context("GbifQueue") test_that("GbifQueue fails well", { skip_on_cran() empty <- GbifQueue$new() expect_is(empty, "GbifQueue") expect_equal(length(empty$reqs), 0) expect_equal(empty$jobs(), 0) expect_equal(empty$next_(), empty$last_()) expect_error(empty$add_all(), "no jobs to add") expect_error(empty$add(), "argument \"x\" is missing") }) test_that("GbifQueue works with occ_download inputs", { skip_on_cran() x <- GbifQueue$new( occ_download(pred('taxonKey', 3119195), pred("year", 1976)), occ_download(pred('taxonKey', 3119195), pred("year", 2001)), occ_download(pred('taxonKey', 3119195), pred("year", 2001), pred_lte("month", 8)) ) expect_is(x, "GbifQueue") expect_is(x$reqs, "list") expect_equal(length(x$reqs), 3) expect_is(x$add_all, "function") # length 0 before adding any jobs expect_equal(x$jobs(), 0) # length 3 after adding all x$add_all() expect_equal(x$jobs(), 3) # length 2 after removal x$remove(x$reqs[[1]]) expect_equal(x$jobs(), 2) }) test_that("GbifQueue works with occ_download_prep inputs", { skip_on_cran() z <- occ_download_prep( pred_in(key="basisOfRecord", value=c("HUMAN_OBSERVATION", "OBSERVATION")), pred("hasCoordinate", TRUE), pred("hasGeospatialIssue", FALSE), pred("year", 1993), user = "foo", pwd = "bar", email = "" ) zz <- occ_download_prep( pred("basisOfRecord", "HUMAN_OBSERVATION"), pred("hasGeospatialIssue", TRUE), pred("year", 2003), user = "foo", pwd = "bar", email = "" ) x <- GbifQueue$new(.list = list(z, zz)) expect_is(x, "GbifQueue") expect_is(x$reqs, "list") expect_equal(length(x$reqs), 2) expect_is(x$add_all, "function") # length 0 before adding any jobs expect_equal(x$jobs(), 0) # length 2 after adding all x$add_all() expect_equal(x$jobs(), 2) # length 1 after removal x$remove(x$reqs[[1]]) expect_equal(x$jobs(), 1) }) context("DownReq") test_that("DownReq fails well", { skip_on_cran() expect_error(DownReq$new(), "argument \"x\" is missing") }) test_that("DownReq works with occ_download_prep inputs", { skip_on_cran() res <- DownReq$new(occ_download_prep(pred("basisOfRecord", "LITERATURE"), user = "foo", pwd = "bar", email = "")) expect_is(res, "DownReq") expect_is(res$run, "function") expect_null(res$result) expect_equal(res$type, "pre") expect_is(res$status, "function") expect_error(res$status(), "run\\(\\) result is `NULL`, not checking status") }) test_that("occ_download fails well when user does not input predicates", { skip_on_cran() expect_error( occ_download(taxonKey = 5039705, hasCoordinate = TRUE, basisOfRecord = "Preserved_Specimen"), "all inputs must be" ) expect_error( occ_download('taxonKey = 5039705'), "all inputs must be" ) }) ## type "in" works test_that("type in works", { skip_on_cran() z <- occ_download_prep(pred_in("taxonKey", c(2480946, 5229208)), format = "SIMPLE_CSV") expect_is(z, "occ_download_prep") # list has names expect_named(z$request$predicate) # right type expect_equal(unclass(z$request$predicate$type), "in") # a vector of length two for each thing passed in expect_equal(z$request$predicate$values, c("2480946", "5229208")) })