testthat::test_that("rix(), ide is 'rstudio', Linux", { os_type <- Sys.info()["sysname"] skip_if(os_type == "Darwin" || os_type == "Windows") tmpdir <- tempdir() path_default_nix <- paste0( tmpdir, paste0(sample(letters, 5), collapse = "") ) dir.create(path_default_nix) path_default_nix <- normalizePath(path_default_nix) on.exit( unlink(path_default_nix, recursive = TRUE, force = TRUE), add = TRUE ) on.exit( unlink(tmpdir, recursive = TRUE, force = TRUE), add = TRUE ) save_default_nix_test <- function(ide, path_default_nix) { rix( r_ver = "4.3.1", r_pkgs = c("dplyr", "janitor", "AER@1.2-8", "quarto"), tex_pkgs = c("amsmath"), git_pkgs = list( list( package_name = "housing", repo_url = "https://github.com/rap4all/housing/", commit = "1c860959310b80e67c41f7bbdc3e84cef00df18e" ), list( package_name = "fusen", repo_url = "https://github.com/ThinkR-open/fusen", commit = "d617172447d2947efb20ad6a4463742b8a5d79dc" ) ), ide = ide, project_path = path_default_nix, overwrite = TRUE, message_type = "quiet", shell_hook = NULL ) file.path(path_default_nix, "default.nix") } testthat::announce_snapshot_file("rix/rstudio_default.nix") testthat::expect_snapshot_file( path = save_default_nix_test(ide = "rstudio", path_default_nix), name = "rstudio_default.nix", ) }) testthat::test_that("rix(), ide is 'none' or 'code'", { os_type <- Sys.info()["sysname"] skip_if(os_type == "Windows") tmpdir <- tempdir() path_default_nix <- paste0( tmpdir, paste0(sample(letters, 5), collapse = "") ) dir.create(path_default_nix) path_default_nix <- normalizePath(path_default_nix) on.exit( unlink(path_default_nix, recursive = TRUE, force = TRUE), add = TRUE ) on.exit( unlink(path_default_nix, recursive = TRUE, force = TRUE), add = TRUE ) save_default_nix_test <- function(ide, path_default_nix) { # We need to add this because this function gets called # twice, so the generated .Rprofile is there already and # calling the function again raises the warning. suppressWarnings( rix( r_ver = "4.3.1", r_pkgs = c("data.table", "janitor", "AER@1.2-8", "quarto"), tex_pkgs = c("amsmath"), git_pkgs = list( list( package_name = "housing", repo_url = "https://github.com/rap4all/housing/", commit = "1c860959310b80e67c41f7bbdc3e84cef00df18e" ), list( package_name = "fusen", repo_url = "https://github.com/ThinkR-open/fusen", commit = "d617172447d2947efb20ad6a4463742b8a5d79dc" ) ), ide = ide, project_path = path_default_nix, message_type = "quiet", overwrite = TRUE, shell_hook = NULL ) ) file.path(path_default_nix, "default.nix") } testthat::announce_snapshot_file("rix/other_default.nix") testthat::expect_snapshot_file( path = save_default_nix_test( ide = "none", path_default_nix ), name = "other_default.nix" ) testthat::announce_snapshot_file("rix/code_default.nix") testthat::expect_snapshot_file( path = save_default_nix_test( ide = "code", path_default_nix ), name = "code_default.nix" ) testthat::announce_snapshot_file("rix/codium_default.nix") testthat::expect_snapshot_file( path = save_default_nix_test( ide = "codium", path_default_nix ), name = "codium_default.nix" ) testthat::announce_snapshot_file("rix/positron_default.nix") testthat::expect_snapshot_file( path = save_default_nix_test( ide = "positron", path_default_nix ), name = "positron_default.nix" ) on.exit( unlink(path_default_nix, recursive = TRUE, force = TRUE), add = TRUE ) }) testthat::test_that("Quarto gets added to sys packages", { os_type <- Sys.info()["sysname"] skip_if(os_type == "Windows") path_default_nix <- normalizePath(tempdir()) on.exit( unlink(path_default_nix, recursive = TRUE, force = TRUE), add = TRUE ) save_default_nix_test <- function(pkgs, interface, path_default_nix) { # Because of rix_init, see above suppressWarnings( rix( r_ver = "4.3.1", r_pkgs = pkgs, ide = interface, project_path = path_default_nix, overwrite = TRUE, message_type = "quiet", shell_hook = NULL ) ) file.path(path_default_nix, "default.nix") } testthat::announce_snapshot_file("rix/no_quarto_default.nix") testthat::expect_snapshot_file( path = save_default_nix_test( pkgs = "dplyr", interface = "none", path_default_nix ), name = "no_quarto_default.nix", ) testthat::announce_snapshot_file("rix/yes_quarto_default.nix") testthat::expect_snapshot_file( path = save_default_nix_test( pkgs = c("dplyr", "quarto", "data.table"), interface = "none", path_default_nix ), name = "yes_quarto_default.nix" ) on.exit( unlink(path_default_nix, recursive = TRUE, force = TRUE), add = TRUE ) }) testthat::test_that("If on darwin and ide = rstudio, raise warning", { os_type <- Sys.info()["sysname"] skip_if(os_type != "Darwin" || os_type == "Windows") path_default_nix <- normalizePath(tempdir()) on.exit( unlink(path_default_nix, recursive = TRUE, force = TRUE), add = TRUE ) save_default_nix_test <- function(path_default_nix) { rix( r_ver = "4.3.1", ide = "rstudio", r_pkgs = "dplyr", project_path = path_default_nix, overwrite = TRUE, shell_hook = NULL ) file.path(path_default_nix, "default.nix") } testthat::expect_warning( save_default_nix_test(path_default_nix), regexp = "refer to the macOS" ) }) testthat::test_that("If on ide = rstudio, but no R packages, raise error", { path_default_nix <- tempdir() on.exit( unlink(path_default_nix, recursive = TRUE, force = TRUE), add = TRUE ) save_default_nix_test <- function(path_default_nix) { rix( r_ver = "4.3.1", ide = "rstudio", r_pkgs = NULL, project_path = path_default_nix, overwrite = TRUE, message_type = "quiet", shell_hook = NULL ) paste0(path_default_nix, "/default.nix") } testthat::expect_error( save_default_nix_test(path_default_nix), regexp = "didn't add any R packages" ) }) testthat::test_that("rix(), date working", { os_type <- Sys.info()["sysname"] skip_if(os_type == "Windows") tmpdir <- tempdir() path_default_nix <- paste0( tmpdir, paste0(sample(letters, 5), collapse = "") ) dir.create(path_default_nix) path_default_nix <- normalizePath(path_default_nix) on.exit( unlink(path_default_nix, recursive = TRUE, force = TRUE), add = TRUE ) on.exit( unlink(tmpdir, recursive = TRUE, force = TRUE), add = TRUE ) save_default_nix_test <- function(ide, path_default_nix) { rix( date = "2024-12-14", r_pkgs = c("dplyr", "janitor", "AER@1.2-8", "quarto"), tex_pkgs = c("zmsmath", "amsmath"), git_pkgs = list( list( package_name = "housing", repo_url = "https://github.com/rap4all/housing/", commit = "1c860959310b80e67c41f7bbdc3e84cef00df18e" ), list( package_name = "fusen", repo_url = "https://github.com/ThinkR-open/fusen", commit = "d617172447d2947efb20ad6a4463742b8a5d79dc" ) ), ide = ide, project_path = path_default_nix, overwrite = TRUE, message_type = "quiet", shell_hook = NULL ) file.path(path_default_nix, "default.nix") } testthat::announce_snapshot_file("rix/date_default.nix") testthat::expect_snapshot_file( path = save_default_nix_test(ide = "none", path_default_nix), name = "date_default.nix", ) }) testthat::test_that("rix(), bleeding-edge", { os_type <- Sys.info()["sysname"] skip_if(os_type == "Windows") tmpdir <- tempdir() path_default_nix <- paste0( tmpdir, paste0(sample(letters, 5), collapse = "") ) dir.create(path_default_nix) path_default_nix <- normalizePath(path_default_nix) on.exit( unlink(path_default_nix, recursive = TRUE, force = TRUE), add = TRUE ) on.exit( unlink(tmpdir, recursive = TRUE, force = TRUE), add = TRUE ) save_default_nix_test <- function(ide, path_default_nix) { # This will generate the warning to read the vignette for bleeding-edge suppressWarnings( rix( r_ver = "bleeding-edge", r_pkgs = c("dplyr", "janitor", "AER@1.2-8", "quarto"), tex_pkgs = c("zmsmath", "amsmath"), git_pkgs = list( list( package_name = "housing", repo_url = "https://github.com/rap4all/housing/", commit = "1c860959310b80e67c41f7bbdc3e84cef00df18e" ), list( package_name = "fusen", repo_url = "https://github.com/ThinkR-open/fusen", commit = "d617172447d2947efb20ad6a4463742b8a5d79dc" ) ), ide = ide, project_path = path_default_nix, overwrite = TRUE, message_type = "quiet", shell_hook = NULL ) ) file.path(path_default_nix, "default.nix") } testthat::announce_snapshot_file("rix/bleeding-edge_default.nix") testthat::expect_snapshot_file( path = save_default_nix_test(ide = "none", path_default_nix), name = "bleeding-edge_default.nix", ) }) testthat::test_that("rix(), frozen-edge", { # because of the sed command, this will only work on Linux skip_if(Sys.info()["sysname"] != "Linux") tmpdir <- tempdir() path_default_nix <- paste0( tmpdir, paste0(sample(letters, 5), collapse = "") ) dir.create(path_default_nix) path_default_nix <- normalizePath(path_default_nix) on.exit( { system( paste0("sed -i 's/", frozen_edge_commit, "/REVISION/' _snaps/rix/frozen-edge_default.nix") ) unlink(path_default_nix, recursive = TRUE, force = FALSE) unlink(tmpdir, recursive = TRUE, force = FALSE) }, add = TRUE ) save_default_nix_test <- function(ide, path_default_nix) { # This will generate the warning to read the vignette for bleeding-edge suppressWarnings( rix( r_ver = "frozen-edge", r_pkgs = c("dplyr", "janitor", "AER@1.2-8", "quarto"), tex_pkgs = c("amsmath"), git_pkgs = list( list( package_name = "housing", repo_url = "https://github.com/rap4all/housing/", commit = "1c860959310b80e67c41f7bbdc3e84cef00df18e" ), list( package_name = "fusen", repo_url = "https://github.com/ThinkR-open/fusen", commit = "d617172447d2947efb20ad6a4463742b8a5d79dc" ) ), ide = ide, project_path = path_default_nix, overwrite = TRUE, message_type = "quiet", shell_hook = NULL ) ) file.path(path_default_nix, "/default.nix") } testthat::announce_snapshot_file("rix/frozen-edge_default.nix") frozen_edge_commit <- get_right_commit("frozen-edge") system( paste0("sed -i 's/REVISION/", frozen_edge_commit, "/' _snaps/rix/frozen-edge_default.nix") ) testthat::expect_snapshot_file( path = save_default_nix_test(ide = "none", path_default_nix), name = "frozen-edge_default.nix", ) on.exit( { system( paste0("sed -i 's/", frozen_edge_commit, "/REVISION/' _snaps/rix/frozen-edge_default.nix") ) unlink(path_default_nix, recursive = TRUE, force = FALSE) }, add = TRUE ) }) testthat::test_that("rix(), only one GitHub package", { os_type <- Sys.info()["sysname"] skip_if(os_type == "Windows") tmpdir <- tempdir() path_default_nix <- paste0( tmpdir, paste0(sample(letters, 5), collapse = "") ) dir.create(path_default_nix) path_default_nix <- normalizePath(path_default_nix) on.exit( unlink(path_default_nix, recursive = TRUE, force = TRUE), add = TRUE ) on.exit( unlink(tmpdir, recursive = TRUE, force = TRUE), add = TRUE ) save_default_nix_test <- function(path_default_nix) { rix( r_ver = "4.3.1", r_pkgs = NULL, system_pkgs = NULL, git_pkgs = list( package_name = "housing", repo_url = "https://github.com/rap4all/housing/", commit = "1c860959310b80e67c41f7bbdc3e84cef00df18e" ), ide = "none", project_path = path_default_nix, message_type = "quiet", overwrite = TRUE ) file.path(path_default_nix, "default.nix") } testthat::announce_snapshot_file("rix/one_git_default.nix") testthat::expect_snapshot_file( path = save_default_nix_test(path_default_nix), name = "one_git_default.nix", ) }) testthat::test_that("rix(), conclusion message", { tmpdir <- tempdir() path_default_nix <- paste0( tmpdir, paste0(sample(letters, 5), collapse = "") ) dir.create(path_default_nix) path_default_nix <- normalizePath(path_default_nix) on.exit( unlink(path_default_nix, recursive = TRUE, force = TRUE), add = TRUE ) on.exit( unlink(tmpdir, recursive = TRUE, force = TRUE), add = TRUE ) save_default_nix_test <- function(path_default_nix) { local({ # need to do this because messages are silenced # if testing Sys.setenv("TESTTHAT" = "false") rix( r_ver = "4.3.1", ide = "none", project_path = path_default_nix, message_type = "simple", overwrite = TRUE ) }) file.path(path_default_nix, "default.nix") } testthat::expect_message( save_default_nix_test(path_default_nix), regexp = "Successfully" ) }) testthat::test_that("rix(), warning message if rix_init() already called", { testthat::skip_on_os(os = c("windows", "mac")) tmpdir <- tempdir() path_default_nix <- paste0( tmpdir, paste0(sample(letters, 5), collapse = "") ) dir.create(path_default_nix) path_default_nix <- normalizePath(path_default_nix) on.exit( unlink(path_default_nix, recursive = TRUE, force = TRUE), add = TRUE ) on.exit( unlink(tmpdir, recursive = TRUE, force = TRUE), add = TRUE ) rix_init( project_path = path_default_nix, rprofile_action = "overwrite", message_type = "simple" ) # Remove lines starting with # so rix() thinks the # .Rprofile file was not generated by rix_init() system( paste0( "sed -i '/^#/d' ", file.path(path_default_nix, ".Rprofile") ) ) save_default_nix_test <- function(path_default_nix) { rix( r_ver = "4.3.1", ide = "none", project_path = path_default_nix, message_type = "simple", overwrite = TRUE ) file.path(path_default_nix, "default.nix") } testthat::expect_warning( save_default_nix_test(path_default_nix), regexp = "You may" ) }) testthat::test_that("rix(), bioc-devel", { os_type <- Sys.info()["sysname"] skip_if(os_type == "Windows") tmpdir <- tempdir() path_default_nix <- paste0( tmpdir, paste0(sample(letters, 5), collapse = "") ) dir.create(path_default_nix) path_default_nix <- normalizePath(path_default_nix) on.exit( unlink(path_default_nix, recursive = TRUE, force = TRUE), add = TRUE ) on.exit( unlink(tmpdir, recursive = TRUE, force = TRUE), add = TRUE ) save_default_nix_test <- function(ide, path_default_nix) { # This will generate the warning to read the vignette for bioc-devel suppressWarnings( rix( r_ver = "bioc-devel", r_pkgs = "S4Vectors", ide = ide, project_path = path_default_nix, overwrite = TRUE, message_type = "quiet", shell_hook = NULL ) ) file.path(path_default_nix, "default.nix") } testthat::announce_snapshot_file("rix/bioc-devel_default.nix") testthat::expect_snapshot_file( path = save_default_nix_test(ide = "none", path_default_nix), name = "bioc-devel_default.nix", ) }) testthat::test_that("rix(), r-devel", { os_type <- Sys.info()["sysname"] skip_if(os_type == "Windows") tmpdir <- tempdir() path_default_nix <- paste0( tmpdir, paste0(sample(letters, 5), collapse = "") ) dir.create(path_default_nix) path_default_nix <- normalizePath(path_default_nix) on.exit( unlink(path_default_nix, recursive = TRUE, force = TRUE), add = TRUE ) on.exit( unlink(tmpdir, recursive = TRUE, force = TRUE), add = TRUE ) save_default_nix_test <- function(ide, path_default_nix) { # This will generate the warning to read the vignette for r-devel suppressWarnings( rix( r_ver = "r-devel", r_pkgs = "dplyr", ide = ide, project_path = path_default_nix, overwrite = TRUE, message_type = "quiet", shell_hook = NULL ) ) file.path(path_default_nix, "default.nix") } testthat::announce_snapshot_file("rix/r-devel_default.nix") testthat::expect_snapshot_file( path = save_default_nix_test(ide = "none", path_default_nix), name = "r-devel_default.nix", ) }) testthat::test_that("rix(), r-devel-bioc-devel", { os_type <- Sys.info()["sysname"] skip_if(os_type == "Windows") tmpdir <- tempdir() path_default_nix <- paste0( tmpdir, paste0(sample(letters, 5), collapse = "") ) dir.create(path_default_nix) path_default_nix <- normalizePath(path_default_nix) on.exit( unlink(path_default_nix, recursive = TRUE, force = TRUE), add = TRUE ) on.exit( unlink(tmpdir, recursive = TRUE, force = TRUE), add = TRUE ) save_default_nix_test <- function(ide, path_default_nix) { # This will generate the warning to read the vignette for r-devel-bioc-devel suppressWarnings( rix( r_ver = "r-devel-bioc-devel", r_pkgs = "dplyr", ide = ide, project_path = path_default_nix, overwrite = TRUE, message_type = "quiet", shell_hook = NULL ) ) file.path(path_default_nix, "default.nix") } testthat::announce_snapshot_file("rix/r-devel-bioc-devel_default.nix") testthat::expect_snapshot_file( path = save_default_nix_test(ide = "none", path_default_nix), name = "r-devel-bioc-devel_default.nix", ) }) testthat::test_that("remove_duplicate_entries(), correctly remove duplicates", { dups_entries_default.nix <- paste0(testthat::test_path(), "/testdata/default-nix_samples/dups-entries_default.nix") tmpdir <- tempdir() destination_file <- file.path(tempdir(), basename(dups_entries_default.nix)) file.copy(dups_entries_default.nix, destination_file, overwrite = TRUE) on.exit( unlink(tmpdir, recursive = TRUE, force = TRUE), add = TRUE ) removed_dups <- function(destination_file) { out <- remove_duplicate_entries(readLines(destination_file)) writeLines(out, destination_file) file.path(destination_file) } testthat::expect_snapshot_file( path = removed_dups(destination_file), name = "dups-entries_default.nix", ) }) testthat::test_that("remove_duplicate_entries(), don't remove duplicates if skip", { dups_entries_default.nix <- paste0(testthat::test_path(), "/testdata/default-nix_samples/dups-entries_default.nix") tmpdir <- tempdir() destination_file <- file.path(tempdir(), basename(dups_entries_default.nix)) file.copy(dups_entries_default.nix, destination_file, overwrite = TRUE) on.exit( unlink(tmpdir, recursive = TRUE, force = TRUE), add = TRUE ) removed_dups <- function(destination_file) { out <- post_processing(destination_file, flag_git_archive = "", skip_post_processing = TRUE) file.path(destination_file) } testthat::expect_snapshot_file( path = removed_dups(destination_file), name = "skip-dups-entries_default.nix", ) })