context("function wrapping") test_that("R functions can be wrapped in a Python function with the same signature", { skip_if_no_python() # R function f1 <- function(a, b = 3) { a + b } # The same function but re-written in Python util <- py_run_string(" def f1(a, b=3): return a + b ") # signatures should match inspect <- import("inspect") expect_equal( inspect$getfullargspec(py_func(f1)), inspect$getfullargspec(util$f1)) # results should match expect_equal( py_func(f1)(1), util$f1(1)) expect_equal( py_func(f1)(1, 2), util$f1(1, 2)) expect_equal( py_func(f1)(a = 1, b = 2), util$f1(a = 1, b = 2)) has_args <- function(f) { length(inspect$getfullargspec(f)$args) != 0 } # Some micellaneous test cases which should not fail expect_true(has_args(py_func(function(a = c(1, 2, 3)) {}))) expect_true(has_args(py_func(function(a = NULL) {}))) expect_true(has_args(py_func(function(a = "abc") {}))) expect_true(has_args(py_func(function(a, b = 3) {}))) expect_true(has_args(py_func(function(a = list()) {}))) expect_true(has_args(py_func(function(a = list("a", 1, list(3, "b", NULL))) {}))) # TODO: test case for py_func(function(x = NA) {}) # currently blocked by # Should error out if the R function's signature # contains esoteric Python-incompatible constructs expect_error(py_func(function(a = 1, b) {})) expect_error(py_func(function(a.b) {})) }) test_that("R functions wrapped in py_main_thread_func are called on the main thread", { skip_if_no_python() expect_equal(test$invokeOnThread(py_main_thread_func(function(x) x + 1), 41), 42) })