library("testthat") library("rgeos") library("sp") context("Linear Referencing") coord <- function(x) unname(coordinates(x)) test_that("zero-length input arguments fail with error", { dat <- data.frame(x = 1) p <- SpatialPointsDataFrame(readWKT("POINT(0 0)"), dat) l <- SpatialLinesDataFrame(readWKT("LINESTRING (-1 0, 1 0)"), dat) expect_error(gProject(l, subset(p, x > 1))) expect_error(gProject(subset(l, x > 1), p, normalized = TRUE)) expect_error(gInterpolate(l, numeric(0))) expect_error(gInterpolate(subset(l, x > 1), d = 0.5, normalized = TRUE)) }) test_that("interpolation works with zero length line", { l <- readWKT("LINESTRING (10 0, 10 0)") expect_identical(coord(gInterpolate(readWKT("LINESTRING (10 0, 10 0)"), d = 0.5)), coord(head(as(l, "SpatialPoints"), 1))) }) test_that("repeated coordinates work", { l <- readWKT("LINESTRING (10 0, 10 0, 20 0)") p <- readWKT("POINT(11 0)") d <- gProject(l, p, normalized = TRUE) expect_identical(gInterpolate(l, d, normalized = TRUE), p) d <- gProject(l, p, normalized = FALSE) expect_identical(gInterpolate(l, d, normalized = FALSE), p) }) test_that("functions work with MultiLineStrings", { # l <- readWKT("MULTILINESTRING ((0 -2, 0 2), (-2 0, 2 0))") p <- readWKT("MULTIPOINT(2 1.9, 2 2.1)") res <- readWKT("MULTIPOINT(2 0, 0 2)") expect_identical(coord(gInterpolate(l, gProject(l, p))), coord(res)) }) test_that("normalization works in gInterpolate", { l <- readWKT("LINESTRING(25 50, 100 125, 150 190)") expect_equal(gInterpolate(l, 0.5*gLength(l), normalized = FALSE), gInterpolate(l, 0.5, normalized = TRUE)) }) test_that("interpolation is correct at endpoints", { l <- readWKT("LINESTRING(25 50, 100 125, 150 190)") p <- as(l, "SpatialPoints") expect_identical(coord(gInterpolate(l, 0, TRUE)), coord(p[1, ])) expect_identical(coord(gInterpolate(l, 0, FALSE)), coord(p[1, ])) expect_identical(coord(gInterpolate(l, 1, TRUE)), coord(p[length(p), ])) expect_identical(coord(gInterpolate(l, gLength(l), FALSE)), coord(p[length(p), ])) })