test_that("rjaf function computes correctly", { data(Example_data) n <- nrow(Example_data); K <- 4; gamma <- 10; sigma <- 10 Example_trainest <- Example_data %>% slice_sample(n = floor(0.5 * nrow(Example_data))) Example_valid <- Example_data %>% filter(!id %in% Example_trainest$id) id <- "id"; y <- "Y"; trt <- "trt"; vars <- paste0("X", 1:3); forest.reg <- rjaf(Example_trainest, Example_valid, y, id, trt, vars, clus.max = 3, clus.tree.growing = TRUE, setseed = TRUE) # Check if "forest.reg" has the expected class, for example, a tibble expect_true(is.data.frame(forest.reg), "forest.reg should be a daraframe") })