test_that("snapshot is idempotent", { renv_tests_scope("oatmeal") init(bare = TRUE) install("oatmeal") snapshot() before <- renv_lockfile_read("renv.lock") snapshot() after <- renv_lockfile_read("renv.lock") expect_equal(before, after) }) test_that("snapshot failures are reported", { renv_tests_scope("oatmeal") init() descpath <- system.file("DESCRIPTION", package = "oatmeal") unlink(descpath) expect_snapshot(snapshot()) }) test_that("broken symlinks are reported", { skip_on_os("windows") renv_scope_envvars(RENV_PATHS_ROOT = renv_scope_tempfile()) renv_tests_scope("oatmeal") init() oatmeal <- renv_path_normalize(system.file(package = "oatmeal")) unlink(oatmeal, recursive = TRUE) expect_snapshot(snapshot()) }) test_that("multiple libraries can be used when snapshotting", { renv_scope_envvars(RENV_PATHS_ROOT = renv_scope_tempfile()) renv_tests_scope() init() lib1 <- renv_scope_tempfile("renv-lib1-") lib2 <- renv_scope_tempfile("renv-lib2-") ensure_directory(c(lib1, lib2)) oldlibpaths <- .libPaths() .libPaths(c(lib1, lib2)) install("bread", library = lib1) breadloc <- find.package("bread") expect_true(renv_file_same(dirname(breadloc), lib1)) install("toast", library = lib2) toastloc <- find.package("toast") expect_true(renv_file_same(dirname(toastloc), lib2)) libs <- c(lib1, lib2) lockfile <- snapshot(lockfile = NULL, library = libs, type = "all") records <- renv_lockfile_records(lockfile) expect_length(records, 2L) expect_setequal(names(records), c("bread", "toast")) .libPaths(oldlibpaths) }) test_that("implicit snapshots only include packages currently used", { renv_tests_scope("oatmeal") init() # install toast, but don't declare that we use it install("toast") lockfile <- snapshot(type = "implicit", lockfile = NULL) records <- renv_lockfile_records(lockfile) expect_length(records, 1L) expect_setequal(names(records), "oatmeal") # use toast writeLines("library(toast)", con = "toast.R") lockfile <- snapshot(type = "packrat", lockfile = NULL) records <- renv_lockfile_records(lockfile) expect_length(records, 3L) expect_setequal(names(records), c("oatmeal", "bread", "toast")) }) test_that("explicit snapshots only capture packages in DESCRIPTION", { renv_tests_scope("breakfast") init() desc <- list(Type = "Project", Depends = "toast") write.dcf(desc, file = "DESCRIPTION") lockfile <- snapshot(type = "explicit", lockfile = NULL) records <- renv_lockfile_records(lockfile) expect_true(length(records) == 2L) expect_true(!is.null(records[["bread"]])) expect_true(!is.null(records[["toast"]])) }) test_that("a custom snapshot filter can be used", { skip_on_cran() renv_tests_scope("breakfast") settings$snapshot.type("custom") filter <- function(project) c("bread", "toast") renv_scope_options(renv.snapshot.filter = filter) init() lockfile <- renv_lockfile_load(project = getwd()) expect_setequal(names(renv_lockfile_records(lockfile)), c("bread", "toast")) }) test_that("snapshotted packages from CRAN include the Repository field", { renv_tests_scope("bread") init() lockfile <- renv_lockfile_read("renv.lock") records <- renv_lockfile_records(lockfile) expect_true(records$bread$Repository == "CRAN") }) test_that("snapshot failures due to bad library / packages are reported", { project <- renv_tests_scope("oatmeal") init() isolate() writeLines("invalid", con = system.file("DESCRIPTION", package = "oatmeal")) expect_error(snapshot()) }) test_that("snapshot ignores own package in package development scenarios", { renv_tests_scope() ensure_directory("bread") renv_scope_wd("bread") writeLines(c("Type: Package", "Package: bread"), con = "DESCRIPTION") ensure_directory("R") writeLines("function() { library(bread) }", con = "R/deps.R") lockfile <- snapshot(lockfile = NULL) records <- renv_lockfile_records(lockfile) expect_true(is.null(records[["bread"]])) }) test_that("snapshot warns about unsatisfied dependencies", { renv_tests_scope("toast") init(settings = list(use.cache = FALSE)) descpath <- system.file("DESCRIPTION", package = "toast") toast <- renv_description_read(descpath) toast$Depends <- "bread (> 1.0.0)" renv_dcf_write(toast, file = descpath) expect_snapshot(snapshot(), error = TRUE) }) test_that("snapshot records packages discovered in cellar", { renv_tests_scope("skeleton") renv_scope_envvars( RENV_PATHS_CACHE = renv_scope_tempfile(), RENV_PATHS_LOCAL = renv_tests_path("local") ) init(bare = TRUE) record <- list(Package = "skeleton", Version = "1.0.1") records <- install(list(record)) # validate the record in the lockfile lockfile <- snapshot(lockfile = NULL) records <- renv_lockfile_records(lockfile) skeleton <- records[["skeleton"]] expect_equal(skeleton$Package, "skeleton") expect_equal(skeleton$Version, "1.0.1") expect_equal(skeleton$Source, "Cellar") }) test_that("snapshot prefers RemoteType to biocViews", { desc <- list( Package = "test", Version = "1.0", RemoteType = "github", biocViews = "Biology" ) descfile <- renv_scope_tempfile() renv_dcf_write(desc, file = descfile) record <- renv_snapshot_description(descfile) expect_identical(record$Source, "GitHub") }) test_that("parse errors cause snapshot to abort", { renv_tests_scope() # write invalid code to an R file writeLines("parse error", con = "parse-error.R") # init should succeed even with parse errors init(bare = TRUE) # snapshots should fail when configured to do so renv_scope_options(renv.config.dependency.errors = "fatal") expect_error(snapshot()) }) test_that("records for packages available on other OSes are preserved", { skip_on_os("windows") renv_tests_scope("unixonly") init() # fake a windows-only record lockfile <- renv_lockfile_read("renv.lock") lockfile$Packages$windowsonly <- lockfile$Packages$unixonly lockfile$Packages$windowsonly$Package <- "windowsonly" lockfile$Packages$windowsonly$Hash <- NULL lockfile$Packages$windowsonly$OS_type <- "windows" renv_lockfile_write(lockfile, "renv.lock") # call snapshot to update lockfile snapshot() # ensure that 'windowsonly' is still preserved lockfile <- renv_lockfile_read("renv.lock") expect_true(!is.null(lockfile$Packages$windowsonly)) }) test_that(".renvignore works during snapshot without an explicit root", { renv_tests_scope() # install bread install("bread") # create sub-directory that should be ignored dir.create("ignored") writeLines("library(bread)", con = "ignored/script.R") lockfile <- snapshot(project = ".", lockfile = NULL) expect_false(is.null(lockfile$Packages$bread)) writeLines("*", con = "ignored/.renvignore") lockfile <- snapshot(project = ".", lockfile = NULL) expect_true(is.null(lockfile$Packages$bread)) }) test_that("snapshot(packages = ...) captures package dependencies", { renv_tests_scope("breakfast") # init to install required packages init() # remove old lockfile unlink("renv.lock") # create lockfile snapshot(packages = "breakfast") # check for expected records lockfile <- renv_lockfile_load(project = getwd()) records <- renv_lockfile_records(lockfile) expect_true(!is.null(records$breakfast)) expect_true(!is.null(records$bread)) expect_true(!is.null(records$toast)) expect_true(!is.null(records$oatmeal)) }) test_that("snapshot() accepts relative library paths", { renv_tests_scope("breakfast") # initialize project init() # remove lockfile unlink("renv.lock") # form relative path to library library <- substring(.libPaths()[1], nchar(getwd()) + 2) # try to snapshot with relative library path snapshot(library = library) # test that snapshot succeeded expect_true(file.exists("renv.lock")) }) test_that("snapshot(update = TRUE) preserves old records", { skip_on_cran() skip_if_no_github_auth() renv_tests_scope("breakfast") init() # remove breakfast, then try to snapshot again old <- renv_lockfile_read("renv.lock") remove("breakfast") snapshot(update = TRUE) new <- renv_lockfile_read("renv.lock") expect_identical(names(old$Packages), names(new$Packages)) # try installing a package old <- renv_lockfile_read("renv.lock") writeLines("library(halloween)", con = "halloween.R") install("halloween") snapshot(update = TRUE) new <- renv_lockfile_read("renv.lock") # check that we have our old record names expect_true(all(old$Packages %in% new$Packages)) # now try removing 'breakfast' snapshot(update = FALSE) new <- renv_lockfile_read("renv.lock") expect_false("breakfast" %in% names(new$Packages)) }) test_that("renv reports missing packages in explicit snapshots", { renv_tests_scope() init() writeLines("Depends: breakfast", con = "DESCRIPTION") expect_snapshot(snapshot(type = "explicit")) }) test_that("a project using explicit snapshots is marked in sync appropriately", { skip_on_cran() renv_tests_scope() renv_scope_options(renv.config.snapshot.type = "explicit") init() writeLines("Depends: breakfast", con = "DESCRIPTION") expect_false(status()$synchronized) install("breakfast") expect_false(status()$synchronized) snapshot() expect_true(status()$synchronized) }) test_that("snapshot() warns when required package is not installed", { renv_tests_scope("breakfast") init() remove("breakfast") expect_snapshot(snapshot()) install("breakfast") remove("toast") expect_snapshot(snapshot(), error = TRUE) }) test_that("packages installed from CRAN using pak are handled", { skip_on_cran() skip_if_not_installed("pak") renv_tests_scope() library <- renv_paths_library() ensure_directory(library) pak <- renv_namespace_load("pak") quietly(pak$pkg_install("toast")) record <- renv_snapshot_description(package = "toast") expected <- c("Package", "Version", "Source", "Repository") expect_contains(names(record), expected) expect_identical(record$Source, "Repository") expect_identical(record$Repository, "CRAN") }) test_that("packages installed from Bioconductor using pak are handled", { skip_on_cran() skip_if_not_installed("pak") skip_if(devel()) renv_tests_scope() library <- renv_paths_library() ensure_directory(library) pak <- renv_namespace_load("pak") suppressMessages(pak$pkg_install("bioc::Biobase")) record <- renv_snapshot_description(package = "Biobase") expect_identical(record$Source, "Bioconductor") }) test_that("snapshot always reports on R version changes", { renv_scope_options(renv.verbose = TRUE) R4.1 <- list(R = list(Version = 4.1)) R4.2 <- list(R = list(Version = 4.2)) expect_snapshot({ renv_snapshot_report_actions(list(), R4.1, R4.2) }) }) test_that("user can choose to install missing packages", { # use a temporary cache to guarantee packages are fully installed # regardless of order other tests are run in renv_scope_envvars(RENV_PATHS_CACHE = renv_scope_tempfile("renv-tempcache-")) renv_tests_scope("egg") renv_scope_options(renv.menu.choice = 2) expect_snapshot(snapshot()) }) test_that("exclude handles uninstalled packages", { project <- renv_tests_scope("bread") init() snapshot(exclude = "bread") lockfile <- renv_lockfile_load(project) expect_null(lockfile$Packages$bread) }) test_that("snapshot doesn't include development dependencies", { renv_tests_scope() writeLines(c("Imports: egg", "Suggests: bread"), "DESCRIPTION") inst <- install() expect_named(inst, c("bread", "egg"), ignore.order = TRUE) snap <- snapshot() expect_named(snap$Packages, "egg") }) test_that("automatic snapshot works as expected", { renv_scope_binding(the, "auto_snapshot_forced", TRUE) defer(the$library_info <- NULL) project <- renv_tests_scope("oatmeal") init() expect_silent(renv_snapshot_task()) # bread isn't used so snapshot shouldn't change install("bread") expect_silent(renv_snapshot_task()) writeLines("library(egg)", "dependencies.R") install("egg") expect_snapshot(renv_snapshot_task()) }) # test_that("we can infer github remotes from packages installed from sources", { # skip_on_cran() # # desc <- heredoc(" # Package: renv # Version: 0.1.0-9000 # BugReports: https://github.com/rstudio/renv/issues # ") # # descfile <- renv_scope_tempfile("description-") # writeLines(desc, con = descfile) # # remote <- local({ # renv_scope_options(renv.verbose = FALSE) # renv_snapshot_description(path = descfile) # }) # # expect_equal(remote$RemoteType, "github") # # expect_snapshot(. <- renv_snapshot_description(path = descfile)) # # }) test_that("we report if dependency discover during snapshot() is slow", { renv_tests_scope() init() renv_scope_options(renv.dependencies.elapsed_time_threshold = -1) expect_snapshot(. <- snapshot()) }) test_that("failures in automatic snapshots disable automatic snapshots", { renv_scope_binding(the, "auto_snapshot_forced", TRUE) defer(the$library_info <- NULL) project <- renv_tests_scope("bread") init() count <- 0L renv_scope_trace(renv:::renv_snapshot_auto, function() { count <<- count + 1L stop("simulated failure in snapshot task") }) the$library_info <- list() expect_false(the$auto_snapshot_failed) expect_snapshot(renv_snapshot_task()) expect_true(the$auto_snapshot_failed) the$library_info <- list() expect_silent(renv_snapshot_task()) expect_equal(count, 1L) }) # https://github.com/rstudio/renv/issues/1607 test_that("snapshot() reports missing packages even if renv.verbose is FALSE", { project <- renv_tests_scope() init() renv_scope_options(renv.verbose = FALSE) writeLines("library(bread)", con = "deps.R") expect_snapshot(. <- snapshot(force = TRUE)) }) test_that("packages installed from r-universe preserve remote metadata", { text <- heredoc(" Package: skeleton Type: Package Version: 1.1.0 Remotes: kevinushey/skeleton Repository: https://kevinushey.r-universe.dev RemoteUrl: https://github.com/kevinushey/skeleton RemoteSha: e4aafb92b86ba7eba3b7036d9d96fdfb6c32761a ") path <- renv_scope_tempfile() writeLines(text, con = path) record <- renv_snapshot_description(path = path) expect_identical(record[["RemoteSha"]], "e4aafb92b86ba7eba3b7036d9d96fdfb6c32761a") }) test_that("standard remotes preserve RemoteSha if it's a hash", { text <- heredoc(" Package: skeleton Type: Package Version: 1.1.0 Remotes: kevinushey/skeleton Repository: https://kevinushey.r-universe.dev RemoteType: standard RemoteUrl: https://github.com/kevinushey/skeleton RemoteSha: e4aafb92b86ba7eba3b7036d9d96fdfb6c32761a ") path <- renv_scope_tempfile() writeLines(text, con = path) record <- renv_snapshot_description(path = path) expect_identical(record[["RemoteSha"]], "e4aafb92b86ba7eba3b7036d9d96fdfb6c32761a") }) test_that("standard remotes drop RemoteSha if it's a version", { text <- heredoc(" Package: skeleton Type: Package Version: 1.1.0 Remotes: kevinushey/skeleton Repository: https://kevinushey.r-universe.dev RemoteType: standard RemoteSha: 1.1.0 ") path <- renv_scope_tempfile() writeLines(text, con = path) record <- renv_snapshot_description(path = path) expect_null(record[["RemoteSha"]]) }) test_that("a package's hash can be re-generated from lockfile", { project <- renv_tests_scope("breakfast") init() lockfile <- snapshot(lockfile = NULL) records <- renv_lockfile_records(lockfile) enumerate(records, function(package, record) { path <- system.file("DESCRIPTION", package = package) actual <- renv_hash_description(path) expected <- renv_hash_record(record) expect_equal(actual, expected) }) }) test_that("lockfiles are stable (v1)", { renv_scope_options(renv.lockfile.version = 1L) project <- renv_tests_scope("breakfast") init() expect_snapshot(. <- writeLines(readLines("renv.lock"))) }) test_that("lockfiles are stable (v2)", { renv_scope_options(renv.lockfile.version = 2L) project <- renv_tests_scope("breakfast") init() expect_snapshot(. <- writeLines(readLines("renv.lock"))) }) # # https://github.com/rstudio/renv/issues/2073 test_that("empty .ipynb files are handled gracefully", { skip_on_cran() project <- renv_tests_scope("bread") init() writeLines("", con = "example.ipynb") snapshot() }) test_that("invalid lockfiles don't prevent calls to snapshot", { skip_on_cran() project <- renv_tests_scope("bread") init() writeLines("whoops!", con = "renv.lock") suppressWarnings(snapshot()) expect_true(TRUE) })