# as_function() has nice errors Code (expect_error(as_function(1))) Output Error: ! Can't convert `1`, a double vector, to a function. Code (expect_error(as_function(1, arg = "foo"))) Output Error: ! Can't convert `foo`, a double vector, to a function. Code (expect_error(my_function(1 + 2))) Output Error in `my_function()`: ! Can't convert `my_arg`, a double vector, to a function. Code (expect_error(my_function(1))) Output Error in `my_function()`: ! Can't convert `my_arg`, a double vector, to a function. Code (expect_error(my_function(a ~ b))) Output Error in `my_function()`: ! Can't convert `my_arg`, a two-sided formula, to a function. # check inputs in function accessors Code (expect_error(fn_fmls(1))) Output Error in `fn_fmls()`: ! `fn` must be an R function, not the number 1. Code (expect_error(fn_body(1))) Output Error in `fn_body()`: ! `fn` must be an R function, not the number 1. Code (expect_error(fn_env(1))) Output Error in `fn_env()`: ! `fn` must be a function, not the number 1.