context("Format IJROI") test_that("IJROI format with image is read correctly", { dataset <- file.path(system.file(package = "retistruct"), "extdata", "smi32") r <- expect_warning(, "Scale file \"scale.csv\" does not exist. Scale bar will not be set.") ## Test that points are read in correctly P <- as.matrix(read.csv(file.path(dataset, "P.csv"))) expect_equal(r$getPointsXY(), P) ## Test that optic disc is read in correctly od <- rbind(c(X=354, Y=336), c(354, 347), c(359, 352), c(364, 347), c(364, 338), c(360, 333)) expect_equal(r$getFeatureSet("LandmarkSet")$getFeature("OD"), od) }) test_that("IJROI format with data points and data counts is read correctly", { dataset <- file.path(system.file(package = "retistruct"), "extdata", "ijroi1") r <- expect_warning(, "Scale file \"scale.csv\" does not exist. Scale bar will not be set.") ## Test that points are read in correctly P <- as.matrix(read.csv(file.path(dataset, "P.csv"))) expect_equal(r$getPointsXY(), P) testcounts <- rbind(c(X=100,Y=200,C=4), c(110,200,4), c(120,200,4), c(100,210,4), c(110,210,7), c(120,210,4), c(100,220,4), c(110,220,4), c(120,220,4)) ## Test that data counts are read correctly expect_equal(r$getFeatureSet("CountSet")$getFeature("testcounts"), testcounts) })