test_that("prepInputs in a simple one double nested zip file, passing only destinationPath and url", { skip_on_cran() testInit("terra", needInternet = TRUE) url <- "https://github.com/tati-micheletti/host/raw/master/data/rasterNested.zip" noisyOutput <- capture.output({ testZip <- reproducible::prepInputs(url = url, destinationPath = tmpdir) }) expect_true(exists("testZip")) }) test_that("prepInputs in a simple one double nested zip file, passing targetFile", { skip_on_cran() testInit("terra", needInternet = TRUE) url <- "https://github.com/tati-micheletti/host/raw/master/data/rasterNested.zip" noisyOutput <- capture.output({ testZip2 <- reproducible::prepInputs(url = url, targetFile = "rasterTest.tif", destinationPath = tmpdir) }) expect_true(exists("testZip2")) }) test_that("prepInputs in a two files double nested zip file, passing only destinationPath and url", { skip_on_cran() testInit("terra", needInternet = TRUE) url <- "https://github.com/tati-micheletti/host/raw/master/data/multiFilesOutter.zip" noisyOutput <- capture.output({ testZip3 <- reproducible::prepInputs(url = url, destinationPath = tmpdir) }) expect_true(exists("testZip3")) }) test_that("prepInputs in a two files double nested zip file, passing targetFile", { skip_on_cran() testInit("terra", needInternet = TRUE) url <- "https://github.com/tati-micheletti/host/raw/master/data/multiFilesOutter.zip" noisyOutput <- capture.output({ testZip4 <- reproducible::prepInputs(url = url, targetFile = "rasterTest.tif", destinationPath = tmpdir) }) expect_true(exists("testZip4")) }) test_that( paste0( "prepInputs in a two files double nested zip file, with the wanted file in", "the second layer, and a shapefile in the first, not specifying the targetFile" ), { skip_on_cran() testInit("terra", needInternet = TRUE) # Gets the first file it finds, the shapefile; warns the user about it url <- "https://github.com/tati-micheletti/host/raw/master/data/multiFilesMultiLevels.zip" # The warning is about the .prj file missing, which is not relevant here - # Capture it and do nothing with it noisyOutput <- capture.output({ warn <- capture_warnings({ testZip6 <- reproducible::prepInputs(url = url, destinationPath = tmpdir) }) }) expect_true(exists("testZip6")) expect_is(testZip6, vectorType()) }) test_that( paste0("prepInputs in a two files double nested zip file, with the wanted file in", "the second layer, and a shapefile in the first, specifying the targetFile"), { skip_on_cran() testInit("terra", needInternet = TRUE) url <- "https://github.com/tati-micheletti/host/raw/master/data/multiFilesMultiLevels.zip" noisyOutput <- capture.output({ testZip7 <- reproducible::prepInputs(url = url, targetFile = "rasterTest.tif", destinationPath = tmpdir) }) expect_true(exists("testZip7")) expect_is(testZip7, rasterType()) }) test_that( paste("prepInputs in a two files double nested rar file,", "with the wanted file in the second layer, not specifying the targetFile"), { skip_on_cran() skip_if(isMac() && isCI()) testInit("terra", needInternet = TRUE) extractSystemCallPath <- .archiveExtractBinary() if (is.null(extractSystemCallPath)) { noisyOutput <- capture.output({ warn <- capture_warnings({ expect_error({ testRar <- reproducible::prepInputs( url = "https://github.com/tati-micheletti/host/raw/master/data/nestedRarTxtFiles.rar", destinationPath = tmpdir ) }) }) }) } else { noisyOutput <- capture.output({ testRar <- reproducible::prepInputs( url = "https://github.com/tati-micheletti/host/raw/master/data/nestedRarTxtFiles.rar", destinationPath = tmpdir) }) expect_true(exists("testRar")) expect_is(testRar, rasterType()) } }) test_that( paste0( "prepInputs in a two files double nested rar file, with the wanted file in", " the second layer, specifying the targetFile"), { skip_on_cran() skip_if(isMac() && isCI()) testInit("terra", needInternet = TRUE) extractSystemCallPath <- .archiveExtractBinary() url <- "https://github.com/tati-micheletti/host/raw/master/data/nestedRarTxtFiles.rar" if (is.null(extractSystemCallPath)) { noisyOutput <- capture.output( expect_error({ testRar2 <- reproducible::prepInputs(url = url, targetFile = "rasterTOtestRAR.tif", destinationPath = tmpdir) })) } else { noisyOutput <- capture.output({ testRar2 <- reproducible::prepInputs(url = url, targetFile = "rasterTOtestRAR.tif", destinationPath = tmpdir) }) expect_true(exists("testRar2")) expect_is(testRar2, rasterType()) } }) test_that(paste0("prepInputs in a two files double nested rar file, with the wanted file in", "the second layer, not specifying the targetFile, passing the main archive"), { skip_on_cran() skip_if(isMac() && isCI()) testInit("terra", needInternet = TRUE) extractSystemCallPath <- .archiveExtractBinary() url <- "https://github.com/tati-micheletti/host/raw/master/data/nestedRarTxtFiles.rar" if (is.null(extractSystemCallPath)) { noisyOutput <- capture.output( expect_error({ testRar3 <- reproducible::prepInputs(url = url, archive = "nestedRarTxtFiles.rar", targetFile = "rasterTOtestRAR.tif", destinationPath = tmpdir) })) } else { noisyOutput <- capture.output({ testRar3 <- reproducible::prepInputs(url = url, archive = "nestedRarTxtFiles.rar", targetFile = "rasterTOtestRAR.tif", destinationPath = tmpdir) }) expect_true(exists("testRar3")) expect_is(testRar3, rasterType()) } }) test_that("prepInputs works with nested rar file inside internal rar folder", { skip_on_cran() skip_on_ci() ## TODO: skip for now b/c need additional unrar tools skip_on_os("mac") ## TODO: deal with unrar for macOS #266 testInit("terra", needInternet = TRUE) extractSystemCallPath <- .archiveExtractBinary() url <- "https://github.com/tati-micheletti/host/raw/master/data/testRasterNested.rar" if (is.null(extractSystemCallPath)) { noisyOutput <- capture.output( expect_error({ testRar4 <- reproducible::prepInputs(url = url, targetFile = "rasterTest.tif", destinationPath = tmpdir, useCache = FALSE) }) ) } else { noisyOutput <- capture.output({ testRar4 <- reproducible::prepInputs(url = url, targetFile = "rasterTest.tif", destinationPath = tmpdir, useCache = FALSE) }) expect_true(exists("testRar4")) expect_is(testRar4, rasterType()) } })