context("gbif_names") test_that("gbif_names", { skip_on_cran() skip_on_ci() aa <- gbif_names(name_lookup(query='snake', hl=TRUE), browse=FALSE) expect_is(aa, "character") expect_match(aa, "index.html") out <- name_lookup(query='canada', hl=TRUE, limit=5) bb <- gbif_names(out, browse = FALSE) cc <- gbif_names(name_lookup(query='snake', hl=TRUE), browse = FALSE) dd <- gbif_names(name_lookup(query='bird', hl=TRUE), browse = FALSE) expect_is(bb, "character") expect_is(cc, "character") expect_is(dd, "character") expect_equal(length(bb), 1) expect_equal(length(cc), 1) expect_equal(length(dd), 1) expect_match(bb, "index.html") expect_match(cc, "index.html") expect_match(dd, "index.html") }) test_that("fails correctly", { skip_on_cran() skip_on_ci() nms <- name_lookup(query='snake', hl=TRUE) res <- gbif_names(nms, browse=FALSE) # input of wrong class fails well expect_error(gbif_names("adf", browse = FALSE), "input should be of class gbif") expect_error(gbif_names(77, browse = FALSE), "input should be of class gbif") # output fails well expect_error(gbif_names(nms, 6, browse = FALSE), "invalid 'file' argument") })