test_that("testing prepInputs with deauthorized googledrive", { skip_on_cran() skip_on_ci() if (interactive()) { testInit("terra", needGoogleDriveAuth = TRUE) withr::local_dir(tmpdir) # if (Sys.info()["user"] == "emcintir") { # googledrive::drive_deauth() # googledrive::drive_auth("eliotmcintire@gmail.com", cache = "C:/Eliot/.secret") # on.exit(googledrive::drive_deauth()) testthat::with_mocked_bindings( isInteractive = function() { FALSE }, { noisyOutput <- capture.output({ warn <- capture_warnings({ BCR6_VT <- prepInputs( alsoExtract = "similar", url = "https://drive.google.com/open?id=1sEiXKnAOCi-f1BF7b4kTg-6zFlGr0YOH", targetFile = "BCR6.shp", overwrite = TRUE ) }) }) } ) expect_true(is(BCR6_VT, vectorType())) # } if (.requireNamespace("sf", stopOnFALSE = FALSE)) { NFDB_PT <- # Cache( prepInputs( url = "http://cwfis.cfs.nrcan.gc.ca/downloads/nfdb/fire_pnt/current_version/NFDB_point.zip", overwrite = TRUE, fun = sf::st_read(targetFile, quiet = TRUE) ) expect_is(NFDB_PT, "sf") expect_true(all(c("zip", "sbx", "shp", "xml", "shx", "sbn") %in% fileExt(dir(pattern = "NFDB_point")))) noisyOutput <- capture.output({ warn <- capture_warnings({ NFDB_PT_BCR6 <- Cache(postProcess, NFDB_PT, studyArea = BCR6_VT) }) }) if (!all(grepl("attribute variables are assumed to be spatially constant", warn))) { warnings(warn) } } } }) test_that("testing rebuildColors", { # ONLY RELEVANT FOR RASTER testInit(needGoogleDriveAuth = FALSE, "raster") x <- raster::raster(extent(0, 10, 0, 10), vals = runif(100, 0, 197)) origColors <- list(origColors = character(0), origMinValue = 0, origMaxValue = 197.100006103516) expect_is(rebuildColors(x, origColors), "Raster") })