context("R6 Serialize") test_that("R6 serialization works", { ## Simple test class tc <- TestClass$new() tcl <- R6_to_list(tc) ## a is null, so shouldn't be created expect_equal(tc$b, tcl$b) expect_equal(tc$d, tcl$d) expect_equal(tc$e, tcl$e) expect_equal(tc$f, tcl$f) expect_equal(tc$g, tcl$g) expect_equal(tc$h, tcl$h) tclr6 <- list_to_R6(tcl) expect_equal(tc$b, tclr6$b) expect_equal(tc$d, tclr6$d) expect_equal(tc$e, tclr6$e) expect_equal(tc$f, tclr6$f) expect_equal(tc$g, tclr6$g) expect_equal(tc$h, tclr6$h) expect_equal(tc$h, tclr6$h) expect_equal(tc, tclr6) ## Test class with R6 object as member tc2 <- TestClass2$new() tc2l <- R6_to_list(tc2) tc2lr6 <- list_to_R6(tc2l) expect_equal(tc2, tc2lr6) ## Test class with list of R6 objects as member tc3 <- TestClass3$new() tc3l <- R6_to_list(tc3) tc3lr6 <- list_to_R6(tc3l) expect_equal(tc3, tc3lr6) ## Test serlization tc3l_file <- tempfile(fileext=".RData") save(tc3l, file=tc3l_file) rm(tc3l) rm(tc3lr6) load(tc3l_file) tc3lr6 <- list_to_R6(tc3l) expect_equal(tc3, tc3lr6) ## Test function tc4 <- TestClass4$new() tc4l <- R6_to_list(tc4) tc4lr6 <- list_to_R6(tc4l) ## Test function in list tc5 <- TestClass5$new() tc5l <- R6_to_list(tc5) tc5lr6 <- list_to_R6(tc5l) ## Outline object ol <- Outline$new() oll <- R6_to_list(ol) ollr6 <- list_to_R6(oll) expect_equal(ol, ollr6) })