http_app <- function(wd = getwd()) { `%||%` <- function(l, r) if (is.null(l)) r else l force(test_dir) app <- webfakes::httpbin_app() # An error with a JSON response that has a 'message' app$get("/rhub-error", function(req, res) { msg <- req$query[["msg"]] status <- as.integer(req$query[["status"]] %||% 401) res$ set_status(status)$ send_json(object = list(message = msg)) }) # An error with an invalid JSON response app$get("/rhub-error2", function(req, res) { status <- as.integer(req$query[["status"]] %||% 401) res$ set_status(status)$ send_json(text = "[this is not valid json]") }) # An error with a JSON response, without a 'message' app$get("/rhub-error3", function(req, res) { status <- as.integer(req$query[["status"]] %||% 401) res$ set_status(status)$ send_json(object = list(foo = "bar")) }) app$get( c( "/rhub.yaml", "/platforms.json", "/platforms2.json", "/manifest.json" ), function(req, res) { yaml <- testthat::test_path("fixtures", basename(req$path)) res$send_file(yaml) } ) # SSE sse <- function(req, res) { `%||%` <- function(l, r) if (is.null(l)) r else l if (is.null(res$locals$sse)) { progress <- !is.null(req$query$progress) error <- !is.null(req$query$error) duration <- as.double(req$query$duration %||% 2) delay <- as.double(req$query$delay %||% 0) numevents <- as.integer(req$query$numevents %||% 5) pause <- max(duration / numevents, 0.01) res$locals$sse <- list( sent = 0, numevents = numevents, pause = pause, progress = progress, error = error ) res$ set_header("cache-control", "no-cache")$ set_header("content-type", "text/event-stream")$ set_header("access-control-allow-origin", "*")$ set_header("connection", "keep-alive")$ set_status(200) if (delay > 0) { return(res$delay(delay)) } } msg <- paste0( "event: ", res$locals$sse$sent + 1L, "\n", "message: live long and prosper\n\n" ) res$locals$sse$sent <- res$locals$sse$sent + 1L res$write(msg) if (res$locals$sse$progress) { msg <- paste0( "event: progress\n", "data: \"This is {.code it}: ", res$locals$sse$sent, "\"\n\n" ) res$write(msg) } if (res$locals$sse$sent == res$locals$sse$numevents) { if (res$locals$sse$progress) { msg <- if (res$locals$sse$error) { paste0( "event: error\n", "data: \"This is a {.code failure}.\"\n\n" ) } else { paste0( "event: result\n", "data: \"All is {.code good}.\"\n\n" ) } res$write(msg) } res$send("") } else { res$delay(res$locals$sse$pause) } } app$get("/sse", sse) app$post("/sse", sse) app } http <- webfakes::new_app_process(http_app()) redact_port <- function(x) { gsub(":[0-9]+", ":", x) } redact_ae_header <- function(x) { gsub( "\"Accept[-]Encoding\": \"[^\"]*\"", "\"Accept-Encoding\": \"\"", x ) } redact_abs_path <- function(x) { wd <- normalizePath(getwd()) wd2 <- normalizePath(getwd(), winslash = "/") x2 <- gsub(wd, "", x, fixed = TRUE) x3 <- gsub(wd2, "", x2, fixed = TRUE) x3 } # for the rematch tests df <- function(...) { args <- list(...) structure( args, names = names(args), row.names = seq_along(args[[1]]), class = c("data.frame") ) } asdf <- function(...) { }