context("scipy sparse matrix") library(methods) library(Matrix) # if (!inherits("t", "standardGeneric")) setGeneric("t") check_matrix_conversion <- function(r_matrix, python_matrix) { # check that the conversion to python works expect_true(all(py_to_r(python_matrix$toarray()) == as.matrix(r_matrix))) # check that the conversion to r works expect_true(all(py_to_r(python_matrix) == r_matrix)) # check that S3 methods work expect_equal(dim(python_matrix), dim(r_matrix)) expect_equal(length(python_matrix), length(r_matrix)) } test_that("Conversion to scipy sparse matrix S3 methods behave with null pointers", { skip_on_cran() skip_if_no_scipy() N <- 1000 x <- sparseMatrix( i = sample(N, N), j = sample(N, N), x = runif(N), dims = c(N, N)) result <- r_to_py(x) temp_file <- file.path(tempdir(), "sparse_matrix.rds") saveRDS(result, temp_file) result <- readRDS(temp_file) # check that S3 methods behave with null pointers expect_true(is(result, "") || is(result, "scipy.sparse._csc.csc_matrix")) expect_true(is.null(dim(result))) expect_true(length(result) == 0L) file.remove(temp_file) }) test_that("Conversion between Matrix::dgCMatrix and Scipy sparse CSC matrix works", { skip_on_cran() skip_if_no_scipy() N <- 1000 x <- sparseMatrix( i = sample(N, N), j = sample(N, N), x = runif(N), dims = c(N, N)) result <- r_to_py(x) # check that we are testing the right classes expect_true(is(result, "") || is(result, "scipy.sparse._csc.csc_matrix")) expect_true(is(py_to_r(result), "dgCMatrix")) check_matrix_conversion(x, result) }) test_that("Conversion between a small Matrix::dgCMatrix and Scipy sparse CSC matrix works", { skip_on_cran() skip_if_no_scipy() N <- 1 x <- sparseMatrix( i = sample(N, N), j = sample(N, N), x = runif(N), dims = c(N, N)) result <- r_to_py(x) # check that we are testing the right classes expect_true(is(result, "") || is(result, "scipy.sparse._csc.csc_matrix")) expect_true(is(py_to_r(result), "dgCMatrix")) check_matrix_conversion(x, result) }) test_that("Conversion between Matrix::dgRMatrix and Scipy sparse CSR matrix works", { skip_on_cran() skip_if_no_scipy() N <- 1000 x <- sparseMatrix( i = sample(N, N), j = sample(N, N), x = runif(N), dims = c(N, N)) x <- as(x, "RsparseMatrix") result <- r_to_py(x) # check that we are testing the right classes expect_true(is(result, "scipy.sparse.csr.csr_matrix") || is(result, "scipy.sparse._csr.csr_matrix")) expect_true(is(py_to_r(result), "dgRMatrix")) check_matrix_conversion(x, result) }) test_that("Conversion between a small Matrix::dgRMatrix and Scipy sparse CSR matrix works", { skip_on_cran() skip_if_no_scipy() N <- 1 x <- sparseMatrix( i = sample(N, N), j = sample(N, N), x = runif(N), dims = c(N, N)) x <- as(x, "RsparseMatrix") result <- r_to_py(x) # check that we are testing the right classes expect_true(is(result, "scipy.sparse.csr.csr_matrix") || is(result, "scipy.sparse._csr.csr_matrix")) expect_true(is(py_to_r(result), "dgRMatrix")) check_matrix_conversion(x, result) }) test_that("Conversion between Matrix::dgTMatrix and Scipy sparse COO matrix works", { skip_on_cran() skip_if_no_scipy() N <- 1000 x <- sparseMatrix( i = sample(N, N), j = sample(N, N), x = runif(N), dims = c(N, N)) x <- as(x, "TsparseMatrix") result <- r_to_py(x) # check that we are testing the right classes expect_true(is(result, "scipy.sparse.coo.coo_matrix") || is(result, "scipy.sparse._coo.coo_matrix")) expect_true(is(py_to_r(result), "dgTMatrix")) check_matrix_conversion(x, result) }) test_that("Conversion between a small Matrix::dgTMatrix and Scipy sparse COO matrix works", { skip_on_cran() skip_if_no_scipy() N <- 1 x <- sparseMatrix( i = sample(N, N), j = sample(N, N), x = runif(N), dims = c(N, N)) x <- as(x, "TsparseMatrix") result <- r_to_py(x) # check that we are testing the right classes expect_true(is(result, "scipy.sparse.coo.coo_matrix") || is(result, "scipy.sparse._coo.coo_matrix")) expect_true(is(py_to_r(result), "dgTMatrix")) check_matrix_conversion(x, result) }) test_that("Conversion between Scipy sparse matrices without specific conversion functions works", { skip_on_cran() skip_if_no_scipy() N <- 1000 x <- sparseMatrix( i = sample(N, N), j = sample(N, N), x = runif(N), dims = c(N, N)) result <- r_to_py(x)$tolil() # check that we are testing the right classes expect_true(is(result, "scipy.sparse.lil.lil_matrix") || is(result, "scipy.sparse._lil.lil_matrix")) expect_true(is(py_to_r(result), "dgCMatrix")) check_matrix_conversion(x, result) }) test_that("Conversion between R sparse matrices without specific conversion functions works", { skip_on_cran() skip_if_no_scipy() N <- 1000 x <- sparseMatrix( i = sample(N, N), j = sample(N, N), x = runif(N), dims = c(N, N)) # symmetrize x <- x + t(x) x <- as(x, "symmetricMatrix") result <- r_to_py(x) # check that we are testing the right classes expect_true(is(x, "dsCMatrix")) expect_true(is(result, "") || is(result, "scipy.sparse._csc.csc_matrix")) check_matrix_conversion(x, result) })