test_that("test miscellaneous fns (part 1)", { # ONLY RELEVANT FOR RASTERS testInit("raster", tmpFileExt = c(".tif", ".grd")) expect_type(searchFullEx(), "list") expect_true(length(searchFullEx()) > length(search())) expect_true(length(searchFullEx()) == (3 + length(search()))) expect_true(all(unlist(lapply(searchFull(simplify = FALSE), is.environment)))) test <- lapply(searchFull(simplify = FALSE), attributes) test <- grep("withr_handler", value = TRUE, test, invert = TRUE) expect_true(all(is.character(unlist(test)))) # NO LONGER RELIABLE TEST BECAUSE OF NEW REMOVAL OF PACKAGES fEB 24 2021 # expect_true(sum(unlist(d1)) < sum(unlist(d))) # convertRasterPaths filenames <- normalizePath(c("/home/user1/Documents/file.txt", "/Users/user1/Documents/file.txt"), winslash = "/", mustWork = FALSE ) oldPaths <- dirname(filenames) newPaths <- normalizePath(c("/home/user2/Desktop", "/Users/user2/Desktop"), winslash = "/", mustWork = FALSE ) expect_true(grepl(newPaths[1], convertPaths(filenames, oldPaths, newPaths)[1])) r1 <- raster::raster(system.file("external/test.grd", package = "raster")) r2 <- raster::raster(system.file("external/rlogo.grd", package = "raster")) rasters <- list(r1, r2) oldPaths <- system.file("external", package = "raster") newPaths <- file.path("~/rasters") rasters <- convertRasterPaths(rasters, oldPaths, newPaths) ## spurious failures non-interactively when not sorting expect_true(identical( sort(unlist(lapply(rasters, raster::filename))), sort(normPath(file.path(newPaths, basename(unlist(lapply(list(r1, r2), raster::filename)))))) )) r3 <- suppressWarnings(writeRaster(r1, tmpfile[1], overwrite = TRUE)) ## TODO: raster needs updating for crs stuff r4 <- suppressWarnings(convertRasterPaths(tmpfile[1], dirname(tmpfile[1]), newPaths)) ## TODO: raster needs updating for crs stuff expect_identical( normPath(file.path(newPaths, basename(filename(r4)))), normPath(Filenames(r4)) ) expect_silent({ b <- retry(quote(rnorm(1)), retries = 1, silent = TRUE) }) expect_error({ b <- retry(quote(stop()), retries = 1, silent = TRUE) }) expect_true(identical(NULL, basename2(NULL))) a <- .formalsNotInCurrentDots(rnorm, n = 1, b = 2) b <- .formalsNotInCurrentDots(rnorm, dots = list(n = 1, b = 2)) expect_identical(a, b) }) test_that("objSize and objSizeSession", { skip_on_cran() # objectSize a <- 1 b <- tempfile() saveRDS(a, b) expect_true(is.numeric(objSize(asPath(b)))) expect_true(is(objSize(asPath(b)), "lobstr_bytes")) }) test_that("setting options works correctly", { testInit(verbose = 1, ask = TRUE) a <- reproducibleOptions() # The keep is during terra-migration keep <- setdiff(names(a), c( "reproducible.rasterRead", "reproducible.cachePath", "reproducible.overwrite", # This is a bug # TODO... something prior to this test is changing it "reproducible.useDBI", "reproducible.cacheSaveFormat", "reproducible.shapefileRead" )) a <- a[keep] a1 <- a[sapply(a, function(x) !is.null(x))] b <- options() # b$reproducible.verbose <- as.numeric(b$reproducible.verbose) bbb <- match(names(b), names(a1)) # expect_true(identical(sort(names(a1)), sort(names(a1[na.omit(bbb)])))) expect_true(identical(sort(names(a1)), sort(names(a1[bbb[!is.na(bbb)]])))) # omit <- c(names(testInitOut$opts), names(testInitOut$optsAsk), # "reproducible.inputPath", "reproducible.tempPath") b1 <- b[names(a1)] # b1 <- b1[!names(b1) %in% omit] a2 <- a1 # [!names(a1) %in% omit] expect_identical(b1, a2) }) test_that("guessAtTargetAndFun works correctly", { testInit("terra") # expect_error(.guessAtTargetAndFun(fun = rnorm), "fun must be a") expect_message( .guessAtTargetAndFun(targetFilePath = NULL, filesExtracted = "", fun = "load"), "Don't know which