test_that("Running Python scripts can be interrupted", { skip_on_cran() time <- import("time", convert = TRUE) # interrupt this process shortly interruptor <- callr::r_bg(args = list(pid = Sys.getpid()), function(pid) { Sys.sleep(1) system2("kill", c("-s", "INT", pid)) # ps::ps_interrupt(ps::ps_handle(pid)) }) # tell Python to sleep before <- Sys.time() interrupted <- tryCatch(time$sleep(5), interrupt = identity) after <- Sys.time() # check that we caught an interrupt expect_s3_class(interrupted, "interrupt") # check that we took a small amount of time diff <- difftime(after, before, units = "secs") expect_true(diff < 2) }) test_that("interrupts work when Python is running", { skip_on_cran() p <- callr::r_bg(args = list(python = py_exe()), function(python) { library(reticulate) use_python(python) get_frames <- function() { r_stack <- sys.calls() py_stack <- py_capture_output(py_run_string("from traceback import print_stack; print_stack()")) list(r = r_stack, py = py_stack) } frames_before <- get_frames() py_run_string("print('Initialized Python')") tryCatch({ py_run_string(glue::trim(" print('Starting', flush=True) i = 0 while True: i += 1 ")) }, interrupt = function(e) { cat("Caught interrupt; ") }) # confirm that the python stack was unwound correctly frames_after <- get_frames() stopifnot(identical(frames_before, frames_after)) cat("Finished!") }) p$poll_io(5000) expect_identical(p$read_output_lines(1), "Initialized Python") p$poll_io(500) expect_identical(p$read_output_lines(1), "Starting") p$poll_io(500) expect_identical(p$read_output(), "") p$interrupt() p$wait() expect_identical(p$get_exit_status(), 0L) expect_identical(p$read_all_output(), "Caught interrupt; Finished!") }) test_that("interrupts can be caught by Python", { skip_on_cran() p <- callr::r_bg(args = list(python = py_exe()), function(python) { Sys.setenv(RETICULATE_PYTHON = python) library(reticulate) get_frames <- function() { r_stack <- sys.calls() py_stack <- py_capture_output(py_run_string("from traceback import print_stack; print_stack()")) list(r = r_stack, py = py_stack) } frames_before <- get_frames() py_run_string("print('Initialized Python')") py_run_string(glue::trim(" print('Starting', flush=True) try: i = 0 while True: i += 1 except KeyboardInterrupt: print('Caught interrupt; ', end='') finally: print('Running finally; ', end='') print('Python finished; ', end = '') ")) # confirm that the python stack was unwound correctly frames_after <- get_frames() stopifnot(identical(frames_before, frames_after)) cat("R Finished!") }) p$poll_io(5000) expect_identical(p$read_output_lines(1), "Initialized Python") p$poll_io(500) expect_identical(p$read_output_lines(1), "Starting") p$poll_io(500) expect_identical(p$read_output(), "") p$interrupt() p$wait() expect_identical(p$get_exit_status(), 0L) expect_identical( p$read_all_output(), "Caught interrupt; Running finally; Python finished; R Finished!") }) test_that("interrupts can be caught by Python while calling R", { skip_on_cran() p <- callr::r_bg(args = list(python = py_exe()), function(python) { Sys.setenv(RETICULATE_PYTHON = python) library(reticulate) get_frames <- function() { r_stack <- sys.calls() py_stack <- py_capture_output(py_run_string("from traceback import print_stack; print_stack()")) list(r = r_stack, py = py_stack) } frames_before <- get_frames() py_run_string("print('Initialized Python')") py$run_forever_r_func <- function() { i <- 0 repeat { i <- i + 1 } } py_run_string(glue::trim(" print('Starting', flush=True) try: run_forever_r_func() except KeyboardInterrupt as e: print('Caught interrupt; ', end='') finally: print('Running finally; ', end='') print('Python finished; ', end = '') ")) # confirm that the python stack was unwound correctly frames_after <- get_frames() stopifnot(identical(frames_before, frames_after)) cat("R Finished!") }) p$poll_io(5000) expect_identical(p$read_output_lines(1), "Initialized Python") p$poll_io(500) expect_identical(p$read_output_lines(1), "Starting") p$poll_io(500) expect_identical(p$read_output(), "") p$interrupt() p$wait() expect_identical(p$get_exit_status(), 0L) expect_identical( p$read_all_output(), "Caught interrupt; Running finally; Python finished; R Finished!") })