test_that("prepInputs doesn't work (part 3)", { skip_on_cran() # too long skip_if(getRversion() < "4.1" && isWindows()) # old Windows is failing; not going to fix tests for those skip_if_not_installed("sf") testInit(c("terra", "sf"), tmpFileExt = c(".tif", ".tif", ".tif"), opts = list( "rasterTmpDir" = tempdir2(rndstr(1, 6)), "reproducible.inputPaths" = NULL, "reproducible.overwrite" = TRUE, "rgdal_show_exportToProj4_warnings" = "none" ) # https://gis.stackexchange.com/questions/390945/importing-raster-files-warning-and-extracting-covariates-error-with-raster-and ) options("reproducible.cachePath" = tmpdir) # Add a study area to Crop and Mask to # Create a "study area" coords <- structure(c(-122.98, -116.1, -99.2, -106, -122.98, 59.9, 65.73, 63.58, 54.79, 59.9), .Dim = c(5L, 2L) ) coords2 <- structure(c(-115.98, -116.1, -99.2, -106, -122.98, 59.9, 65.73, 63.58, 54.79, 59.9), .Dim = c(5L, 2L) ) StudyArea <- terra::vect(coords, "polygons") terra::crs(StudyArea) <- crsToUse StudyArea2 <- terra::vect(coords2, "polygons") terra::crs(StudyArea2) <- crsToUse # coords <- structure(c(-122.98, -116.1, -99.2, -106, -122.98, 59.9, 65.73, 63.58, 54.79, 59.9), # .Dim = c(5L, 2L)) # coords2 <- structure(c(-115.98, -116.1, -99.2, -106, -122.98, 59.9, 65.73, 63.58, 54.79, 59.9), # .Dim = c(5L, 2L)) # Sr1 <- Polygon(coords) # Srs1 <- Polygons(list(Sr1), "s1") # StudyArea <- SpatialPolygons(list(Srs1), 1L) # crs(StudyArea) <- crsToUse # # Sr1 <- Polygon(coords2) # Srs1 <- Polygons(list(Sr1), "s1") # StudyArea2 <- SpatialPolygons(list(Srs1), 1L) # crs(StudyArea2) <- crsToUse nonLatLongProj <- paste( "+proj=lcc +lat_1=49 +lat_2=77 +lat_0=0 +lon_0=-95", "+x_0=0 +y_0=0 +ellps=GRS80 +units=m +no_defs" ) nc <- sf::st_as_sf(StudyArea) # system.file("shape/nc.shp", package="sf")) nc1 <- sf::st_transform(nc, nonLatLongProj) ncSmall <- sf::st_as_sf(StudyArea2) ncSmall <- sf::st_transform(ncSmall, nonLatLongProj) ncSmall <- sf::st_buffer(ncSmall, dist = -10000) b <- postProcess(nc1, studyArea = ncSmall, filename2 = NULL) expect_true(is(b, "sf")) expect_equal(terra::ext(b), terra::ext(ncSmall)) expect_true(sf::st_area(b) < sf::st_area(nc1)) r <- suppressWarnings(terra::rast(nc1, resolution = 1000)) # TODO: temporary until raster crs fixes rB <- suppressWarnings(terra::rast(nc1, resolution = 4000)) # TODO: temporary until raster crs fixes rSmall <- suppressWarnings(terra::rast(ncSmall, resolution = 4000)) # TODO: temporary until raster crs fixes # Tests with RasterBrick r2 <- r1 <- rB r1[] <- runif(terra::ncell(rB)) r2[] <- runif(terra::ncell(rB)) b <- c(r1, r2) terra::crs(b) <- sf::st_crs(ncSmall)$input b1 <- postProcess(b, studyArea = ncSmall, useCache = FALSE) expect_true(inherits(b1, "SpatRaster")) s <- c(r1, r2) crs(s) <- crs(nonLatLongProj) s1 <- postProcess(s, studyArea = ncSmall, useCache = FALSE) expect_true(inherits(s1, "SpatRaster")) expect_equal(s1[], b1[], ignore_attr = TRUE) b <- writeRaster(b, filename = tmpfile[1], overwrite = TRUE) b1 <- postProcess(b, studyArea = ncSmall, useCache = FALSE, writeTo = tmpfile[2], overwrite = TRUE) expect_true(inherits(b1, "SpatRaster")) s1 <- postProcess(s, studyArea = ncSmall, useCache = FALSE, writeTo = tmpfile[2], overwrite = TRUE) expect_true(inherits(s1, "SpatRaster")) # Test datatype setting dt1 <- "INT2U" s <- writeRaster(s, filename = tmpfile[2], overwrite = TRUE) s1 <- postProcess(s, studyArea = ncSmall, useCache = FALSE, writeTo = tmpfile[1], overwrite = TRUE, datatype = dt1 ) expect_identical(terra::datatype(s1), rep(dt1, terra::nlyr(s))) # Test datatype setting dt1 <- c("INT2U", "INT4U") s <- writeRaster(s, filename = tmpfile[1], overwrite = TRUE) warns <- capture_error({ s1 <- postProcess(s, studyArea = ncSmall, useCache = FALSE, writeTo = tmpfile[2], overwrite = TRUE, datatype = dt1 ) }) expect_true(any(grepl("Expecting a single", warns))) dt1 <- "INT4U" b <- writeRaster(b, filename = tmpfile[2], overwrite = TRUE) b1 <- postProcess(b, studyArea = ncSmall, useCache = FALSE, writeTo = tmpfile[1], overwrite = TRUE, datatype = dt1 ) expect_identical(terra::datatype(b1), rep(dt1, terra::nlyr(b1))) # now raster with sf skip_if_not_installed("terra") r1 <- terra::rasterize(terra::vect(nc1), r) r2 <- postProcess(r1, studyArea = ncSmall, filename2 = NULL) expect_true(is(r2, "SpatRaster")) expect_true(terra::ncell(r2) < terra::ncell(r1)) expect_true((terra::xmin(terra::ext(ncSmall)) - terra::xmin(r2)) < terra::res(r2)[1] * 2) expect_true((terra::ymin(terra::ext(ncSmall)) - terra::ymin(r2)) < terra::res(r2)[2] * 2) expect_true((terra::ymax(terra::ext(ncSmall)) - terra::ymax(r2)) > -(terra::res(r2)[2] * 2)) expect_true((terra::xmax(terra::ext(ncSmall)) - terra::xmax(r2)) > -(terra::res(r2)[2] * 2)) # postProcess expect_error(postProcess(1, to = r2), regexp = "from must be a") expect_error(postProcess(list(1, 1), to = r2), regexp = "from must be a") nc2 <- postProcess(nc1, studyArea = as(ncSmall, "sf")) expect_equal(st_area(nc2), st_area(ncSmall)) # cropInputs expect_true(identical(1, cropInputs(1))) nonLatLongProj2 <- paste( "+proj=lcc +lat_1=51 +lat_2=77 +lat_0=0 +lon_0=-95", "+x_0=0 +y_0=0 +ellps=GRS80 +units=m +no_defs" ) nc3 <- suppressWarningsSpecific( { sf::st_transform(nc1, CRSobj = nonLatLongProj2) }, falseWarnings = "Discarded datum Unknown based on GRS80 ellipsoid in Proj4 definition|PROJ support is provided by the sf and terra packages among others" ) nc4 <- cropInputs(nc3, studyArea = ncSmall) ncSmall2 <- suppressWarningsSpecific( { sf::st_transform(ncSmall, CRSobj = nonLatLongProj2) }, falseWarnings = "Discarded datum Unknown based on GRS80 ellipsoid in Proj4 definition|PROJ support is provided by the sf and terra packages among others" ) expect_true(isTRUE(all.equal(terra::ext(nc4), terra::ext(ncSmall2)))) mess <- capture_error({ nc4 <- cropInputs(nc3, studyArea = 1) }) expect_s3_class(mess, "simpleError") ncSmallShifted <- ncSmall + 10000000 ncSmallShifted <- st_as_sf(ncSmallShifted) st_crs(ncSmallShifted) <- st_crs(ncSmall) mess <- capture_messages( cropInputs(ncSmall, studyArea = ncSmallShifted) ) expect_true(any(grepl("overlap", mess))) # cropInputs.sf nc3 <- st_transform(nc1, crs = nonLatLongProj2) nc4 <- cropInputs(nc3, studyArea = ncSmall) ncSmall2 <- st_transform(ncSmall, crs = nonLatLongProj2) expect_true(isTRUE(all.equal(terra::ext(nc4), terra::ext(ncSmall2)))) # studyArea as spatial object nc5 <- cropInputs(nc3, studyArea = ncSmall) ncSmall2 <- st_transform(ncSmall, crs = nonLatLongProj2) expect_true(isTRUE(all.equal(terra::ext(nc5), terra::ext(ncSmall2)))) expect_true(isTRUE(all.equal(terra::ext(nc5), terra::ext(nc4)))) # rasterToMatch nc5 <- cropTo(nc3, cropTo = r) nc5Extent_r <- st_transform(nc5, crs = crs(r)) expect_true(isTRUE(abs(terra::xmin(r) - sf::st_bbox(nc5Extent_r)["xmin"]) < terra::res(r)[1])) expect_true(isTRUE(abs(terra::ymin(r) - sf::st_bbox(nc5Extent_r)["ymin"]) < terra::res(r)[1])) expect_true(isTRUE(abs(terra::xmax(r) - sf::st_bbox(nc5Extent_r)["xmax"]) < terra::res(r)[1])) expect_true(isTRUE(abs(terra::ymax(r) - sf::st_bbox(nc5Extent_r)["ymax"]) < terra::res(r)[1])) ncSmallShifted <- ncSmall + 10000000 ncSmallShifted <- st_as_sf(ncSmallShifted) st_crs(ncSmallShifted) <- st_crs(ncSmall) expect_message( regexp = "results in no data", aaa <- cropInputs(ncSmall, studyArea = ncSmallShifted) ) expect_s3_class(aaa, "sf") # expect_true(NROW(out11) == 0) # LINEARRING Example p6 <- terra::vect("POLYGON ((0 60, 0 0, 60 0, 60 20, 100 20, 60 20, 60 60, 0 60))") p6a <- fixErrorsIn(p6) expect_true(terra::is.valid(p6a)) expect_false(terra::is.valid(p6)) # projectInputs pass through expect_error(projectInputs(x = 1), "argument .+ is missing") #using deprecated filename2 arg expect_error(cropInputs(ncSmall, studyArea = ncSmallShifted, filename2 = "use_WriteTo_Instead.shp")) }) test_that("writeOutputs with non-matching writeTo", { testInit(c("terra"), tmpFileExt = c(".grd", ".tif")) r <- terra::rast(terra::ext(0, 10, 0, 10), vals = rnorm(100)) r <- terra::writeRaster(r, filename = tmpfile[1], overwrite = TRUE) r[] <- r[] warn <- capture_warnings({ r1 <- writeOutputs(r, writeTo = tmpfile[2]) }) r2 <- terra::rast(Filenames(r1)) vals1 <- r2[] vals2 <- r1[] vals3 <- r[] expect_true(identical(vals1, vals2)) expect_true(identical(vals1, vals3)) expect_false(identical(normPath(Filenames(r)), normPath(Filenames(r1)))) expect_true(identical(normPath(Filenames(r2)), normPath(Filenames(r1)))) }) test_that("cropInputs crops too closely when input projections are different", { skip_on_cran() # skip_on_ci() ## TODO: why is this failing on GHA but not locally??? (2022-11-04) testInit("terra", opts = list( "rasterTmpDir" = tempdir2(rndstr(1, 6)), "reproducible.overwrite" = TRUE, "reproducible.inputPaths" = NULL, "rgdal_show_exportToProj4_warnings" = "none" # https://gis.stackexchange.com/questions/390945/importing-raster-files-warning-and-extracting-covariates-error-with-raster-and ), needGoogleDriveAuth = TRUE) ext2 <- terra::ext(c( xmin = -3229772.32501426, xmax = 3680227.67498574, ymin = -365833.605586135, ymax = 3454166.39441387 )) x <- terra::rast(ext2, crs = paste( "+proj=laea +lat_0=45 +lon_0=-100 +x_0=0 +y_0=0", "+a=6370997 +b=6370997 +units=m +no_defs" ), resolution = c(10000, 10000) ) x <- terra::setValues(x, 1) RTMext <- terra::ext(c( xmin = -1613500.00000023, xmax = -882500.000000228, ymin = 7904500, ymax = 9236000 )) RTM <- terra::rast(RTMext, crs = paste( "+proj=lcc +lat_1=49 +lat_2=77 +lat_0=0 +lon_0=-95 +x_0=0 +y_0=0", "+ellps=GRS80 +units=m +no_defs" ), resolution = c(250, 250) ) RTM <- setValues(RTM, 2) out <- postProcess(x = x, rasterToMatch = RTM, filename2 = NULL) expect_true(nrow(out[is.na(out[]) & is.na(RTM[])]) == 0) }) test_that("maskInputs errors when x is Lat-Long", { skip_on_cran() skip_on_ci() testInit("sf", opts = list( "rasterTmpDir" = tempdir2(rndstr(1, 6)), "reproducible.overwrite" = TRUE, "reproducible.inputPaths" = NULL ), needGoogleDriveAuth = TRUE) i <- 0 roads <- list() clearCache() smallSA <- terra::ext(c( -117.580383168455, -117.43120279669, 61.0576330401172, 61.0937107807574 )) x <- terra::rast(smallSA, crs = "+proj=longlat +ellps=GRS80 +no_defs", resolution = c(0.001, 0.001) ) suppressWarnings(smallSA <- terra::vect(terra::ext(x), "polygons")) terra::crs(smallSA) <- terra::crs(x) noisyOutput <- capture.output( suppressWarningsSpecific( falseWarnings = "attribute variables|st_buffer does not correctly buffer longitude", roads1 <- prepInputs( targetFile = "miniRoad.shp", alsoExtract = "similar", url = "https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Z6ueq8yXtUPuPWoUcC7_l2p0_Uem34CC", studyArea = smallSA, useCache = FALSE, fun = "sf::st_read", destinationPath = tmpdir, writeTo = "miniRoad.shp" ) ) ) # clearCache() noisyOutput <- capture.output( roads2 <- prepInputs( targetFile = "miniRoad.shp", alsoExtract = "similar", url = "https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Z6ueq8yXtUPuPWoUcC7_l2p0_Uem34CC", # studyArea = smallSA, useCache = FALSE, fun = "sf::st_read", destinationPath = tmpdir, filename2 = "miniRoads" ) ) attr(roads1, "tags") <- NULL # There are floating point issues with 32 bit vs 64 bit approaches. The following fails: # expect_true(all.equal(roads[[1]], roads[[2]], check.attributes = FALSE)) # diffs <- sum(abs(unlist(lapply(sf::st_geometry(roads[[1]]), as.numeric)) - # unlist(lapply(sf::st_geometry(roads[[2]]), as.numeric)))) # expect_true(diffs < 0.0001) expect_true(terra::compareGeom(terra::rast(terra::ext(roads1)), terra::rast(terra::ext(smallSA)))) expect_error(terra::compareGeom(terra::rast(terra::ext(roads2)), terra::rast(terra::ext(smallSA)))) expect_true(terra::ext(roads2) > terra::ext(roads1)) }) test_that("prepInputs doesn't work (part 3)", { skip("The Google Drive url is dead") if (interactive()) { testInit(needGoogleDriveAuth = TRUE) # Tati's reprex # tmpdir <- "/mnt/d/temp/Cache" wd <- checkPath(file.path(tmpdir, "reprex"), create = TRUE) ranges <- prepInputs( url = "https://drive.google.com/file/d/1AfGfRjaDsdq3JqcsidGRo3N66OUjRJnn", destinationPath = wd, fun = "terra::vect" ) LCC05 <- prepInputs( url = "https://drive.google.com/file/d/1g9jr0VrQxqxGjZ4ckF6ZkSMP-zuYzHQC", targetFile = "LCC2005_V1_4a.tif", studyArea = ranges, fun = "terra::rast", destinationPath = wd ) sumNonNAs <- sum(!is.na(!LCC05[])) # These are suitably vague that they will capture the mask if it gets it right expect_true(sumNonNAs < 38000000) expect_true(sumNonNAs > 37000000) } })