context("Real-world depthmap 1") test_that("Real-world depthmap 1 works", { if (!is.null(getOption("retistruct.test.full"))) { dataset <- file.path(tempdir(), "depthmap-2020-08-21") file.copy(file.path(system.file(package = "retistructdemos"), "extdata", "depthmap-2020-08-21"), tempdir(), recursive=TRUE, overwrite=TRUE) expect_warning(o <-, "Scale bar will not be set") ## Load the human annotation of tears o <- r <- ReconstructedOutline$new() r$loadOutline(o) expect_true(r$ol$isStitched()) ## expect_equal(r$ol$hf[44], 409) ## rs <- r$ol$getRimSet() ## i44 <- which(rs == 44) ## expect_equal(rs[i44 + 1], r$ol$hf[44]) ## r$mergePointsEdges() ## expect_equal(length(r$Lt), nrow(r$Cut)) ## expect_true(!any($Lt))) ## r$projectToSphere() ## expect_true(all(!$phi))) ## expect_true(all(!$lambda))) ## expect_true(is.numeric(r$R)) ## r$getStrains() ## Reconstruct ## r <- retistruct.reconstruct(o) } })