testthat::test_that("test of wei_test", { d=200 vmu2 = rep(1.7/sqrt(d),d) num1 = 100 num2 = 100 y1a = matrix(0,num1,d) y2a = matrix(0,num2,d) for (i in 1:num1) { y1a[i,] = rlnorm(d, meanlog = 0, sdlog = 1) } for (i in 1:(num2)) { y2a[i,] = rlnorm(d, meanlog = vmu2, sdlog = 1) } y = rbind(y1a, y2a) dist = getdis(y) #no data, no distance matrix, no edge matrix testthat::expect_error(rg.test(n1 = num1, n2 = num2, k = 5, weigh.fun = weiMax, perm.num = 30)) #no number of observations in the sample testthat::expect_error(rg.test(dis = dist, n2 = num2, k = 5, weigh.fun = weiMax, perm.num = 30)) #wrong test.type testthat::expect_error(rg.test(dis = dist, n1 = num1, n2 = num2, k = 5, weigh.fun = weiMax, perm.num = 30, test.type = list("so"))) #wrong number of permutations testthat::expect_error(rg.test(dis = dist, n1 = num1, n2 = num2, k = 5, weigh.fun = weiMax, perm.num = 'a')) #wrong number of permutations testthat::expect_message(rg.test(dis = dist, n1 = num1, n2 = num2, k = 5, weigh.fun = weiMax, perm.num = 10001)) #expect no error testthat::expect_no_error(rg.test(dis = dist, n1 = num1, n2 = num2, k = 5, weigh.fun = weiMax, perm.num = 0)) testthat::expect_no_error(rg.test(dis = dist, n1 = num1, n2 = num2, k = 5, weigh.fun = weiMax, perm.num = 50)) testthat::expect_no_error(rg.test(data.X = y1a, data.Y = y2a, n1 = num1, n2 = num2, k = 5, weigh.fun = weiMax, perm.num = 50)) E = kmst(dis=dist, k=5) testthat::expect_no_error(rg.test(E = E, n1 = num1, n2 = num2, k = 5, weigh.fun = weiMax, perm.num = 50)) })