context("Style Tests") base_path <- "c:/packages/reporter/tests/testthat" data_dir <- base_path base_path <- tempdir() data_dir <- "." dev <- FALSE test_that("style0: Style functions work as expected.", { res1 <- create_style(font_name = "Arial", font_size = 10, table_header_background = "blue") expect_equal(res1$font_name, "Arial") expect_equal(res1$font_size, 10) expect_equal(res1$table_header_background, "blue") rpt <- create_report() %>% add_style(res1) expect_equal(get_style(rpt, "border_color"), "") expect_equal(is.null(rpt$style), FALSE) expect_equal(rpt$style$font_name, "Arial") rpt <- create_report() %>% add_style(create_style(border_color = "grey")) expect_equal(has_style(rpt, "border_color"), TRUE) expect_equal(get_style(rpt, "border_color"), "grey") rpt <- create_report() %>% add_style(theme = "SASDefault") expect_equal(get_style(rpt, "border_color"), "Grey") }) test_that("style1: SAS theme works with html.", { fp <- file.path(base_path, "html/style1.html") # print(fp) dat <- data.frame(stub = rownames(mtcars)[1:15], mtcars[1:15, ]) attr(dat[[3]], "label") <- "Cylin." attr(dat[[3]], "width") <- 1 attr(dat[[3]], "justify") <- "center" tbl <- create_table(dat, borders = "all", first_row_blank = TRUE) %>% titles("Table 1.0", "My Nice Table", borders = c("none"), width = "content") %>% footnotes("My footnote 1", "My footnote 2", borders = "none", align = "left", width = "content") %>% define(wt, width = 1, label = "Weight", align = "center", label_align = "right") %>% spanning_header(from = "mpg", to = "cyl", label = "Span1") rpt <- create_report(fp, output_type = "HTML", orientation = "landscape") %>% set_margins(top = 1, bottom = 1) %>% page_header("Left", c("Right1", "Right2", "Page [pg] of [tpg]"), blank_row = "below") %>% add_content(tbl, align = "center") %>% page_footer("Left1", "Center1", "Right1") %>% add_style(theme = "SASDefault") res <- write_report(rpt) if (dev == TRUE)$modified_path) expect_equal(file.exists(fp), TRUE) expect_equal(res$pages, 1) }) test_that("style2: add_style() works with html.", { fp <- file.path(base_path, "html/style2.html") # print(fp) dat <- data.frame(stub = rownames(mtcars[1:15, ]), mtcars[1:15, ]) attr(dat[[2]], "label") <- "Cylin." attr(dat[[2]], "width") <- 1 attr(dat[[2]], "justify") <- "center" sty <- create_style(font_name = "Arial", font_size = 12, text_color = "blue", background_color = "pink", title_font_bold = TRUE, title_font_color = "orange", title_background = "brown", border_color = "grey", table_body_background = "yellow", table_body_stripe = "blue", table_stub_background = "purple", table_stub_font_bold = TRUE, table_stub_font_color = "green", table_header_background = "green", table_header_font_bold = TRUE, table_header_font_color = "brown", footnote_font_bold = TRUE, footnote_font_color = "brown", footnote_background = "orange", table_body_font_color = "red") tbl <- create_table(dat, borders = "all", first_row_blank = FALSE) %>% titles("Table 1.0", "My Nice Table", borders = c("all"), width = "content") %>% footnotes("My footnote 1", "My footnote 2", borders = "all", align = "left", width = "content") %>% define(wt, width = 1, label = "Weight", align = "center", label_align = "right") %>% spanning_header(from = "mpg", to = "drat", label = "Span 1") %>% spanning_header(from = "wt", to ="carb", label = "Span 2") rpt <- create_report(fp, output_type = "HTML", orientation = "landscape") %>% set_margins(top = 1, bottom = 1) %>% page_header("Left", c("Right1", "Right2", "Page [pg] of [tpg]"), blank_row = "below") %>% add_content(tbl, align = "center") %>% page_footer("Left1", "Center1", "Right1") %>% add_style(sty) res <- write_report(rpt) expect_equal(file.exists(fp), TRUE) expect_equal(res$pages, 1) }) test_that("style3: Test print.style_spec() and get_theme().", { s1 <- create_style(font_name = "Arial", font_size = 12, table_body_background = "Blue", table_header_background = "Red") if (dev) print(s1) s2 <- get_theme("SASDefault") if (dev) print(s2) if (dev) print(s1, verbose = TRUE) expect_equal(TRUE, TRUE) }) test_that("style4: DarkRed theme works.", { fp <- file.path(base_path, "html/style4.html") # print(fp) dat <- data.frame(stub = rownames(mtcars)[1:15], mtcars[1:15, ]) attr(dat[[3]], "label") <- "Cylin." attr(dat[[3]], "width") <- 1 attr(dat[[3]], "justify") <- "center" tbl <- create_table(dat, borders = "all", first_row_blank = TRUE) %>% titles("Table 1.0", "My Nice Table", borders = c("none"), width = "content") %>% footnotes("My footnote 1", "My footnote 2", borders = "none", align = "left", width = "content") %>% define(wt, width = 1, label = "Weight", align = "center", label_align = "right") %>% spanning_header(from = "mpg", to = "cyl", label = "Span1") rpt <- create_report(fp, output_type = "HTML", orientation = "landscape") %>% set_margins(top = 1, bottom = 1) %>% page_header("Left", c("Right1", "Right2", "Page [pg] of [tpg]"), blank_row = "below") %>% add_content(tbl, align = "center") %>% page_footer("Left1", "Center1", "Right1") %>% add_style(theme = "DarkRed") res <- write_report(rpt) if (dev == TRUE)$modified_path) expect_equal(file.exists(fp), TRUE) expect_equal(res$pages, 1) }) test_that("style5: SeaGreen theme works.", { fp <- file.path(base_path, "html/style5.html") # print(fp) dat <- data.frame(stub = rownames(mtcars)[1:15], mtcars[1:15, ]) attr(dat[[3]], "label") <- "Cylin." attr(dat[[3]], "width") <- 1 attr(dat[[3]], "justify") <- "center" tbl <- create_table(dat, borders = "all", first_row_blank = TRUE) %>% titles("Table 1.0", "My Nice Table", borders = c("none"), width = "content") %>% footnotes("My footnote 1", "My footnote 2", borders = "none", align = "left", width = "content") %>% define(wt, width = 1, label = "Weight", align = "center", label_align = "right") %>% spanning_header(from = "mpg", to = "cyl", label = "Span1") rpt <- create_report(fp, output_type = "HTML", orientation = "landscape") %>% set_margins(top = 1, bottom = 1) %>% page_header("Left", c("Right1", "Right2", "Page [pg] of [tpg]"), blank_row = "below") %>% add_content(tbl, align = "center") %>% page_footer("Left1", "Center1", "Right1") %>% add_style(theme = "SeaGreen") res <- write_report(rpt) if (dev == TRUE)$modified_path) expect_equal(file.exists(fp), TRUE) expect_equal(res$pages, 1) }) test_that("style6: SlateGrey theme works.", { fp <- file.path(base_path, "html/style6.html") # print(fp) dat <- data.frame(stub = rownames(mtcars)[1:15], mtcars[1:15, ]) attr(dat[[3]], "label") <- "Cylin." attr(dat[[3]], "width") <- 1 attr(dat[[3]], "justify") <- "center" tbl <- create_table(dat, borders = "all", first_row_blank = TRUE) %>% titles("Table 1.0", "My Nice Table", borders = c("none"), width = "content") %>% footnotes("My footnote 1", "My footnote 2", borders = "none", align = "left", width = "content") %>% define(wt, width = 1, label = "Weight", align = "center", label_align = "right") %>% spanning_header(from = "mpg", to = "cyl", label = "Span1") rpt <- create_report(fp, output_type = "HTML", orientation = "landscape") %>% set_margins(top = 1, bottom = 1) %>% page_header("Left", c("Right1", "Right2", "Page [pg] of [tpg]"), blank_row = "below") %>% add_content(tbl, align = "center") %>% page_footer("Left1", "Center1", "Right1") %>% add_style(theme = "SlateGrey") res <- write_report(rpt) if (dev == TRUE)$modified_path) expect_equal(file.exists(fp), TRUE) expect_equal(res$pages, 1) }) test_that("style7: MidnightBlue theme works with html.", { fp <- file.path(base_path, "html/style7.html") # print(fp) dat <- data.frame(stub = rownames(mtcars)[1:15], mtcars[1:15, ]) attr(dat[[3]], "label") <- "Cylin." attr(dat[[3]], "width") <- 1 attr(dat[[3]], "justify") <- "center" tbl <- create_table(dat, borders = "all", first_row_blank = TRUE) %>% titles("Table 1.0", "My Nice Table", borders = c("none"), width = "content") %>% footnotes("My footnote 1", "My