context("test-pc_projection") test_that("pc_projection works", { # tolernce for results supposed to be 0s tol <- 1e-5 nirdata <- data("NIRsoil", package = "prospectr") Xu <- NIRsoil$spc[!as.logical(NIRsoil$train), ] Yu <- NIRsoil$CEC[!as.logical(NIRsoil$train)] Yr <- NIRsoil$CEC[as.logical(NIRsoil$train)] Yr_2 <- NIRsoil$Ciso[as.logical(NIRsoil$train)] Xr <- NIRsoil$spc[as.logical(NIRsoil$train), ] Xu <- Xu[!, ] y_sel <- ! & ! Xr <- Xr[y_sel, ] Yu <- Yu[!] Yr_2 <- Yr_2[y_sel] Yr <- Yr[y_sel] Xu <- Xu[1:20, ] Yu <- Yu[1:20] Xr <- Xr[1:40, ] Yr <- Yr[1:40] Yr_2 <- Yr_2[1:40] cumvar_value <- 0.999 one_input_matrix <- pc_projection(Xr, pc_selection = list(method = "cumvar", value = cumvar_value), center = TRUE, scale = FALSE, method = "pca" ) expect_true(ncol(one_input_matrix$scores) == one_input_matrix$n_components) test_ncomp <- one_input_matrix$n_components - 1 expect_true(all(one_input_matrix$variance$x_var[3, 1:test_ncomp] < cumvar_value)) two_input_matrices <- pc_projection(Xr, Xu, pc_selection = list(method = "cumvar", value = cumvar_value), center = TRUE, scale = FALSE, method = "pca" ) two_input_matrices_var <- pc_projection(Xr, Xu, pc_selection = list(method = "var", value = 1 - cumvar_value), center = TRUE, scale = FALSE, method = "pca" ) expect_true(ncol(two_input_matrices$scores) == two_input_matrices$n_components) two_test_ncomp <- two_input_matrices$n_components - 1 expect_true(all(two_input_matrices$variance$x_var[3, 1:two_test_ncomp] < cumvar_value)) preds <- sum(abs(predict(two_input_matrices)[1:nrow(Xr), ] - predict(two_input_matrices, Xr))) expect_true(preds < tol) opc_method <- pc_projection(Xr, Xu, Yr = Yr, pc_selection = list(method = "opc", value = 15), center = TRUE, scale = TRUE, method = "pca" ) opc_method_nipals <- pc_projection(Xr, Xu, Yr = Yr, pc_selection = list(method = "opc", value = 30), center = TRUE, scale = TRUE, method = "pca.nipals" ) expect_true(opc_method$n_components == which.min(opc_method$opc_evaluation[, 2])) expect_true(opc_method$n_components == 7) # check that nipals is equivalent to svd method expect_true(opc_method$n_components == opc_method_nipals$n_components) cor_equiv <- sapply(1:opc_method$n_components, FUN = function(x, y, i) abs(cor(x[, i], y[, i])), x = opc_method_nipals$scores, y = opc_method$scores ) expect_true(sum(1 - cor_equiv) < tol) # check that the number of components for method = "cumvar" is properly # obtained, this can be done with the results of opc_method as it selects more # components than in the "cumvar" test expect_true(sum(opc_method$variance$x_var[3, ] < cumvar_value) == two_input_matrices$n_components - 1) # do the same for method = "var" expect_true(sum(opc_method$variance$x_var[2, ] > (1 - cumvar_value)) == two_input_matrices_var$n_components) expect_true(ncol(two_input_matrices$scores) == two_input_matrices$n_components) test_ncomp <- two_input_matrices$n_components - 1 expect_true(all(two_input_matrices$variance$x_var[3, 1:test_ncomp] < cumvar_value)) bb <- cbind(name_test_yr = Yr, Yr_2) opc_method_nipals <- pc_projection(Xr, Xu, Yr = bb, pc_selection = list(method = "opc", value = 30), center = TRUE, scale = FALSE, method = "pca.nipals" ) expect_true("rmsd_name_test_yr" %in% colnames(opc_method_nipals$opc_evaluation)) }) test_that("pc_projection large sets works", { skip_on_cran() skip_on_travis() # tolernce for results supposed to be 0s tol <- 1e-5 nirdata <- data("NIRsoil", package = "prospectr") Xu <- NIRsoil$spc[!as.logical(NIRsoil$train), ] Yu <- NIRsoil$CEC[!as.logical(NIRsoil$train)] Yr <- NIRsoil$CEC[as.logical(NIRsoil$train)] Yr_2 <- NIRsoil$Ciso[as.logical(NIRsoil$train)] Xr <- NIRsoil$spc[as.logical(NIRsoil$train), ] Xu <- Xu[!, ] Xr <- Xr[!, ] Yu <- Yu[!] Yr_2 <- Yr[!] Yr <- Yr[!] cumvar_value <- 0.999 one_input_matrix <- pc_projection(Xr, pc_selection = list(method = "cumvar", value = cumvar_value), center = TRUE, scale = FALSE, method = "pca" ) expect_true(ncol(one_input_matrix$scores) == one_input_matrix$n_components) test_ncomp <- one_input_matrix$n_components - 1 expect_true(all(one_input_matrix$variance$x_var[3, 1:test_ncomp] < cumvar_value)) two_input_matrices <- pc_projection(Xr, Xu, pc_selection = list(method = "cumvar", value = cumvar_value), center = TRUE, scale = FALSE, method = "pca" ) two_input_matrices_var <- pc_projection(Xr, Xu, pc_selection = list(method = "var", value = 1 - cumvar_value), center = TRUE, scale = FALSE, method = "pca" ) expect_true(ncol(two_input_matrices$scores) == two_input_matrices$n_components) two_test_ncomp <- two_input_matrices$n_components - 1 expect_true(all(two_input_matrices$variance$x_var[3, 1:two_test_ncomp] < cumvar_value)) preds <- sum(abs(predict(two_input_matrices)[1:nrow(Xr), ] - predict(two_input_matrices, Xr))) expect_true(preds < tol) opc_method <- pc_projection(Xr, Xu, Yr = Yr, pc_selection = list(method = "opc", value = 30), center = TRUE, scale = FALSE, method = "pca" ) opc_method_nipals <- pc_projection(Xr, Xu, Yr = Yr, pc_selection = list(method = "opc", value = 30), center = TRUE, scale = FALSE, method = "pca.nipals" ) expect_true(opc_method$n_components == which.min(opc_method$opc_evaluation[, 2])) expect_true(opc_method$n_components == 20) # check that nipals is equivalent to svd method expect_true(opc_method$n_components == opc_method_nipals$n_components) cor_equiv <- sapply(1:opc_method$n_components, FUN = function(x, y, i) abs(cor(x[, i], y[, i])), x = opc_method_nipals$scores, y = opc_method$scores ) expect_true(sum(1 - cor_equiv) < tol) # check that the number of components for method = "cumvar" is properly # obtained, this can be done with the results of opc_method as it selects more # components than in the "cumvar" test expect_true(sum(opc_method$variance$x_var[3, ] < cumvar_value) == two_input_matrices$n_components - 1) # do the same for method = "var" expect_true(sum(opc_method$variance$x_var[2, ] > (1 - cumvar_value)) == two_input_matrices_var$n_components) expect_true(ncol(two_input_matrices$scores) == two_input_matrices$n_components) test_ncomp <- two_input_matrices$n_components - 1 expect_true(all(two_input_matrices$variance$x_var[3, 1:test_ncomp] < cumvar_value)) bb <- cbind(name_test_yr = Yr, Yr_2) opc_method_nipals <- pc_projection(Xr, Xu, Yr = bb, pc_selection = list(method = "opc", value = 30), center = TRUE, scale = FALSE, method = "pca.nipals" ) expect_true("rmsd_name_test_yr" %in% colnames(opc_method_nipals$opc_evaluation)) })