test_that("preProcess fails if user provides non-existing file", { skip_on_cran() testInit("terra", opts = list(reproducible.inputPaths = NULL), verbose = 2) on.exit({ testOnExit(testInitOut) }, add = TRUE) testthat::with_mock( `isInteractive` = function() {FALSE}, { errMsg <- testthat::capture_error( co <- capture.output( co <- capture.output(type = "message", reproducible::preProcess( url = "https://github.com/tati-micheletti/host/raw/master/data/rasterTest", destinationPath = tmpdir ) ) ) ) }, .env = "reproducible" ) expect_true(grepl("manual download", errMsg)) expect_true(grepl("appendChecksumsTable", errMsg)) optsOrig <- options(reproducible.interactiveOnDownloadFail = FALSE) co <- capture.output( # co <- capture.output(type = "message", { errMsg <- testthat::capture_error({ reproducible::preProcess( url = "https://github.com/tati-micheletti/host/raw/master/data/rasterTest", destinationPath = tmpdir ) }) # }) ) expect_true(grepl("manual download", errMsg)) expect_true(grepl("appendChecksumsTable", errMsg)) options(optsOrig) testthat::with_mock( `isInteractive` = function() {TRUE}, `.readline` = function(prompt) {"n"}, { co <- capture.output({ co <- capture.output(type = "message", { mess <- testthat::capture_messages({ errMsg <- testthat::capture_error({ reproducible::preProcess( url = "https://github.com/tati-micheletti/host/raw/master/data/rasterTest", destinationPath = tmpdir ) }) }) }) }) }, .env = "reproducible" ) expect_true(sum(grepl("Download failed", errMsg)) == 1) optsOrig <- options('reproducible.interactiveOnDownloadFail' = TRUE) testthat::with_mock( `isInteractive` = function() {TRUE}, `.readline` = function(prompt) { theFile <- file.path(tmpdir, "rasterTestAA") write.table(theFile, file = theFile) zipFilename <- file.path(tmpdir, "rasterTest") origDir <- setwd(dirname(theFile)) on.exit(setwd(origDir), add = TRUE) zip(zipfile = zipFilename, files = basename2(theFile), flags = "-q") zipFilenameWithDotZip <- dir(tmpdir, pattern = "\\.zip", full.names = TRUE) file.rename(from = zipFilenameWithDotZip, to = zipFilename) "y" }, { co <- capture.output( # co <- capture.output(type = "message", { mess <- testthat::capture_messages( errMsg <- testthat::capture_error( reproducible::preProcess( url = "https://github.com/tati-micheletti/host/raw/master/data/rasterTest", destinationPath = tmpdir ) ) # }) ) ) }, .env = "reproducible") expect_true(sum(grepl("manual download", mess)) == 1) expect_true(sum(grepl("To prevent", mess)) == 1) if (isWindows()) # windows can't tell a zip file is a zip file, but Unix-alikes can expect_true(sum(grepl("Will assume the file is an archive", mess)) == 1) expect_true(file.exists(file.path(tmpdir, "rasterTest.zip"))) cs <- read.table(file.path(tmpdir, "CHECKSUMS.txt"), header = TRUE) expect_true(NROW(cs) == 2 || NROW(cs) == 3) # TODO this may be detecting a bug == on GA it is 2, locally it is 3 expect_true(all(grepl("rasterTest", cs$file))) options(optsOrig) }) test_that("preProcess fails if user provides a non .zip/.tar as archive", { skip_on_cran() testInit("terra", needInternet = TRUE) co <- capture.output({ co <- capture.output(type = "message", { pre <- reproducible::preProcess(url = theRasterTestZip, destinationPath = tmpdir) }) }) testthat::expect_is(object = pre, class = "list") testthat::expect_error({ ras <- reproducible::preProcess(archive = pre$targetFilePath) }) }) test_that("preProcess fails if user provides non-existing file", { skip_on_cran() testInit("terra", needInternet = TRUE) co <- capture.output({ co <- capture.output(type = "message", { pre <- reproducible::preProcess(url = theRasterTestZip, destinationPath = tmpdir) }) }) testthat::expect_is(object = pre, class = "list") testthat::expect_error({ ras <- reproducible::preProcess(archive = "fileDoesNotExist.zip") }) }) test_that("preProcess fails if user provides a directory as a targetFile", { skip_on_cran() testInit("terra", needInternet = TRUE) co <- capture.output({ co <- capture.output(type = "message", { pre <- reproducible::preProcess(url = theRasterTestZip, destinationPath = tmpdir) }) }) testthat::expect_is(object = pre, class = "list") testthat::expect_error({ ras <- reproducible::preProcess(targetFile = tmpdir) }) }) ## 2022-11-03 this no longer fails on Ubuntu 20.04 # test_that("preProcess fails if the .rar file is defective", { # skip_on_cran() # testInit("raster") # on.exit({ # testOnExit(testInitOut) # }, add = TRUE) # co <- capture.output({ # co <- capture.output(type = "message", { # testthat::expect_error({ # ras <- preProcess(url = theRasterTestRar, destinationPath = tmpdir) # }) # }) # }) # }) test_that("preProcess fails if relative destPath not '.'", { # this fails on CRAN version 2.0.2 skip_on_cran() skip_on_ci() testInit("googledrive", needGoogleDriveAuth = TRUE) on.exit({ testOnExit(testInitOut) }, add = TRUE) dPath <- basename(tmpdir) out <- try(prepInputs(url = "https://drive.google.com/file/d/1u7o2BzPZ2Bo7hNcC8nEctNpDmp7ce84m", fun = "data.table::fread", destinationPath = dPath, purge = 1, filename2 = "userGcM3.csv", overwrite = TRUE)) expect_s3_class(out, "data.table") })