local_options(rlang_trace_format_srcrefs = FALSE) parent <- error_cnd(message = "Low-level", call = call("low")) foo <- function() bar() bar <- function() baz() baz <- function() abort("High-level", parent = parent) expect_snapshot({ print(err(foo())) }) }) test_that("if `call` is older than handler caller, use that as bottom", { local_options( rlang_trace_format_srcrefs = FALSE ) f <- function() helper() helper <- function(call = caller_env()) { try_fetch( low_level(call), error = function(cnd) abort( "Problem.", parent = cnd, call = call ) ) } expect_snapshot({ low_level <- function(call) { abort("Tilt.", call = call) } print(expect_error(f())) low_level <- function(call) { abort("Tilt.", call = list(NULL, frame = call)) } print(expect_error(f())) }) }) test_that("is_calling_handler_inlined_call() doesn't fail with OOB subsetting", { expect_false(is_calling_handler_inlined_call(call2(function() NULL))) }) test_that("base causal errors include full user backtrace", { local_options( rlang_trace_format_srcrefs = FALSE, rlang_trace_top_env = current_env() ) my_verb <- function(expr) { with_chained_errors(expr) } with_chained_errors <- function(expr, call = caller_env()) { try_fetch( expr, error = function(cnd) { abort( "Problem during step.", parent = cnd, call = call ) } ) } add <- function(x, y) x + y expect_snapshot({ print(expect_error(my_verb(add(1, "")))) }) }) test_that("can chain errors at top-level (#1405)", { out <- run_code(" tryCatch( error = function(err) rlang::abort('bar', parent = err), rlang::abort('foo') ) ") expect_true(any(grepl("foo", out$output))) expect_true(any(grepl("bar", out$output))) out <- run_code(" withCallingHandlers( error = function(err) rlang::abort('bar', parent = err), rlang::abort('foo') ) ") expect_true(any(grepl("foo", out$output))) expect_true(any(grepl("bar", out$output))) }) test_that("backtrace_on_error = 'collapse' is deprecated.", { local_options("rlang_backtrace_on_error" = "collapse") expect_warning(peek_backtrace_on_error(), "deprecated") expect_equal(peek_option("rlang_backtrace_on_error"), "none") }) test_that("can supply header method via `message`", { expect_snapshot(error = TRUE, { abort(~ "foo") abort(function(cnd, ...) "foo") }) msg <- function(cnd, ...) "foo" cnd <- catch_error(abort(msg)) expect_identical(cnd$header, msg) expect_error( abort(function(cnd) "foo"), "must take" ) }) test_that("newlines are preserved by cli (#1535)", { expect_snapshot(error = TRUE, { abort("foo\nbar", use_cli_format = TRUE) abort("foo\fbar", use_cli_format = TRUE) }) }) test_that("`show.error.messages` is respected by `abort()` (#1630)", { run_error_script <- function(envvars = chr()) { run_script(test_path("fixtures", "error-show-messages.R"), envvars = envvars) } with_messages <- run_error_script(envvars = c("show_error_messages=TRUE")) without_messages <- run_error_script(envvars = c("show_error_messages=FALSE")) expect_snapshot({ cat_line(with_messages) cat_line(without_messages) }) })