library(testthat) library(XML) library(rgeos) # Some functions have different names between GEOS and JTS process_testxml = function(xmlfile, n, total, descSkip) { funcTranslate=list( "getboundary" = list(func=gBoundary,res=readWKT,arg1=readWKT), "getCentroid" = list(func=gCentroid,res=readWKT,arg1=readWKT), "convexhull" = list(func=gConvexHull,res=readWKT,arg1=readWKT), "getInteriorPoint" = list(func=gPointOnSurface,res=readWKT,arg1=readWKT), "isSimple" = list(func=gIsSimple,res=as.logical,arg1=readWKT), "isValid" = list(func=gIsValid,res=as.logical,arg1=readWKT), "isWithinDistance" = list(func=gWithinDistance,res=as.logical,arg1=readWKT,arg2=readWKT,arg3=as.numeric), "intersects" = list(func=gIntersects,res=as.logical,arg1=readWKT,arg2=readWKT), "contains" = list(func=gContains,res=as.logical,arg1=readWKT,arg2=readWKT), "within" = list(func=gWithin,res=as.logical,arg1=readWKT,arg2=readWKT), "intersection" = list(func=gIntersection,res=readWKT,arg1=readWKT,arg2=readWKT), "union" = list(func=gUnion,res=readWKT,arg1=readWKT,arg2=readWKT), "difference" = list(func=gDifference,res=readWKT,arg1=readWKT,arg2=readWKT), "symdifference" = list(func=gSymdifference,res=readWKT,arg1=readWKT,arg2=readWKT), "relate" = list(func=gRelate,res=as.logical,arg1=readWKT,arg2=readWKT,arg3=as.character), "covers" = list(func=gCovers,res=as.logical,arg1=readWKT,arg2=readWKT), "coveredBy" = list(func=gCoveredBy,res=as.logical,arg1=readWKT,arg2=readWKT)) context(paste('(',n,'/',total,')',basename(xmlfile))) #x = xmlRoot(xmlTreeParse(I(readLines(xmlfile)),ignoreBlanks=TRUE)) x = xmlRoot(xmlTreeParse(readLines(xmlfile),ignoreBlanks=TRUE)) nodes = xmlSApply(x,xmlName) test_that("valid node types",{ validNodeTypes = c("precisionModel","case","comment") expect_that( all(nodes %in% validNodeTypes), is_true() ) }) #Handle precisionModel nodes - only use the first model pmAttrs = xmlAttrs( x[[ which(nodes == "precisionModel")[1] ]] ) test_that("precisionModel attribute tests", { expect_that( length(pmAttrs) == 1 | length(pmAttrs) == 3, is_true() ) if (length(pmAttrs) == 1) { type = pmAttrs[["type"]] } else if (length(pmAttrs) == 3) { setScale(as.numeric( pmAttrs[["scale"]] )) expect_that( pmAttrs[["offsetx"]], equals("0.0") ) expect_that( pmAttrs[["offsety"]], equals("0.0") ) } }) #Handle case nodes for ( i in which(nodes == "case") ) { caseNodes = xmlSApply(x[[i]],xmlName) whichDesc = which(caseNodes == "desc") whichTests = which(caseNodes == "test") desc = xmlValue( x[[i]][[ whichDesc[1] ]] ) if (desc %in% descSkip) next whichArgs = which(caseNodes != "desc" & caseNodes != "test") args = rep( NA,length(whichArgs) ) # argument nodes can either contain the value or have a file attribute for ( j in whichArgs) { if (is.null( xmlAttrs(x[[i]][[j]]) )) { args[[ xmlName(x[[i]][[j]]) ]] = xmlValue(x[[i]][[j]]) } else { file = xmlAttrs(x[[i]][[j]])[["file"]] args[[ xmlName(x[[i]][[j]]) ]] = paste( readLines(file), collapse="" ) } } #make sure the arg names are lowercase for the sake of consistency names(args) = tolower(names(args)) for ( j in whichTests ) { test_that(paste(desc,'- test nodes in proper format') , { expect_that( xmlSize( x[[i]][[j]] ), equals(1) ) expect_that( xmlName( x[[i]][[j]][[1]] ), equals("op") ) }) if ( xmlSize( x[[i]][[j]] ) == 1 & xmlName( x[[i]][[j]][[1]] ) == "op" ) { opAttrs = xmlAttrs( x[[i]][[j]][[1]] ) opReturn = xmlValue( x[[i]][[j]][[1]] ) opNArgs = length(opAttrs)-1 # some ops seem to have a pattern argument that is not used if ( 'pattern' %in% names(opAttrs) ) opNArgs = opNArgs-1 opName = opAttrs[['name']] test_that(paste(desc,'-',opName), { funcdetails = funcTranslate[[opName]] expect_that( is.null(funcdetails), is_false() ) if ( !is.null(funcdetails) ) { funcNArgs = length( funcdetails )-2 expect_that(funcNArgs==opNArgs, is_true()) funcArgs = list() for (k in 1:funcNArgs) { argName = paste("arg",k,sep='') argVal = tolower(opAttrs[[argName]]) if (argVal %in% names(args)) argVal = args[[ argVal ]] funcArgs[k] = funcdetails[[argName]](argVal) } funcReturn =[["func"]], funcArgs) expectedReturn = funcdetails[["res"]](opReturn) if (is.logical(funcReturn)) { expect_that(funcReturn == expectedReturn, is_true()) } else if (is.null(funcReturn)) { expect_that(is.null(funcReturn) & is.null(expectedReturn), is_true()) } else if (gIsEmpty(expectedReturn)) { expect_that(identical(funcReturn,expectedReturn), is_true()) } else { # if it isn't logical or NULL it should be a geometry expect_that(gEquals(funcReturn,expectedReturn),is_true()) } } }) } } } }