test_that("test parallel collisions", { skip_on_cran() # testing multi-threaded things on CRAN # skip_on_os("mac") skip_if_not_installed("parallel") startTime <- Sys.time() testInit("parallel", tmpFileExt = c(".tif", ".grd", ".txt")) # make cluster -- note this works if cluster is FORK also, but for simplicity, using default # which works on Linux, Mac, Windows N <- min(2L, parallel::detectCores()) if (useDBI()) { if (!file.exists(CacheDBFile(tmpdir))) { createCache(tmpdir) } } # make function that will write to cache repository from with clusters numNew <- 20 fun <- function(x, cachePath, numNew, keepLog) { library(reproducible) if (keepLog) { fn <- file.path("c:/Eliot/tmpCache/log", Sys.getpid()) checkPath(dirname(fn), create = TRUE) } withCallingHandlers( Cache(rnorm, 10, sd = x %% numNew + 1, cachePath = cachePath, verbose = 4 ), # The "overwrite" means delete, rewrite, delete, rewrite over and over message = function(m) { if (keepLog) { cat(m$message, file = fn, append = TRUE) } } ) } cl <- makeCluster(N) on.exit(parallel::stopCluster(cl), add = TRUE) keepLog <- FALSE if (isWindows() && Sys.info()["user"] == "emcintir") { # tmpdir <- 'c:/Eliot/tmpCache/' keepLog <- TRUE } clusterSetRNGStream(cl) parallel::clusterEvalQ(cl, { library(reproducible) }) numToRun <- 140 # if (interactive()) { # print(tmpdir) # } # There is a 'creating Cache at the same time' problem -- haven't resolved # Just make cache first and it seems fine clearCache(tmpdir) # If in c:/Eliot, then it may be reused Cache(rnorm, 1, cachePath = tmpdir) a <- try( clusterMap( cl = cl, fun, seq(numToRun), numNew = numNew, keepLog = keepLog, cachePath = tmpdir, .scheduling = "dynamic" ), silent = FALSE ) if (!is(a, "try-error")) { expect_true(is.list(a)) expect_true(length(a) == numToRun) news <- vapply(a, function(x) attr(x, ".Cache")$newCache, FUN.VALUE = logical(1)) expect_equal(sum(news), numNew) } endTime <- Sys.time() # if (interactive()) { # print(endTime - startTime) # } })