all.equalWONewCache <- function(a, b) { attr(a, ".Cache")$newCache <- NULL attr(b, ".Cache")$newCache <- NULL all.equal(a, b) } skip_if_no_token <- function() { testthat::skip_if_not(googledrive::drive_has_token(), "No Drive token") } # puts tmpdir, tmpCache, tmpfile (can be vectorized with length >1 tmpFileExt), # optsAsk in this environment, # loads and libraries indicated plus testthat, # sets options("reproducible.ask" = FALSE) if ask = FALSE # if `needInternet = TRUE`, it will only re-try every 30 seconds testInit <- function(libraries = character(), ask = FALSE, verbose, tmpFileExt = "", opts = NULL, needGoogleDriveAuth = FALSE, needInternet = FALSE, envir = parent.frame(1)) { set.randomseed() pf <- parent.frame() if (isTRUE(needGoogleDriveAuth)) { libraries <- c(libraries, "googledrive") needInternet <- TRUE } if (isTRUE(needInternet)) { if (!is.null(.pkgEnv$.internetExists)) { if (difftime(Sys.time(), .pkgEnv$.internetExistsLastCheck) > 30) { .pkgEnv$.internetExists <- NULL .pkgEnv$.internetExistsLastCheck <- NULL } } if (is.null(.pkgEnv$.internetExists)) { for (i in 1:2) { .pkgEnv$.internetExists <- internetExists() if (isTRUE(.pkgEnv$.internetExists)) break SSL_REVOKE_BEST_EFFORT(envir) } .pkgEnv$.internetExistsLastCheck <- Sys.time() } intExists <- .pkgEnv$.internetExists if (!intExists) skip("Need internet") } if (length(libraries)) { libraries <- unique(libraries) loadedAlready <- vapply(libraries, function(pkg) { any(grepl(paste0("package:", pkg), search())) }, FUN.VALUE = logical(1)) libraries <- libraries[!loadedAlready] if (length(libraries)) { pkgsLoaded <- unlist(lapply(libraries, requireNamespace, quietly = TRUE)) if (!all(pkgsLoaded)) { lapply(libraries[!pkgsLoaded], skip_if_not_installed) } suppressWarnings(lapply(libraries, withr::local_package, .local_envir = pf)) } } skip_gauth <- identical(Sys.getenv("SKIP_GAUTH"), "true") # only set in setup.R for covr if (isTRUE(needGoogleDriveAuth)) { if (!skip_gauth) { if (interactive()) { if (!googledrive::drive_has_token()) { getAuth <- FALSE if (is.null(getOption("gargle_oauth_email"))) { possLocalCache <- "c:/Eliot/.secret" cache <- if (file.exists(possLocalCache)) { possLocalCache } else { TRUE } switch(["user"], emcintir = { options(gargle_oauth_email = "") }, # , # gargle_oauth_cache = cache)}, NULL ) } if (is.null(getOption("gargle_oauth_email"))) { if (.isRstudioServer()) { .requireNamespace("httr", stopOnFALSE = TRUE) options(httr_oob_default = TRUE) } } getAuth <- TRUE if (isTRUE(getAuth)) { googledrive::drive_auth() } } } } skip_if_no_token() } out <- list() if (isFALSE(getOption("reproducible.cache2"))) { testthat::local_mocked_bindings(Cache = reproducible:::Cache2, .env = pf) # withr::local_options("reproducible.useDBI" = FALSE, .local_envir = pf) } withr::local_options("reproducible.ask" = ask, .local_envir = pf) if (!missing(verbose)) { withr::local_options("reproducible.verbose" = verbose, .local_envir = pf) } if (!is.null(opts)) { withr::local_options(opts, .local_envir = pf) } tmpdir <- normPath(withr::local_tempdir(tmpdir = tempdir2(), .local_envir = pf)) tmpCache <- normPath(withr::local_tempdir(tmpdir = tmpdir, .local_envir = pf)) if (isTRUE(any(nzchar(tmpFileExt)))) { dotStart <- startsWith(tmpFileExt, ".") if (any(!dotStart)) { tmpFileExt[!dotStart] <- paste0(".", tmpFileExt) } out$tmpfile <- normPath(withr::local_tempfile(fileext = tmpFileExt)) } withr::local_dir(tmpdir, .local_envir = pf) withr::defer({ try(reproducible::clearCache(cachePath = tmpCache, ask = FALSE, verbose = -1)) try(reproducible::clearCache(ask = FALSE, verbose = -1), silent = TRUE) try(unlink(tmpCache, recursive = TRUE)) }, envir = pf) out <- append(out, list(tmpdir = tmpdir, tmpCache = tmpCache)) list2env(out, envir = pf) return(out) # # ################ BELOW HERE IS OLDER CODE THAT DOES NOT USE withr # # tmpdir <- tempdir2(sprintf("%s_%03d", rndstr(1, 6), .pkgEnv$testCacheCounter)) # tmpCache <- checkPath(file.path(tmpdir, "testCache"), create = TRUE) # .pkgEnv$testCacheCounter <- .pkgEnv$testCacheCounter + 1L # # optsAsk <- if (!ask) # options("reproducible.ask" = ask) # else # list() # # optsVerbose <- if (verbose) # options(reproducible.verbose = verbose) # else # list() # # if (missing(libraries)) libraries <- list() # if (length(libraries)) { # pkgsLoaded <- unlist(lapply(libraries, requireNamespace, quietly = TRUE)) # if (!all(pkgsLoaded)) { # lapply(libraries[!pkgsLoaded], skip_if_not_installed) # } # pf <- parent.frame() # lapply(libraries, withr::local_package, .local_envir = pf) # } # # require("testthat", quietly = TRUE) # # .pkgEnv <- getFromNamespace(".pkgEnv", "reproducible") # # # Set a new seed each time # if (isTRUE(needGoogleDriveAuth)) # skip_if_not_installed("googledrive") # # skip_gauth <- identical(Sys.getenv("SKIP_GAUTH"), "true") # only set in setup.R for covr # if (isTRUE(needGoogleDriveAuth) && !skip_gauth) { # if (interactive()) { # if (!googledrive::drive_has_token()) { # getAuth <- FALSE # if (is.null(getOption("gargle_oauth_email"))) { # possLocalCache <- "c:/Eliot/.secret" # cache <- if (file.exists(possLocalCache)) # possLocalCache else TRUE # switch(["user"], # emcintir = {options(gargle_oauth_email = "", # gargle_oauth_cache = cache)}, # NULL) # } # if (is.null(getOption("gargle_oauth_email"))) { # if (.isRstudioServer()) { # .requireNamespace("httr", stopOnFALSE = TRUE) # options(httr_oob_default = TRUE) # } # } # getAuth <- TRUE # if (isTRUE(getAuth)) # googledrive::drive_auth() # } # } # skip_if_no_token() # } # # origDir <- setwd(tmpdir) # # defaultOpts <- list( # reproducible.cachePath = .reproducibleTempCacheDir(), ## TODO: deal with cachePath issues in non-interactive tests # reproducible.showSimilar = FALSE, # reproducible.overwrite = TRUE, # reproducible.cacheSpeed = "slow" # ) # if (length(opts) > 0) # defaultOpts[names(opts)] <- opts # opts <- defaultOpts # # if (!is.null(opts)) { # if (needGoogleDriveAuth) { # optsGoogle <- # if (utils::packageVersion("googledrive") >= "1.0.0") { # # } else { # list(httr_oob_default = .isRstudioServer()) # # } # opts <- append(opts, optsGoogle) # } # opts <- lapply(opts, function(o) if ( eval(o, envir = environment()) else o) # opts <- options(opts) # } # # if (!is.null(tmpFileExt) && any(nzchar(tmpFileExt))) { # ranfiles <- unlist(lapply(tmpFileExt, function(x) paste0(rndstr(1, 7), ".", x))) # tmpfile <- file.path(tmpdir, ranfiles) # tmpfile <- gsub(pattern = "\\.\\.", tmpfile, replacement = "\\.") # file.create(tmpfile) # tmpfile <- normPath(tmpfile) # } else { # tmpfile <- NULL # } # # try(suppressMessages(clearCache(tmpCache, ask = FALSE)), silent = TRUE) # try(suppressMessages(clearCache(tmpdir, ask = FALSE)), silent = TRUE) # # outList <- list(tmpdir = tmpdir, origDir = origDir, libs = libraries, # tmpCache = tmpCache, optsAsk = optsAsk, # optsVerbose = optsVerbose, tmpfile = tmpfile, # opts = opts, needGoogleDriveAuth = needGoogleDriveAuth) # list2env(outList, envir = pf) # return(outList) } testOnExit <- function(testInitOut) { return() # if (length(testInitOut$optsVerbose)) # options("reproducible.verbose" = testInitOut$optsVerbose[[1]]) # if (length(testInitOut$optsAsk)) # options("reproducible.ask" = testInitOut$optsAsk[[1]]) # if (length(testInitOut$opts)) # options(testInitOut$opts) # setwd(testInitOut$origDir) # unlink(testInitOut$tmpdir, recursive = TRUE) # if (isTRUE(testInitOut$needGoogleDriveAuth)) { # .requireNamespace("googledrive", stopOnFALSE = TRUE, messageStart = "to use google drive files") # if (utils::packageVersion("googledrive") < "1.0.0") # googledrive::drive_auth_config(active = FALSE) # } # unlink(testInitOut$tmpCache, recursive = TRUE, force = TRUE) # unlink(testInitOut$tmpdir, recursive = TRUE, force = TRUE) # # if (grepl("Pq", class(getOption("reproducible.conn", NULL)))) { # tabs <- DBI::dbListTables(conn = getOption("reproducible.conn", NULL)) # tab1 <- grep(value = TRUE, tabs, pattern = # paste(collapse = "_", c(basename2(dirname(testInitOut$tmpCache)), # basename2(testInitOut$tmpCache)))) # tab2 <- grep(value = TRUE, tabs, pattern = # paste(collapse = "_", c(basename2(dirname(testInitOut$tmpdir)), # basename2(testInitOut$tmpdir)))) # if (length(tab1)) # try(DBI::dbRemoveTable(conn = getOption("reproducible.conn", NULL), tab1)) # if (length(tab2)) # try(DBI::dbRemoveTable(conn = getOption("reproducible.conn", NULL), tab2)) # } # } runTest <- function(prod, class, numFiles, mess, expectedMess, filePattern, tmpdir, test) { files <- dir(tmpdir, pattern = filePattern, full.names = TRUE) expect_true(length(files) == numFiles) expect_true(inherits(test, class)) # messagePrepInputs(mess) hasMessageNum <- paste(collapse = "_", which(unlist( lapply(strsplit(expectedMess, "\\|")[[1]], function(m) { any(grepl(m, mess)) }) ))) isOK <- hasMessageNum == prod if (!isOK) { if (interactive()) { expe <- as.numeric(strsplit(prod, split = "_")[[1]]) getting <- as.numeric(strsplit(hasMessageNum, split = "_")[[1]]) expectedMessVec <- strsplit(expectedMess, split = "\\|")[[1]] expecting <- paste(collapse = ", ", expectedMessVec[setdiff(expe, getting)]) if (length(expecting)) { cat("\nexpecting, but didn't get: ", expecting) } got <- paste(collapse = ", ", expectedMessVec[setdiff(getting, expe)]) if (length(got)) { cat("\ngot, but didn't expect ", got, "\n") } } } expect_true(isOK) # } expectedMessageRaw <- c( "Running `preP", "Preparing:", "File downloaded", "From:.*Shapefile", "Checking local", "Finished checking", "Downloading", "Skipping download", "Skipping extractFrom", "targetFile was not.*ry", "Writing checksums.*you can specify targetFile", "No targetFile supplied. Checksumming", "Appending checksums", "although coordinates are longitude" ) expectedMessage <- paste0(collapse = "|", expectedMessageRaw) expectedMessagePostProcessRaw <- c( "cropping", "Checking for errors", "Found no errors", "intersecting", "masking", "although coordinates are longitude" ) expectedMessagePostProcess <- paste0(collapse = "|", expectedMessagePostProcessRaw) urlTif1 <- "" urlShapefiles1Zip <- "" urlShapefilesZip <- "" targetFileLuxRDS <- "gadm36_LUX_0_sp.rds" testRasterInCloud <- function(fileext, cloudFolderID, numRasterFiles, tmpdir, type = c("Raster", "Stack", "Brick")) { .requireNamespace("googledrive", stopOnFALSE = TRUE, messageStart = "to use google drive files") # Second test .grd which has two files #################################################### # neither cloud or local exist -- should create local and upload to cloud #################################################### fn <- function(raster) { return(raster) } tempFile <- replicate(14, tempfile(tmpdir = tmpdir, fileext = fileext)) mc <- r1Orig <- terra::rast(terra::ext(0, 200, 0, 200), vals = 1, resolution = 1) r1Orig <- terra::writeRaster(r1Orig, filename = tempFile[1], overwrite = TRUE) if (mc$type == "Stack") { r1Orig2 <- terra::writeRaster(r1Orig, filename = tempFile[2], overwrite = TRUE) r1Orig <- c(r1Orig, r1Orig2) } else if (mc$type == "Brick") { message("Brick is deprecated; not tested any more") } r1End <- Cache(fn, r1Orig, useCloud = TRUE, cloudFolderID = cloudFolderID) cloudFolderID1 <- cloudFolderID on.exit({ clearCache(useCloud = TRUE, cloudFolderID = cloudFolderID1) }) r1EndData <- r1End[] r1EndFilename <- Filenames(r1End) r1EndCacheAttr <- attr(r1End, ".Cache")$newCache # Clear local copy rm(r1End) clearCache() #################################################### # cloud copy exists only -- should download to local copy #################################################### r2Orig <- terra::rast(terra::ext(0, 200, 0, 200), vals = 1, resolution = 1) r2Orig <- terra::writeRaster(r2Orig, filename = tempFile[3], overwrite = TRUE) if (mc$type == "Stack") { r2Orig2 <- terra::writeRaster(r2Orig, filename = tempFile[4], overwrite = TRUE) r2Orig <- c(r2Orig, r2Orig2) } else if (mc$type == "Brick") { r1Orig2 <- r1Orig r1Orig <- c(r1Orig, r1Orig2) r1Orig <- terra::writeRaster(r1Orig, filename = tempFile[4], overwrite = TRUE) } # TODO for SpatRaster -- this returns the Path not SpatRaster r2End <- Cache(fn, r2Orig, useCloud = TRUE, cloudFolderID = cloudFolderID) cloudFolderID2 <- cloudFolderID on.exit({ clearCache(useCloud = TRUE, cloudFolderID = cloudFolderID2) }) expect_true(identical(unname(r1EndData), unname(r2End[]))) expect_true(all.equal(r1EndFilename, as.character(Filenames(r2End)))) # this now has correct: only 1 downloaded copy exists expect_false(identical(Filenames(r2Orig), Filenames(r1Orig))) expect_true(r1EndCacheAttr == TRUE) expect_true(attr(r2End, ".Cache")$newCache == FALSE) filnames2End <- unique( dir(dirname(Filenames(r2End)), pattern = paste(collapse = "|", basename(filePathSansExt(Filenames(r2End)))) ) ) filnames1End <- unique( dir(dirname(r1EndFilename), pattern = paste(collapse = "|", basename(filePathSansExt(r1EndFilename))) ) ) expect_true(NROW(filnames1End) == numRasterFiles) # both sets because of the _1 -- a bit of an artifact due to same folder expect_true(NROW(filnames2End) == numRasterFiles) # both sets because of the _1 #################################################### # only local exists -- upload to cloud #################################################### clearCache(useCloud = TRUE, cloudFolderID = cloudFolderID) r1Orig <- terra::rast(terra::ext(0, 200, 0, 200), vals = 5, resolution = 1) r1Orig <- terra::writeRaster(r1Orig, filename = tempFile[5], overwrite = TRUE) if (mc$type == "Stack") { r1Orig2 <- terra::writeRaster(r1Orig, filename = tempFile[12], overwrite = TRUE) r1Orig <- c(r1Orig, r1Orig2) } else if (mc$type == "Brick") { r1Orig2 <- r1Orig r1Orig <- c(r1Orig, r1Orig2) r1Orig <- terra::writeRaster(r1Orig, filename = tempFile[12], overwrite = TRUE) } r1End <- Cache(fn, r1Orig, useCloud = FALSE, cloudFolderID = cloudFolderID) expect_true(attr(r1End, ".Cache")$newCache == TRUE) # new to local cache r4End <- Cache(fn, r1Orig, useCloud = TRUE, cloudFolderID = cloudFolderID) cloudFolderID3 <- cloudFolderID on.exit({ clearCache(useCloud = TRUE, cloudFolderID = cloudFolderID3) }) expect_true(attr(r4End, ".Cache")$newCache == FALSE) # new to local cache driveLs <- googledrive::drive_ls(cloudFolderID) data.table::setDT(driveLs) # expect_true(all(basename(Filenames(r4End)) %in% driveLs$name)) # should have 2 files in cloud b/c of grd and gri # expect_true(sum(filePathSansExt(driveLs$name) %in% filePathSansExt(basename(Filenames(r4End)))) == numRasterFiles) # should have 1 file that matches in local and in cloud, based on cacheId suppressMessages(expect_true(NROW(unique(showCache(userTags = filePathSansExt(driveLs[endsWith(name, "rda")]$name)), by = .cacheTableHashColName() )) == 1)) #################################################### # both cloud and local exist -- take local only -- no change to cloud #################################################### clearCache(useCloud = TRUE, cloudFolderID = cloudFolderID) r1Orig <- terra::rast(terra::ext(0, 200, 0, 200), vals = 5, resolution = 1) r1Orig <- terra::writeRaster(r1Orig, filename = tempFile[6], overwrite = TRUE) if (mc$type == "Stack") { r1Orig2 <- terra::writeRaster(r1Orig, filename = tempFile[13], overwrite = TRUE) r1Orig <- c(r1Orig, r1Orig2) } else if (mc$type == "Brick") { r1Orig2 <- r1Orig r1Orig <- c(r1Orig, r1Orig2) r1Orig <- terra::writeRaster(r1Orig, filename = tempFile[13], overwrite = TRUE) } r1End <- Cache(fn, r1Orig, useCloud = TRUE, cloudFolderID = cloudFolderID) on.exit({ clearCache(useCloud = TRUE, cloudFolderID = cloudFolderID) }) expect_true(attr(r1End, ".Cache")$newCache == TRUE) # new to local cache driveLsBefore <- googledrive::drive_ls(cloudFolderID) r5Orig <- terra::rast(terra::ext(0, 200, 0, 200), vals = 5, resolution = 1) r5Orig <- terra::writeRaster(r5Orig, filename = tempFile[9], overwrite = TRUE) if (mc$type == "Stack") { r5Orig2 <- terra::writeRaster(r5Orig, filename = tempFile[14], overwrite = TRUE) r5Orig <- c(r5Orig, r5Orig2) } else if (mc$type == "Brick") { r5Orig2 <- r5Orig r5Orig <- c(r5Orig, r5Orig2) r5Orig <- terra::writeRaster(r5Orig, filename = tempFile[14], overwrite = TRUE) } r5End <- Cache(fn, r5Orig, useCloud = TRUE, cloudFolderID = cloudFolderID) on.exit({ clearCache(useCloud = TRUE, cloudFolderID = cloudFolderID) }) expect_true(attr(r5End, ".Cache")$newCache == FALSE) # new to local cache driveLsAfter <- googledrive::drive_ls(cloudFolderID) expect_true(all.equal(driveLsAfter[, 1:2], driveLsBefore[, 1:2])) # There are differences deep in the drive_resources clearCache(useCloud = TRUE, cloudFolderID = cloudFolderID) driveLsEnd <- googledrive::drive_ls(cloudFolderID) expect_true(NROW(driveLsEnd) == 0) } fnCacheHelper1 <- function() { 1 } fnCacheHelper <- function(a, cacheRepo2) { Cache(fnCacheHelper1, cachePath = cacheRepo2, verbose = 2) } crsToUse <- "+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs +ellps=WGS84" .writeRaster <- function(...) { .requireNamespace("terra", stopOnFALSE = TRUE) suppressWarningsSpecific( falseWarnings = "NOT UPDATED FOR PROJ", terra::writeRaster(...) ) } theRasterTests <- "" theRasterTestFilename <- function(pre = "", suff = "") { paste0(pre, "rasterTest.", suff) } theRasterTestZip <- theRasterTestFilename(theRasterTests, "zip") # "" theRasterTestRar <- theRasterTestFilename(theRasterTests, "rar") # "" theRasterTestTar <- theRasterTestFilename(theRasterTests, "tar") # "" runTestsWithTimings <- function(nameOfOuterList = "ff", envir = parent.frame(), authorizeGoogle = FALSE) { if (isTRUE(authorizeGoogle)) { testInit(needGoogleDriveAuth = TRUE) } prepend <- "/home/emcintir/GitHub/reproducible/tests/testthat" testFiles <- dir(prepend, pattern = "^test-", full.names = TRUE) testFiles <- grep("large", testFiles, value = TRUE, invert = TRUE) rrrr <- get(nameOfOuterList, envir = envir) testFiles <- setdiff(testFiles, file.path(prepend, names(rrrr))) for (tf in testFiles) { messageDF(colour = "blue", basename(tf)) a <- parse(tf, keep.source = TRUE) labels <- unlist(lapply(a, function(x) x[[2]])) # Sys.setenv("NOT_CRAN" = "false") # doesn't work dd <- Map(testLabel = labels, parsed = a, function(parsed, testLabel) { message(testLabel) skipOnCran <- any(grepl("skip_on_cran", parsed[[3]])) start <- Sys.time() try(eval(parsed)) end <- Sys.time() b <- difftime(end, start) print(format(b)) data.table(elapsed = as.numeric(b), skipOnCRAN = skipOnCran) }) ee <- data.table::rbindlist(dd, idcol = "Label") ee <- setNames(list(ee), basename(tf)) rrrr <- append(rrrr, ee) assign(nameOfOuterList, rrrr, envir = envir) testFiles <- testFiles[-1] } gg <- data.table::rbindlist(get(nameOfOuterList, envir = envir), idcol = "TestFile" ) gg[, TestFile := basename(TestFile)] gg } expect_match_noSlashN <- function(object, regexp, ...) { object <- gsub(" ", " ", gsub("\\n", "", messageStripColor(object))) expect_match(object, regexp, ...) }