context("source") test_that("Python scripts can be sourced from local file", { skip_if_no_python() source_python('') expect_equal(add(2, 4), 6) }) test_that("Python scripts can be sourced from a URL", { skip_if_no_python() source_python('') expect_equal(add(2, 4), 6) }) test_that("source_python assigns into the requested environment", { skip_if_no_python() env <- new.env(parent = emptyenv()) source_python('', envir = env) expect_equal(env$add(2, 4), 6) }) test_that("source_python respects the convert argument", { skip_if_no_python() source_python('', convert = FALSE) expect_s3_class(add(2, 4), 'python.builtin.object') }) test_that("python functions can call each other", { skip_if_no_python() source_python('') expect_equal(secret(), 42) expect_equal(api(), 42) }) test_that("source_python() overlays in the main module", { skip_if_no_python() source_python('') main <- import_main() expect_equal(main$value, 42) })