source("process_testxml.R") # xml files to skip fileSkip = c("TestValid2.xml","ExternalRobustness.xml","TestRobustOverlayFloat.xml","TestRobustOverlayFixed.xml") # tests to skip descSkip = c(# TestFunctionLAPrec.xml "LA - line and sliver intersecting, dimensional collapse", # TestFunctionAAPrec.xml "AA - intersecting slivers, dimensional collapse", "AA - sliver triangle with multiple intersecting boxes", "AA - sliver triangles, at angle to each other", "AA - B sliver crossing A triangle in line segment with length < 1", "AA - A hole close to shell, B coincident with A", "AA - hole close to shell, B coincident with A", "AA - sliver triangle, cut by polygon", "AA - polygon with outward sliver, cut by polygon", "AA - hole close to shell", "AA - A sliver triangle cutting all the way across B", "AA - A polygon with sliver cutting all the way across B", "AA - B hole close to shell, A coincident with B", # TestInteriorPoint.xml "L - linestring with single segment") xmldir = 'tests/testxml' testdirs = list.files(system.file(xmldir,package="rgeos")) for (d in testdirs) { testfiles = list.files(system.file(file.path(xmldir,d),package="rgeos")) for (f in testfiles) { # files to skip if (f %in% fileSkip) next xmlfile = system.file(file.path(xmldir,d,f),package="rgeos") n = which(f==testfiles) total = length(testfiles) process_testxml(xmlfile, n, total, descSkip) } }