file to load" ) expect_message( .guessAtTargetAndFun(targetFilePath = NULL, filesExtracted = "hi.rds", fun = "readRDS"), "targetFile was not specified." ) expect_message( .guessAtTargetAndFun(targetFilePath = NULL, filesExtracted = c("hi.rds", "hello.rds"), fun = "readRDS"), "More than one possible files to load" ) }) test_that("unrar is working as expected", { testInit("terra", tmpFileExt = c(".tif", ".grd")) cat("hi", file = tmpfile[1]) cat("hi", file = tmpfile[2]) rarPath <- file.path(tmpdir, "tmp.rar") oo <- capture.output(out <- try(utils::zip(zipfile = rarPath, files = tmpfile, flags = "-q"), silent = TRUE)) # this should only be relevant if system can unrar if (!is(out, "try-error")) { unrar <- .whichExtractFn(archive = rarPath, args = "") expect_true(identical(unrar$fun, "unrar")) suppressWarnings( expect_error(.callArchiveExtractFn(unrar$fun, files = "", args = list(exdir = tmpCache))) ) } }) test_that("test miscellaneous fns (part 2)", { testInit("terra", tmpFileExt = c(".tif", ".grd"), needGoogleDriveAuth = TRUE, opts = list("reproducible.cloudFolderID" = NULL) ) on.exit( { try(googledrive::drive_rm(googledrive::as_id(cloudFolderID)), silent = TRUE) try(googledrive::drive_rm(googledrive::as_id(tmpCloudFolderID)), silent = TRUE) }, add = TRUE ) ras <- terra::rast(terra::ext(0, 1, 0, 1), resolution = 1, vals = 1) ras <- terra::writeRaster(ras, filename = tmpfile[1], overwrite = TRUE) gdriveLs1 <- data.frame(name = "GADM", id = "sdfsd", drive_resource = list(sdfsd = 1)) tmpCloudFolderID <- checkAndMakeCloudFolderID(create = TRUE) gdriveLs <- driveLs(cloudFolderID = NULL, "sdfsdf") expect_true(NROW(gdriveLs) == 0) expect_true(is(checkAndMakeCloudFolderID("testy"), "dribble") || is(checkAndMakeCloudFolderID("testy"), "character")) cloudFolderID <- checkAndMakeCloudFolderID("testy", create = TRUE) testthat::with_mocked_bindings( retry = function(..., retries = 1) TRUE, { if (useDBI()) { # Need to convert to cloudUpload from Cache mess1 <- capture_messages( capture_warnings( # about cache repo -- not the point here expect_error( cloudUploadFromCache( # outputToSave = , isInCloud = FALSE, outputHash = "sdfsiodfja", # gdriveLs = gdriveLs1, cloudFolderID = cloudFolderID, cachePath = tmpCache ) ) ) ) } } ) a <- cloudUploadRasterBackends(ras, cloudFolderID = cloudFolderID) mess1 <- capture_messages(expect_error(expect_warning({ a <- cloudDownload( outputHash = "sdfsd", newFileName = "test.tif", gdriveLs = gdriveLs1, cloudFolderID = "testy", cachePath = tmpCache ) }))) expect_true(sum(grepl("Downloading cloud copy of test\\.tif", mess1)) == 1) testthat::with_mocked_bindings( retry = function(..., retries = 1) TRUE, { # cloudFolderID can't be meaningless "character", but retry is TRUE warns <- capture_warnings({ err <- capture_error({ cloudDownloadRasterBackend(output = ras, cachePath = tmpCache, cloudFolderID = "character") }) }) expect_true(is.null(err)) } ) a <- new.env(parent = emptyenv()) a$a <- list(ras, ras) expect_true(all(unlist(isOrHasRaster(a)))) }) test_that("Filenames for environment", { testInit(c("terra"), tmpFileExt = c(".tif", ".grd", ".tif", ".tif", ".grd"), opts = list("reproducible.ask" = FALSE) ) s <- new.env(parent = emptyenv()) s$r <- terra::rast(terra::ext(0, 10, 0, 10), vals = 1, resolution = 1) s$r2 <- terra::rast(terra::ext(0, 10, 0, 10), vals = 1, resolution = 1) s$r <- suppressWarningsSpecific( terra::writeRaster(s$r, filename = tmpfile[1], overwrite = TRUE), "NOT UPDATED FOR PROJ >= 6" ) s$r2 <- suppressWarningsSpecific( terra::writeRaster(s$r2, filename = tmpfile[3], overwrite = TRUE), "NOT UPDATED FOR PROJ >= 6" ) s$s <- c(s$r, s$r2) s$b <- terra::writeRaster(s$s, filename = tmpfile[5], overwrite = TRUE) Fns <- Filenames(s) fnsGrd <- unlist(normPath(Filenames(s$b))) expect_true(identical(c(Fns[["b1"]], Fns[["b2"]]), fnsGrd)) expect_true(identical(Fns[["r"]], normPath(Filenames(s$r)))) expect_true(identical(Fns[["r2"]], normPath(Filenames(s$r2)))) expect_true(identical( c(Fns[["s1"]], Fns[["s2"]]), sapply(seq_len(nlayers2(s$s)), function(rInd) normPath(Filenames(s$s[[rInd]]))) )) FnsR <- Filenames(s$r) expect_true(identical(FnsR, normPath(Filenames(s$r)))) FnsS <- Filenames(s$s) expect_true(identical(FnsS, sapply( seq_len(nlayers2(s$s)), function(rInd) normPath(Filenames(s$s[[rInd]])) ))) FnsB <- Filenames(s$b) expect_true(identical(FnsB, fnsGrd)) # Another stack with identical files rlogoFiles <- system.file("ex/test.grd", package = "terra") rlogoFiles <- c(rlogoFiles, gsub("grd$", "gri", rlogoFiles)) secondSet <- file.path(tmpdir, c("one.grd", "one.gri")) res <- suppressWarnings(file.link(rlogoFiles, secondSet)) if (all(res)) { b <- c(terra::rast(rlogoFiles[1]), terra::rast(secondSet[1])) expect_true(identical(sort(normPath(c(rlogoFiles, secondSet))), sort(Filenames(b)))) } # Test duplicated filenames in same Stack b <- c(terra::rast(rlogoFiles[1]), terra::rast(rlogoFiles[1])) expect_true(identical(sort(normPath(c(rlogoFiles))), unique(sort(Filenames(b, allowMultiple = TRUE))))) rlogoFiles <- system.file("ex/test.grd", package = "terra") rlogoDir <- dirname(rlogoFiles) b <- terra::rast(rlogoFiles) rlogoFiles <- c(rlogoFiles, gsub("grd$", "gri", rlogoFiles)) expect_true(identical( sort(normPath(dir(pattern = "test", rlogoDir, full.names = TRUE))), sort(Filenames(b)) )) }) test_that("test miscellaneous fns (part 3)", { testInit(opts = list(datatable.print.class = FALSE)) x1 <- append(as.list(c(0, 1, -1, 10^(-(1:10)))), as.list(c(0L, 1L))) a <- lapply(x1, roundTo6Dec) # Keeps class expect_true(all(unlist(lapply(seq_along(x1), function(y) identical(class(x1[[y]]), class(a[[y]])))))) whBig <- which(x1 >= 10e-7) expect_true(identical(x1[whBig], a[whBig])) whSmall <- which(abs(unlist(x1)) < 10e-7 & unlist(x1) != 0) expect_false(all(unlist(lapply(whSmall, function(ws) identical(x1[[ws]], a[[ws]]))))) whWhole <- which(unlist(x1) %% 1 != unlist(x1)) expect_true(all(unlist(lapply(whWhole, function(ws) identical(x1[[ws]], a[[ws]]))))) whZero <- which(unlist(x1) == 0) expect_true(all(unlist(lapply(whZero, function(ws) identical(x1[[ws]], a[[ws]]))))) out <- capture_messages(messageDF(cbind(a = 1.1232), round = 2)) out <- strsplit(out, "\n")[[1]] # the prev line is all on one line now (Dec 2023), with \n separating expect_true(is.character(out)) expect_identical(length(out), 2L) ## TODO: only passes when run line by line interactively expect_true(is.numeric(as.numeric(gsub("\033.*", "", gsub(".*: ", "", out)[2])))) out <- capture_messages(messageDF(cbind(a = 1.1232), round = 2, colnames = FALSE)) expect_true(is.character(out)) expect_identical(length(out), 1L) ## TODO: only passes when run line by line interactively expect_true(is.numeric(as.numeric(gsub("\033.*", "", gsub(".*: ", "", out))))) out <- capture_messages(messageDF(1.1232, round = 2, colnames = TRUE)) out <- strsplit(out, "\n")[[1]] # the prev line is all on one line now (Dec 2023), with \n separating expect_true(is.character(out)) expect_identical(length(out), 2L) ## TODO: only passes when run line by line interactively expect_true(is.numeric(as.numeric(gsub("\033.*", "", gsub(".*: ", "", out)[2])))) }) test_that("test set.randomseed", { skip_if(getRversion() < "4.2") # Can't figure out why this doesn't wok testInit() N <- 1e4 a <- integer(N) for (i in 1:N) { a[i] <- set.randomseed() } expect_false(any(duplicated(a))) })