context("knitr") test_that("An R Markdown document can be rendered using reticulate", { skip_on_cran() skip_on_os("windows") skip_if_not_installed("rmarkdown") skip_if(py_version() < "3") # plotly _repr_html_ test fails in py2 modules <- c("numpy", "matplotlib", "pandas", "plotly", "tabulate", "IPython") for (module in modules) { if (!py_module_available(module)) { fmt <- "module '%s' not available; skipping" skip(sprintf(fmt, module)) } } owd <- setwd(test_path("resources")) status <- rmarkdown::render("eng-reticulate-example.Rmd", quiet = TRUE) setwd(owd) expect_true(file.exists(status), "example.Rmd rendered successfully") }) test_that("Figures saved in correct place with custom root.dir", { skip_on_cran() skip_if_not_installed("rmarkdown") skip_if(py_version() < "3.8") # end_lineno attr added in 3.8 rmd_filepath <- normalizePath(file.path(test_path("resources"), "test-custom-root-dir.Rmd")) dir.create(dir <- tempfile("reticulate-knitr-test-dir")) owd <- setwd(dir) file.copy(rmd_filepath, ".") output <- knitr::knit("test-custom-root-dir.Rmd", quiet = TRUE) expect_true(file.exists(output), "test-custom-root-dir.Rmd rendered successfully") setwd(owd) }) test_that("In Rmd chunks, comments and output attach to code correctly", { skip_on_cran() skip_if_not_installed("rmarkdown") skip_if(py_version() < "3.8") # end_lineno attr added in 3.8 local_edition(3) # needed for expect_snapshot_file() # TODO: update the full testsuite to testthat edition 3 owd <- setwd(test_path("resources")) rmarkdown::render("test-chunking.Rmd", quiet = TRUE) expect_snapshot_file("") setwd(owd) }) test_that("knitr 'warning=FALSE' option", { skip_on_cran() skip_if_not_installed("rmarkdown") local_edition(3) # needed for expect_snapshot_file() owd <- setwd(test_path("resources")) rmarkdown::render("knitr-warn.Rmd", quiet = TRUE) setwd(owd) rendered <- test_path("resources", "") res <- paste0(readLines(rendered), collapse = "\n") expect_snapshot_file(rendered) expect_no_match(res, "UserWarning", fixed = TRUE) }) test_that("Output streams are remaped when kniting", { skip_on_cran() skip_if_not_installed("rmarkdown") local_edition(3) owd <- setwd(test_path("resources")) rmarkdown::render("knitr-print.Rmd", quiet = TRUE) setwd(owd) rendered <- test_path("resources", "") expect_snapshot_file(rendered) # if remaping is set by default we have no way to check that the options # is correctly reset skip_if(!"RETICULATE_REMAP_OUTPUT_STREAMS", unset = NA))) bt <- reticulate::import_builtins() x <- py_capture_output(out <- capture.output({ bt$print("hello world") })) expect_length(out, 0) # make sure it works from a background session callr::r(function(path) { setwd(path) rmarkdown::render( "knitr-print.Rmd", output_file = "", quiet = TRUE ) }, args = list(path = test_path("resources"))) expect_snapshot_file(test_path("resources", "")) })