context("numpy") test_that("R matrixes are converted to numpy ndarray", { skip_if_no_numpy() np <- import("numpy") m1 <- matrix(c(1,2,3,4), nrow = 2, ncol = 2) m2 <- m1 expect_equal(np$equal(m1,m2), m1 == m2) }) test_that("Numpy ndarray is converted to R matrix", { skip_if_no_numpy() np <- import("numpy") m1 <- np$matrix(list(c(1,2), c(3,4))) expect_equal(m1, matrix(c(1,2,3,4), nrow = 2, ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE)) }) test_that("Multi-dimensional arrays are handled correctly", { skip_if_no_numpy() np <- import("numpy") a1 <- array(c(1:8), dim = c(2,2,2)) expect_equal(-a1, np$negative(a1)) }) test_that("Character arrays are handled correctly", { skip_if_no_numpy() np <- import("numpy") a1 <- array(as.character(c(1:8)), dim = c(2,2,2)) expect_equal(a1, py_to_r(r_to_py(a1))) }) test_that("Long integer types are converted to R numeric", { skip_if_no_numpy() np <- import("numpy", convert = FALSE) dtypes <- c(np$int64, np$int32, np$uint64, np$uint32) lapply(dtypes, function(dtype) { a1 <- np$array(c(1L:30L), dtype = dtype) a1 <- as.vector(py_to_r(a1)) expect_true(is.numeric(a1)) expect_equal(a1, 1:30) }) }) test_that("Numpy scalars are converted to R vectors", { skip_if_no_numpy() np <- import("numpy") scalar <- c(1.1) expect_equal(as.numeric(np$array(scalar)), scalar) }) test_that("np_array creates arrays of the expected type", { skip_if_no_numpy() np <- import("numpy") a <- np_array(c(1L:10L), dtype = "float32") expect_equal(py_to_r(a$dtype$name), "float32") }) test_that("np_array creates arrays of the expected order", { skip_if_no_numpy() np <- import("numpy") a <- np_array(c(1L:8L), dtype = "float32", order = "F") expect_true(py_to_r(a$flags$f_contiguous)) }) test_that("numpy length functions works", { skip_if_no_numpy() test_array <- function(a) { expect_equal(length(a), 8) } # test no-convert numpy array a <- np_array(c(1L:8L), dtype = "float32") test_array(a) # test convertable numpy array np <- import("numpy") test_array(r_to_py(matrix(c(1:8), nrow = 2, ncol = 4))) }) test_that("boolean matrices are converted appropriately", { skip_if_no_numpy() A <- matrix(TRUE, nrow = 2, ncol = 2) expect_equal(A, py_to_r(r_to_py(A))) })