library(reticulate) prose y = [2, 4, 6] # Comment about len print(len(y)) ## 3 # This comment about type should be attached to the code below. print(type(y)) ## prose # Same Example with Collapsed Chunk y = [2, 4, 6] # Note the output of this command should available immediately below it (like with R). print(len(y)) ## 3 # Comment about type should be attached to the code below (like R). # The output from the previous command should not be part of this print(type(y)) ## # Comparative Code for R x = c(2, 4, 6) # Output of length() is given just after the command (as expected) print(length(x)) ## [1] 3 # Comment about class is attached to the code below (as expected) print(class(x)) ## [1] "numeric" # Comparative Code for R x = c(2, 4, 6) # Output of length() is given just after the command (as expected) print(length(x)) ## [1] 3 # Comment about class is attached to the code below (as expected) print(class(x)) ## [1] "numeric"