test_that("lockfiles can be diffed", { lhs <- list(A = 1, B = 2, C = "a", D = list(E = 1, F = 2)) rhs <- list(A = 1, B = 3, C = "b", D = list(E = 1, F = 3)) diff <- renv_lockfile_diff(lhs, rhs) expected <- list( B = list(before = 2, after = 3), C = list(before = "a", after = "b"), D = list( F = list(before = 2, after = 3) ) ) expect_identical(diff, expected) }) test_that("we can serialize lockfiles using unnamed repositories", { # no repositories set local({ renv_scope_options(repos = list()) actual <- renv_lockfile_init(project = NULL) json <- renv_lockfile_write(actual, file = NULL) expected <- renv_lockfile_read(text = json) expect_equal(actual, expected) }) # unnamed repositories set local({ renv_scope_options(repos = c("alpha", "beta")) actual <- renv_lockfile_init(project = NULL) json <- renv_lockfile_write(actual, file = NULL) expected <- renv_lockfile_read(text = json) expect_equal(actual, expected) }) }) test_that("we can create lockfiles from manifests", { skip_on_cran() lock <- renv_lockfile_from_manifest("resources/manifest.json") expect_equal(lock$R$Version, "4.2.1") expect_equal(lock$R$Repositories, list(CRAN = "https://cloud.r-project.org")) }) test_that("we create lockfile from a manifest automatically when no lockfile found", { skip_on_cran() project <- tempfile() dir.create(project) path <- renv_tests_path("resources/manifest.json") expected <- renv_lockfile_from_manifest(path) file.copy(path, file.path(project, "manifest.json")) # when called with `strict = TRUE` does not create manifest expect_error(renv_lockfile_load(project, strict = TRUE)) # creates and reads lockfile actual <- renv_lockfile_load(project) expect_identical(expected, actual) expect_true(file.exists(file.path(project, "renv.lock"))) unlink(project, recursive = TRUE) }) test_that("the Requirements field is read as character", { lockfile <- renv_lockfile_read(text = ' { "R": { "Version": "2.15.2", "Repositories": [] }, "Packages": { "morning": { "Package": "morning", "Version": "0.1.0", "Requirements": [ "coffee", "toast" ] } } } ') actual <- lockfile$Packages$morning$Requirements expected <- c("coffee", "toast") expect_identical(actual, expected) }) test_that("lockfile APIs can be used", { renv_tests_scope("breakfast") init() lockfile <- lockfile_read() expect_s3_class(lockfile, "renv_lockfile") # try writing some repositories repos <- list(CRAN = "https://cloud.r-project.org") lockfile <- lockfile_modify(lockfile, repos = repos) expect_equal(repos, lockfile$R$Repositories) # try updating a record lockfile <- lockfile_modify(lockfile, remotes = list(bread = "bread@0.1.0")) bread <- lockfile$Packages$bread expect_equal(bread$Version, "0.1.0") # try writing to file lockfile_write(lockfile) # check that it's the same expect_equal(lockfile, lockfile_read()) }) test_that("lockfiles with UTF-8 contents can be written, read", { author <- enc2utf8("cr\u00e8me br\u00fbl\u00e9e") Encoding(author) <- "UTF-8" lockfile <- list( Packages = list( example = list( Package = "example", Version = "1.0.0", Author = author ) ) ) path <- renv_scope_tempfile("renv-lockfile-") renv_lockfile_write(lockfile, file = path) actual <- renv_lockfile_read(path) expect_identical(unclass(actual), lockfile) })