test_that("test Cache(useCloud=TRUE, ...)", { skip_on_cran() skip_on_ci() testInit( c("googledrive", "terra"), tmpFileExt = c(".tif", ".grd"), needGoogleDriveAuth = TRUE, opts = list( "reproducible.cachePath" = file.path(tempdir(), rndstr(1, 7)), "reproducible.ask" = FALSE ) ) clearCache(x = tmpCache) testsForPkgs <- "testsForPkgs" if (isTRUE(tryCatch(googledrive::drive_ls(testsForPkgs), error = function(e) TRUE))) { testsForPkgsDir <- retry(quote(googledrive::drive_mkdir(name = testsForPkgs))) } newDir <- retry(quote(googledrive::drive_mkdir(name = rndstr(1, 6), path = testsForPkgs))) cloudFolderID <- newDir on.exit( { retry(quote(googledrive::drive_rm(cloudFolderID))) }, add = TRUE ) ####################################### # local absent, cloud absent ####################################### mess1 <- capture_messages({ a1 <- Cache(rnorm, 1, cloudFolderID = cloudFolderID, cachePath = tmpCache, useCloud = TRUE) }) expect_true(any(grepl("Uploading", mess1))) ####################################### # local present, cloud present ####################################### mess2 <- capture_messages({ a1 <- Cache(rnorm, 1, cloudFolderID = cloudFolderID, cachePath = tmpCache, useCloud = TRUE) }) expect_true(any(grepl(.message$LoadedCacheResult(), mess2))) .message$LoadedCacheResult expect_false(all(grepl("uploaded", ignore.case = TRUE, mess2))) expect_false(all(grepl("download", mess2))) ####################################### # local absent, cloud present ####################################### # kkkk <<- 1 clearCache(userTags = .robustDigest(1), x = tmpCache, useCloud = FALSE) mess3 <- capture_messages({ a1 <- Cache(rnorm, 1, cloudFolderID = cloudFolderID, cachePath = tmpCache, useCloud = TRUE) }) expect_false(any(grepl(.message$LoadedCacheResult(), mess3))) expect_false(any(grepl("Uploaded", mess3))) expect_true(any(grepl("Downloading", mess3))) ####################################### # local present, cloud absent ####################################### clearCache(x = tmpCache, useCloud = TRUE, cloudFolderID = cloudFolderID) a1 <- Cache(rnorm, 2, cloudFolderID = cloudFolderID, cachePath = tmpCache) mess4 <- capture_messages({ a2 <- Cache(rnorm, 2, cloudFolderID = cloudFolderID, cachePath = tmpCache, useCloud = TRUE) }) expect_true(any(grepl(.message$LoadedCacheResult(), mess4))) expect_true(any(grepl("Uploading", mess4))) expect_false(any(grepl("Download", mess4))) ####################################### # cloudFolderID missing ####################################### reproducible::clearCache(x = tmpCache, useCloud = TRUE, cloudFolderID = cloudFolderID) opts <- options("reproducible.cloudFolderID" = NULL) warn5 <- capture_warnings({ mess5 <- capture_messages({ a2 <- Cache(rnorm, 3, cachePath = tmpdir, useCloud = TRUE) }) }) expect_true(any(grepl("Uploading", mess5))) expect_false(any(grepl("Download", mess5))) warn6 <- capture_warnings({ mess6 <- capture_messages({ a2 <- Cache(rnorm, 3, cachePath = tmpCache, useCloud = TRUE) }) }) # expect_false(any(grepl("Folder created", mess6))) expect_true(any(grepl("Uploading", mess6))) expect_false(any(grepl("Download", mess6))) expect_false(any(grepl(.message$LoadedCacheResult(), mess6))) expect_true(isTRUE(all.equal(length(warn6), 0))) ######## try(googledrive::drive_rm(newDir), silent = TRUE) # clear the original one cloudFolderID <- getOption("reproducible.cloudFolderID") clearCache(x = tmpCache, useCloud = TRUE) # , cloudFolderID = cloudFolderID) # Add 3 things to cloud and local -- then clear them all for (i in 1:3) { a1 <- Cache(rnorm, i, cloudFolderID = cloudFolderID, cachePath = tmpCache, useCloud = TRUE) } expect_silent({ mess1 <- capture_messages( clearCache(x = tmpCache, useCloud = TRUE, cloudFolderID = cloudFolderID) ) }) expect_true(NROW(googledrive::drive_ls(path = cloudFolderFromCacheRepo(tmpCache))) == 0) # Add 3 things to local, only 2 to cloud -- clear them all, without an error for (i in 1:2) { a1 <- Cache(rnorm, i, cloudFolderID = cloudFolderID, cachePath = tmpCache, useCloud = TRUE) } a1 <- Cache(rnorm, 3, cloudFolderID = cloudFolderID, cachePath = tmpCache, useCloud = FALSE) expect_silent({ mess2 <- capture_messages( clearCache(x = tmpCache, useCloud = TRUE, cloudFolderID = cloudFolderID) ) }) expect_true(NROW(googledrive::drive_ls(path = cloudFolderFromCacheRepo(tmpCache))) == 0) # Add 2 things to local and cloud -- clear only 1 of them, without an error Cache(rnorm, 1, cloudFolderID = cloudFolderID, cachePath = tmpCache, useCloud = TRUE) Cache(rnorm, 2, cloudFolderID = cloudFolderID, cachePath = tmpCache, useCloud = TRUE) expect_silent({ mess2 <- capture_messages( clearCache(x = tmpCache, userTags = CacheDigest(rnorm(1))$outputHash, useCloud = TRUE, cloudFolderID = cloudFolderID) ) }) gdriveLs <- googledrive::drive_ls(path = cloudFolderFromCacheRepo(tmpCache)) expect_true(NROW(gdriveLs) == 2) expect_true(all(grepl(unique(showCache(tmpCache)[[.cacheTableHashColName()]]), gdriveLs$name))) }) test_that("test Cache(useCloud=TRUE, ...) with raster-backed objs -- tif and grd", { skip_on_cran() skip_on_ci() testInit(c("googledrive", "terra"), needGoogleDriveAuth = TRUE, opts = list("reproducible.ask" = FALSE) ) opts <- options("reproducible.cachePath" = tmpdir) on.exit( { retry(quote(googledrive::drive_rm(googledrive::as_id(newDir$id)))) options(opts) }, add = TRUE ) clearCache(x = tmpCache) clearCache(x = tmpdir) newDir <- retry(quote(googledrive::drive_mkdir(name = basename2(tmpdir), path = "testsForPkgs"))) cloudFolderID <- newDir testRasterInCloud(".tif", cloudFolderID = cloudFolderID, numRasterFiles = 1, tmpdir = tmpdir, type = "Raster" ) retry(quote(googledrive::drive_rm(googledrive::as_id(newDir$id)))) clearCache(x = tmpdir) newDir <- retry(quote(googledrive::drive_mkdir(name = rndstr(1, 6), path = "testsForPkgs"))) cloudFolderID <- newDir # the 3 raster files include the .grd, .gri, and .grd.aux.xml testRasterInCloud(".grd", cloudFolderID = cloudFolderID, numRasterFiles = 3, tmpdir = tmpdir, type = "Raster" ) }) test_that("test Cache(useCloud=TRUE, ...) with raster-backed objs -- stack", { skip_on_cran() skip_on_ci() testInit(c("googledrive", "terra"), needGoogleDriveAuth = TRUE, opts = list("reproducible.ask" = FALSE) ) on.exit( { retry(quote(googledrive::drive_rm(googledrive::as_id(newDir$id)))) options(opts) }, add = TRUE ) opts <- options("reproducible.cachePath" = tmpdir) on.exit(options(opts), add = TRUE) clearCache(x = tmpCache) clearCache(x = tmpdir) newDir <- retry(quote(googledrive::drive_mkdir(name = basename2(tmpdir), path = "testsForPkgs"))) cloudFolderID <- newDir testRasterInCloud(".tif", cloudFolderID = cloudFolderID, numRasterFiles = 2, tmpdir = tmpdir, type = "Stack" ) }) test_that("test Cache(useCloud=TRUE, ...) with raster-backed objs -- brick", { skip_on_cran() skip_on_ci() testInit(c("googledrive", "terra"), needGoogleDriveAuth = TRUE, opts = list("reproducible.ask" = FALSE) ) opts <- options("reproducible.cachePath" = tmpdir) on.exit( { retry(quote(googledrive::drive_rm(googledrive::as_id(newDir$id)))) options(opts) }, add = TRUE ) clearCache(x = tmpCache) clearCache(x = tmpdir) newDir <- retry(quote(googledrive::drive_mkdir(name = tempdir2(), path = "testsForPkgs"))) cloudFolderID <- newDir testRasterInCloud(".tif", cloudFolderID = cloudFolderID, numRasterFiles = 1, tmpdir = tmpdir, type = "Brick" ) }) test_that("prepInputs works with team drives", { skip_on_cran() skip_on_ci() testInit( needGoogleDriveAuth = TRUE, "googledrive", opts = list( "reproducible.cachePath" = file.path(tempdir(), rndstr(1, 7)), "reproducible.ask" = FALSE ) ) # zipUrl <- "https://drive.google.com/file/d/1zRX2c55ebJbQtjijCErEfGxhsa7Ieph2" # Orig zipUrl <- "https://drive.google.com/file/d/1JpdvM8QiyCyNyQAvSaFU0rAY-1I3mcbp" # This will fail if it is hit too many times -- we don't want the test to report # fail because of this opts <- options("reproducible.interactiveOnDownloadFail" = FALSE) on.exit(options(opts), add = TRUE) if (packageVersion("googledrive") < "2.0.0") { wb <- prepInputs( targetFile = "WB_BCR.shp", destinationPath = tmpdir, url = zipUrl, alsoExtract = "similar", team_drive = TRUE ) } else { err <- capture_error( noisy <- capture.output( wb <- prepInputs( targetFile = "WB_BCR.shp", destinationPath = tmpdir, url = zipUrl, alsoExtract = "similar", shared_drive = TRUE ) ) ) if (is.null(err)) { if (.requireNamespace("sf")) { expect_true(is(wb, "sf")) } } } })