## library(testthat) ## testthat::test_file("tests/testthat/test-select_rate.R") capture.output({ ## stops printing outputs on assigning if (!identical(Sys.getenv("NOT_CRAN"), "true")) return() skip_on_cran() # Create testing objects -------------------------------------------------- insp.ft_obj <- inspect.ft(flowthrough.rd, delta.oxy = 4, plot = FALSE) # object with rolling rate crftwidth <- calc_rate.ft(insp.ft_obj, flowrate = 2, by = "row", width = 300, plot = FALSE) by_val <- -0.7 S=30 t=15 P=1.01 adjft.width <- adjust_rate.ft(crftwidth, by = by_val) conv.adjft.width <- convert_rate.ft(adjft.width, oxy.unit = "mg/l", flowrate.unit = "L/m", output.unit = "mg/h", mass = NULL, area = NULL, S=S, t=t, P=P) test_that("select_rate.ft - runs ok", { expect_error(select_rate.ft(conv.adjft.width, method = "rate", n = c(-43.1, -43.2))$summary, NA) }) test_that("select_rate.ft - identical results to select_rate", { expect_identical(select_rate.ft(conv.adjft.width, method = "rate", n = c(-43.1, -43.2))$summary, select_rate(conv.adjft.width, method = "rate", n = c(-43.1, -43.2))$summary) expect_identical(select_rate.ft(conv.adjft.width, method = "rsq", n = NULL)$summary, select_rate(conv.adjft.width, method = "rsq", n = NULL)$summary) expect_identical(select_rate.ft(conv.adjft.width, method = "rank", n = 1:5)$summary, select_rate(conv.adjft.width, method = "rank", n = 1:5)$summary) }) test_that("select_rate.ft - classes correctly applied", { srft <- select_rate.ft(conv.adjft.width, method = "rate", n = c(-43.1, -43.2)) sr <- select_rate(conv.adjft.width, method = "rate", n = c(-43.1, -43.2)) expect_is(srft, "convert_rate.ft") expect_is(srft, "convert_rate.ft_select") expect_is(sr, "convert_rate.ft") expect_is(sr, "convert_rate.ft_select") }) }) ## end capture.output