context("Outline") test_that("Outlines work correctly", { ## Constructor without any arguments a <- Outline$new() ## Adding points - get pids of all points added in each case pids <- a$addPoints(matrix(1:2, 1, 2), 1) expect_equal(pids, 1) pids <- a$addPoints(matrix(3:4, 1, 2), 1) expect_equal(pids, 2) ## Adding duplicate points won't create duplicates pids <- a$addPoints(rbind(1:2, 3:4), 1) expect_equal(pids, 1:2) ## getFragmementPointIDs() should give the IDs of points in fragment 1 expect_equal(a$getFragmentPointIDs(1), 1:2) ## Get fragment should give us the points we have entered thus far expect_equal(a$getFragmentPoints(1), rbind(c(X=1, Y=2, Z=0), c(3, 4, 0))) f1 <- a$getFragment(1) expect_equal(f1$P, rbind(c(X=1, Y=2, Z=0), c(3, 4, 0))) ## Full outline P <- list(rbind(c(X=1,Y=1), c(2,1), c(2,-1), c(1,-1), c(1,-2), c(-1,-2), c(-1,-1), c(-2,-1), c(-2,1), c(-1,1), c(-1,2), c(1,2))) o1 <- Outline$new(P) expect_equal(o1$getPointsXY(), P[[1]]) ## Construct Outline with X-Y scale set o2 <- Outline$new(P, scale=2) expect_equal(o2$getPointsScaled()[,c("X", "Y")], P[[1]]*2) expect_equal(o2$getPointsScaled(), cbind(P[[1]]*2, Z=0)) ## Constructing multi-fragment outline P <- list(rbind(c(1,1), c(2,1), c(2.5,2), c(3,1), c(4,1), c(1,4)), rbind(c(-1,1), c(-1,4), c(-4,1)), rbind(c(-4,-1), c(-1,-1), c(-1,-4)), rbind(c(1,-1), c(2,-1), c(2.5,-2), c(3,-1), c(4,-1), c(1,-4))) o1 <- Outline$new(P) nP <- sum(sapply(P, nrow)) expect_equal(nrow(o1$P), nP) expect_equal(o1$h, 1:nP) ## getFragmementPointIDs() should give the IDs of points in fragment 1 expect_equal(o1$getFragmentPointIDs(4), 13:18) f4 <- o1$getFragment(4) expect_equal(f4$P, cbind(rbind(c(X=1,Y=-1), c(2,-1), c(2.5,-2), c(3,-1), c(4,-1), c(1,-4)), Z=0)) expect_equal(f4$gf, c(6, 1:5)) expect_equal(f4$gb, c(2:6, 1)) expect_equal(f4$h, 1:6) f1 <- TriangulatedFragment$new(o1$getFragment(1), n=NA) expect_equal(f1$A.tot, 4) ## Construct multi-fragment outline with X-Y scale set o2 <- Outline$new(P, scale=2) f2 <- TriangulatedFragment$new(o2$getFragment(1), n=NA) ## Area of Fragment should still be 4 expect_equal(f2$A.tot, 4) ## But area of Triangulated Outline will be 4x bigger ## FIXME (See Issue ## There should be more meaningful errors for outlines with crossings: ## > Outline$new(list(rbind(c(-4,-1), c(-1,-1), c(-3,2), c(-1,-4)))) ## Error in P[Pt[, 1], , drop = FALSE] : subscript out of bounds ## > TriangulatedFragment$new(rbind(c(-4,-1), c(-1,-1), c(-3,2), c(-1,-4))) ## Error in out$P[1:nrow(P), ] : subscript out of bounds }) test_that("Outlines with depthmaps work correctly", { ## On boundaries, points should pick value of pixel P <- list(rbind(c(0,0), c(2,0), c(2,2), c(0,2))) dm <- rbind(c(1, 2), c(3, 4)) o <- Outline$new(P, dm=dm, scalez=1) PZ <- o$getPoints() expect_equal(PZ[,"Z"], c(3, 4, 2, 1)) ## In middle of pixel (integers + (0.5, 0.5)) the Z value should ## equal the value of the pixel. On the boundaries it should ## interpolate dm <- rbind(1:5, 1:5, 1:5) P <- list(rbind(c(0.5,0.5), c(1,0.5), c(2,0.5), c(3,1), c(4,1.5), c(4,2), c(1,2))) o <- Outline$new(P, dm=dm, scalez=1) PZ <- o$getPoints() expect_equal(PZ[,"Z"], c(1, 1.5, 2.5, 3.5, 4.5, 4.5, 1.5)) ## Adding a duplicate point should throw an error, even if it has a different Z coordinate o$addPoints(rbind(c(0.5, 0.5, 1))) expect_equal(nrow(o$P), nrow(PZ)) o$addPoints(rbind(c(0.5, 0.5, 5))) expect_equal(nrow(o$P), nrow(PZ)) })