context("datetime") test_that("R dates can be converted to / from Python datetimes", { skip_if_no_python() before <- list(Sys.Date(), as.Date("2019-04-06")) after <- py_to_r(r_to_py(before)) expect_equal(before, after) }) test_that("R times can be converted to / from Python datetimes", { skip_if_no_numpy() before <- Sys.time() attr(before, "tzone") <- "UTC" after <- py_to_r(r_to_py(before)) expect_equal(as.numeric(before), as.numeric(after)) }) test_that("lists of times are converted", { skip_if_no_python() dates <- replicate(3, Sys.Date(), simplify = FALSE) expect_equal( py_to_r(r_to_py(dates)), dates ) }) test_that("R times are converted to NumPy datetime64", { skip_if_no_numpy() np <- import("numpy", convert = TRUE) before <- rep(Sys.time(), 3) converted <- r_to_py(before) expect_true(np$issubdtype(converted$dtype, np$datetime64)) after <- py_to_r(converted) expect_equal( as.numeric(as.POSIXct(before)), as.numeric(as.POSIXct(after)) ) }) test_that("R datetimes can be passed to Python functions", { skip_if_no_python() py_run_string("def identity(x): return x") main <- import_main() date <- Sys.Date() expect_equal(date, main$identity(Sys.Date())) }) test_that("timezone information is not lost during conversion", { skip_if_no_python() skip_if(py_version() < 3) datetime <- import("datetime", convert = FALSE) if (!py_has_attr(datetime, "timezone")) skip("datetime.timezone is not available") pdt <- datetime$datetime( year = 2020L, month = 8L, day = 24L, hour = 3L, minute = 4L, second = 5L, tzinfo = datetime$timezone$utc ) rdt <- py_to_r(pdt) tzone <- attr(rdt, "tzone", exact = TRUE) expect_identical(tzone, "UTC") expect_identical( format(rdt, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z"), "2020-08-24T03:04:05+0000") # py_to_r(pdt$isoformat(timespec="seconds"))) if (py_version() >= "3.9") { zoneinfo <- import("zoneinfo") pdt <- datetime$datetime$now(zoneinfo$ZoneInfo("America/New_York")) rdt <- py_to_r(pdt) expect_identical(attr(rdt, "tzone", TRUE), "America/New_York") expect_identical(format(rdt, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z"), py_to_r(pdt$strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z"))) } })