testthat::test_that("testing renv_helpers", { testthat::expect_true(exists("renv2nix")) # following as nested test pattern based on: # https://rpahl.github.io/r-some-blog/posts/2024-10-07-nested-unit-tests-with-testthat/ # testthat::skip("skipping remaining renv_helpers tests...") # uncomment to skip subsequent tests renv_sample_dir <- paste0(testthat::test_path(), "/testdata/renv-samples") renv_sample_files <- list.files(renv_sample_dir, pattern = "*.lock", full.names = TRUE) testthat::test_that("Testing `read_renv_lock()`", { testthat::expect_error(read_renv_lock("nosuchfile"), "nosuchfile does not exist") tmpf <- tempfile() cat("not json", file = tmpf) testthat::expect_error(read_renv_lock(tmpf), "Error reading renv\\.lock file") unlink(tmpf) for (file in renv_sample_files) { testthat::expect_type(read_renv_lock(file), "list") } }) synthetic_renv_lock_example <- list( R = list(Version = "4.4.1"), Packages = list( MASS = list( Package = "MASS", Version = "7.3-56", Source = "Repository", Repository = "CRAN", Hash = "af0e1955cb80bb36b7988cc657db261e", Requirements = c() ), R6 = list( Package = "R6", Version = "2.5.1", Source = "Repository", Repository = "RSPM", Hash = "470851b6d5d0ac559e9d01bb352b4021", Requirements = c() ), githubpkg = list( Package = "githubpkg", Source = "GitHub", RemoteType = "github", RemoteUser = "user", RemoteRepo = "repo", RemoteSha = "yki8snny7wgpjolz5cq0bwxjshxdd0xv0mcyygoz", RemoteHost = "api.github.com" ), gitlabpkg = list( Package = "gitlabpkg", Source = "GitLab", RemoteType = "gitlab", RemoteUser = "user", RemoteRepo = "repo", RemoteSha = "45p9megdp0i5230rtw1lisy6rquc466zb9yxn7eh", RemoteHost = "gitlab.com" ), unsupported = list( Package = "unsupported", Source = "unsupported", RemoteType = "unsupported", RemoteUser = "user", RemoteRepo = "repo", RemoteSha = "i52gyxn30rtw1l45p9me7ehdp0rquc466isy6zb9", RemoteHost = "unsupported.com" ) ) ) expected_git_pkg <- list( githubpkg = list( package_name = "githubpkg", repo_url = "https://github.com/user/repo", commit = "yki8snny7wgpjolz5cq0bwxjshxdd0xv0mcyygoz" ), gitlabpkg = list( package_name = "gitlabpkg", repo_url = "https://gitlab.com/user/repo", commit = "45p9megdp0i5230rtw1lisy6rquc466zb9yxn7eh" ) ) testthat::test_that("Testing `renv_remote_pkg()`", { testthat::expect_equal( renv_remote_pkgs(synthetic_renv_lock_example$Packages[c("githubpkg", "gitlabpkg")]), expected_git_pkg ) testthat::expect_error( renv_remote_pkgs(synthetic_renv_lock_example$Packages), "Not a package installed from a remote outside of the main package repositories" ) testthat::expect_error( renv_remote_pkgs(synthetic_renv_lock_example$Packages[ c("githubpkg", "gitlabpkg", "unsupported") ], host = "unsupported"), "Unsupported remote host:" ) testthat::expect_error( renv_remote_pkgs(synthetic_renv_lock_example$Packages[ c("githubpkg", "gitlabpkg", "unsupported") ]), "has unsupported remote host" ) testthat::expect_error( renv_remote_pkgs(synthetic_renv_lock_example$Packages[ c("githubpkg", "gitlabpkg", "unsupported") ], host = "api.github.com"), "does not match the provided host" ) }) testthat::test_that("Testing `renv2nix()`", { tmpf <- tempfile() path_env_nix <- tempdir() jsonlite::write_json(synthetic_renv_lock_example, tmpf, auto_unbox = TRUE) expect_error(renv2nix(tmpf, method = "accurate"), "not yet implemented") test_call <- call( "rix", r_ver = "4.4.1", r_pkgs = c("MASS", "R6"), git_pkgs = expected_git_pkg, project_path = path_env_nix, message_type = "quiet" ) testthat::expect_warning( { call <- renv2nix( tmpf, project_path = path_env_nix, return_rix_call = TRUE, message_type = "quiet" ) }, "has the unsupported remote host" ) testthat::expect_equal(call, test_call) warns <- testthat::expect_warning( { call <- renv2nix( tmpf, project_path = path_env_nix, return_rix_call = TRUE, message_type = "quiet", ide = "rstudio" ) }, "has the unsupported remote host" ) test_call$ide <- "rstudio" testthat::expect_equal(call, test_call) on.exit(unlink(tmpf), add = TRUE) on.exit(unlink(path_env_nix), add = TRUE) }) testthat::test_that("Testing `renv_lock_r_ver()`", { tmpf <- tempfile() jsonlite::write_json(list(R = list(Version = "4.4.1")), tmpf, auto_unbox = TRUE) renv_lock <- read_renv_lock(tmpf) testthat::expect_equal(renv_lock_r_ver(renv_lock), "4.4.1") unlink(tmpf) }) testthat::test_that("Testing `renv2nix()` on actual renv.lock files", { path_env_nix <- tempdir() save_renv2nix_test <- function(renv_lock_path, path_env_nix, output_nix_file, ...) { renv2nix( renv_lock_path = renv_lock_path, project_path = path_env_nix, message_type = "quiet", overwrite = TRUE, skip_post_processing = FALSE, ... ) file.copy( from = paste0(path_env_nix, "/default.nix"), to = paste0(path_env_nix, output_nix_file) ) paste0(path_env_nix, output_nix_file) } testthat::expect_snapshot_file( # Suppress the warning about creating an expression with an old version of R path = suppressWarnings(save_renv2nix_test( "testdata/renv-samples/renv_v0-14-0.lock", path_env_nix, "/default_v0-14-0.nix" )), name = "default_v0-14-0.nix" ) testthat::expect_snapshot_file( path = suppressWarnings(save_renv2nix_test( "testdata/renv-samples/renv_v0-15-5.lock", path_env_nix, "/default_v0-15-5.nix" )), name = "default_v0-15-5.nix" ) testthat::expect_snapshot_file( path = suppressWarnings(save_renv2nix_test( "testdata/renv-samples/renv_v0-17-3.lock", path_env_nix, "/default_v0-17-3.nix" )), name = "default_v0-17-3.nix" ) testthat::expect_snapshot_file( # suprressWarning about incomplete final line path = suppressWarnings(save_renv2nix_test( "testdata/renv-samples/renv_v1-0-7.lock", path_env_nix, "/default_v1-0-7.nix", override_r_ver = "4.3.3", )), name = "default_v1-0-7.nix" ) # This should not get datathin twice in the generated # default.nix testthat::expect_snapshot_file( # suprressWarning about incomplete final line path = suppressWarnings(save_renv2nix_test( "testdata/renv-samples/renv_datathin.lock", path_env_nix, "/default_datathin.nix", override_r_ver = "2024-12-14", )), name = "default_datathin.nix" ) on.exit(unlink(path_env_nix)) }) })