footnote 2", borders = "none", align = "left", width = "content") %>% define(wt, width = 1, label = "Weight", align = "center", label_align = "right") %>% spanning_header(from = "mpg", to = "cyl", label = "Span1") rpt <- create_report(fp, output_type = "HTML", orientation = "landscape") %>% set_margins(top = 1, bottom = 1) %>% page_header("Left", c("Right1", "Right2", "Page [pg] of [tpg]"), blank_row = "below") %>% add_content(tbl, align = "center") %>% page_footer("Left1", "Center1", "Right1") %>% add_style(theme = "MidnightBlue") res <- write_report(rpt) if (dev == TRUE)$modified_path) expect_equal(file.exists(fp), TRUE) expect_equal(res$pages, 1) }) test_that("style8: SteelBlue theme works.", { fp <- file.path(base_path, "html/style8.html") # print(fp) dat <- data.frame(stub = rownames(mtcars)[1:15], mtcars[1:15, ]) attr(dat[[3]], "label") <- "Cylin." attr(dat[[3]], "width") <- 1 attr(dat[[3]], "justify") <- "center" tbl <- create_table(dat, borders = "all", first_row_blank = TRUE) %>% titles("Table 1.0", "My Nice Table", borders = c("none"), width = "content") %>% footnotes("My footnote 1", "My footnote 2", borders = "none", align = "left", width = "content") %>% define(wt, width = 1, label = "Weight", align = "center", label_align = "right") %>% spanning_header(from = "mpg", to = "cyl", label = "Span1") rpt <- create_report(fp, output_type = "HTML", orientation = "landscape") %>% set_margins(top = 1, bottom = 1) %>% page_header("Left", c("Right1", "Right2", "Page [pg] of [tpg]"), blank_row = "below") %>% add_content(tbl, align = "center") %>% page_footer("Left1", "Center1", "Right1") %>% add_style(theme = "SteelBlue") res <- write_report(rpt) if (dev == TRUE)$modified_path) expect_equal(file.exists(fp), TRUE) expect_equal(res$pages, 1) }) test_that("style9: Plain theme works.", { fp <- file.path(base_path, "html/style9.html") # print(fp) dat <- data.frame(stub = rownames(mtcars)[1:15], mtcars[1:15, ]) attr(dat[[3]], "label") <- "Cylin." attr(dat[[3]], "width") <- 1 attr(dat[[3]], "justify") <- "center" tbl <- create_table(dat, borders = "all", first_row_blank = TRUE) %>% titles("Table 1.0", "My Nice Table", borders = c("none"), width = "content") %>% footnotes("My footnote 1", "My footnote 2", borders = "none", align = "left", width = "content") %>% define(wt, width = 1, label = "Weight", align = "center", label_align = "right") %>% spanning_header(from = "mpg", to = "cyl", label = "Span1") rpt <- create_report(fp, output_type = "HTML", orientation = "landscape") %>% set_margins(top = 1, bottom = 1) %>% page_header("Left", c("Right1", "Right2", "Page [pg] of [tpg]"), blank_row = "below") %>% add_content(tbl, align = "center") %>% page_footer("Left1", "Center1", "Right1") %>% add_style(theme = "Plain") res <- write_report(rpt) if (dev == TRUE)$modified_path) expect_equal(file.exists(fp), TRUE) expect_equal(res$pages, 1) }) test_that("style10: Header border works as expected.", { # Create temp file path fp <- file.path(base_path, "html/style10.html") dat <- dat <- dat[dat$Freq > 10, ] # Define custom style sty <- create_style(font_name = "Times", font_size = 10, title_font_size = 12, title_font_bold = TRUE, title_font_color = "Blue", table_header_background = "Grey", table_header_font_bold = TRUE, table_header_font_color = "White", table_body_background = "White", table_body_stripe = "Red") # Create table object tbl <- create_table(dat, borders = "outside") %>% titles("Hair and Eye Colors with Style") %>% column_defaults(width = .6) %>% spanning_header(Hair, Freq, label = "Span") # Create report and add theme rpt <- create_report(fp, output_type = "HTML") %>% add_content(tbl) %>% add_style(style = sty) # Write out the report res <- write_report(rpt) if (dev) expect_equal(file.exists(fp), TRUE) expect_equal(res$pages, 1) }) test_that("style11: stub border work as expected.", { library(reporter) # Create temporary path fp <- file.path(base_path, "html/style11.html") # Read