context("occ_metadata") test_that("returns the correct class", { vcr::use_cassette("occ_metadata", { a <- occ_metadata(type = "catalogNumber", q=122, pretty=FALSE) b <- occ_metadata(type = "collectionCode", q=12, pretty=FALSE) # c <- occ_metadata(type = "collector_name", q='juan', pretty=FALSE) d <- occ_metadata(type = "institutionCode", q='GB', pretty=FALSE) e <- occ_metadata(type = "catalogNumber", q=122, pretty=FALSE) f <- occ_metadata(type = "catalogNumber", q=122, limit=10, pretty=FALSE) g <- occ_metadata(type = "cat", q=122, pretty=FALSE) h <- occ_metadata(type = "recordedBy", q='scott', pretty=FALSE) }) expect_is(a, "character") expect_is(b, "character") expect_is(d, "character") expect_is(e, "character") expect_is(f, "character") expect_is(g, "character") expect_is(h, "character") # returns the correct value expect_match(a[[1]], "122") expect_match(b[[1]], "12") expect_match(tolower(d[[1]]), "gb") expect_true(grepl("scott", h[[1]], = TRUE)) # returns the correct dimensions expect_equal(length(a), 5) expect_equal(length(b), 5) expect_equal(length(d), 5) expect_equal(length(e), 5) expect_equal(length(f), 10) expect_equal(length(g), 5) expect_equal(length(h), 5) })