in prepared data df <- read.table(header = TRUE, text = ' var label A B "ampg" "N" "19" "13" "ampg" "Mean" "18.8 (6.5)" "22.0 (4.9)" "ampg" "Median" "16.4" "21.4" "ampg" "Q1 - Q3" "15.1 - 21.2" "19.2 - 22.8" "ampg" "Range" "10.4 - 33.9" "14.7 - 32.4" "cyl" "8 Cylinder" "10 ( 52.6%)" "4 ( 30.8%)" "cyl" "6 Cylinder" "4 ( 21.1%)" "3 ( 23.1%)" "cyl" "4 Cylinder" "5 ( 26.3%)" "6 ( 46.2%)"') # Create custom style sty <- create_style(font_name = "Arial", font_size = 10, background_color = "WhiteSmoke", border_color = "Grey", title_font_size = 12, title_font_bold = TRUE, title_font_color = "SteelBlue", table_header_background = "Tan", table_header_font_bold = TRUE, table_header_font_color = "White", table_body_background = "White", table_body_stripe = "Wheat", table_stub_background = "Tan", table_stub_font_color = "White", table_stub_font_bold = TRUE ) # Create table tbl <- create_table(df, first_row_blank = TRUE, borders = c("all")) %>% stub(c("var", "label")) %>% column_defaults(width = 1.25) %>% define(var, blank_after = TRUE, label_row = TRUE, format = c(ampg = "Miles Per Gallon", cyl = "Cylinders")) %>% define(label, indent = .25) %>% define(A, label = "Group A", align = "center", n = 19) %>% define(B, label = "Group B", align = "center", n = 13) %>% titles("Table 1.0", "MTCARS Summary Table with Custom Style", borders = "none") %>% footnotes("* Motor Trend, 1974", borders = "outside") # Create report and add content rpt <- create_report(fp, output_type = "HTML", font = "Arial", font_size = 12) %>% set_margins(top = 1, bottom = 1) %>% add_content(tbl) %>% add_style(sty) # Write out report res <- write_report(rpt) if (dev) expect_equal(file.exists(fp), TRUE) expect_equal(res$pages, 1) }) test_that("style12: Label row is one cell and styles work.", { fp <- file.path(base_path, "html/style12.html") # Read in prepared data df <- read.table(header = TRUE, text = ' var label A B "ampg" "N" "19" "13" "ampg" "Mean" "18.8 (6.5)" "22.0 (4.9)" "ampg" "Median" "16.4" "21.4" "ampg" "Q1 - Q3" "15.1 - 21.2" "19.2 - 22.8" "ampg" "Range" "10.4 - 33.9" "14.7 - 32.4" "cyl" "8 Cylinder" "10 ( 52.6%)" "4 ( 30.8%)" "cyl" "6 Cylinder" "4 ( 21.1%)" "3 ( 23.1%)" "cyl" "4 Cylinder" "5 ( 26.3%)" "6 ( 46.2%)"') ll <- "Here is a super long label to see if it can span the entire table." # Create table tbl <- create_table(df, first_row_blank = TRUE, borders = "all", header_bold = TRUE) %>% stub(c("var", "label")) %>% define(var, blank_after = TRUE, label_row = TRUE, format = c(ampg = ll, cyl = "Cylinders")) %>% define(label, indent = .25) %>% define(A, label = "Group A", align = "center", n = 19) %>% define(B, label = "Group B", align = "center", n = 13) # Create report and add content rpt <- create_report(fp, orientation = "portrait", output_type = "HTML", font = "Times") %>% page_header(left = "Client: Motor Trend", right = "Study: Cars") %>% titles("Table 1.0", "MTCARS Summary Table") %>% add_content(tbl) %>% footnotes("* Motor Trend, 1974") %>% page_footer(left = Sys.time(), center = "Confidential", right = "Page [pg] of [tpg]") %>% add_style(theme = "SteelBlue") res <- write_report(rpt) res expect_equal(file.exists(fp), TRUE) }) test_that("style13: Label row is one cell and styles work.", { res <- cell_style(indicator = fork, bold = TRUE) expect_equal(res$indicator, "fork") expect_equal(res$bold, TRUE) }) test_that("style14: has_cell_style() works as expected.", { stls <- list(fork = cell_style(bold = TRUE), bork = cell_style(bold = TRUE, indicator = "sammy")) expect_equal(has_cell_style("fork", stls), TRUE) expect_equal(has_cell_style("forp", stls), FALSE) }) test_that("style15: get_cell_style() works as expected.", { stls <- list(fork = cell_style(bold = TRUE), bork = cell_style(bold = TRUE, indicator = "sammy")) sty <- get_cell_style("fork", stls) expect_equal(is.null(sty), FALSE) sty2 <- get_cell_style("forp", stls) expect_equal(is.null(sty2), TRUE) })