test_that("we can bootstrap the current version of renv", { skip_on_cran() skip_on_ci() renv_tests_scope() library <- renv_libpaths_active() bootstrap(version = "1.0.0", library = library) expect_true(renv_package_installed("renv", library)) expect_true(renv_package_version("renv") == "1.0.0") }) test_that("we can bootstrap an archived version of renv", { skip_on_cran() skip_on_ci() renv_tests_scope() library <- renv_libpaths_active() bootstrap(version = "0.1.0", library = library) expect_true(renv_package_installed("renv", library)) expect_true(renv_package_version("renv") == "0.1.0") }) test_that("we can install a version of renv with a sha", { skip_on_cran() skip_on_ci() skip_if_no_github_auth() renv_tests_scope() version <- structure("0.17.3-62", sha = "5049cef8a") library <- renv_libpaths_active() bootstrap(version = version, library = library) expect_true(renv_package_installed("renv", library)) desc <- utils::packageDescription("renv", library) expect_equal(desc$RemoteType, "github") expect_equal(desc$RemotePkgRef, "rstudio/renv") expect_equal(desc$RemoteSha, "5049cef8a94591b802f9766a0da092780f59f7e4") }) test_that("bootstrap functions don't depend on non-bootstrap APIs", { # pattern matching things that are bootstrapped for renv pattern <- "^renv_(?:bootstrap|json|options|remote)_" # get all of the bootstrap functions defined in renv renv <- asNamespace("renv") keys <- grep(pattern, ls(envir = renv), value = TRUE) fns <- mget(keys, envir = renv, mode = "function") bodies <- map(fns, body) # iterate over those functions and look for the called functions calls <- stack(mode = "character") recurse(bodies, function(node) { if (is.call(node) && is.symbol(node[[1L]])) calls$push(as.character(node[[1L]])) }) calls <- calls$data() # check what renv APIs are used apis <- grep("^renv_", calls, value = TRUE) # validate they're all available bad <- grep(pattern, apis, value = TRUE, invert = TRUE) expect_true(length(bad) == 0, info = paste("Functions:", bad, collapse = ", ")) }) test_that("bootstrapping functions standalone", { renv_tests_scope() # get all bootstrap APIs in package renv <- asNamespace("renv") keys <- ls(envir = renv, pattern = "^renv_bootstrap_", all.names = TRUE) vals <- mget(c("catf", "%||%", "header", "bootstrap", keys), envir = renv) # put those into a separate environment inheriting only from base, and # re-mark those as inheriting from base (so they only 'see' each-other) envir <- new.env(parent = baseenv()) for (i in seq_along(vals)) environment(vals[[i]]) <- envir list2env(vals, envir = envir) # set up library path library <- renv_scope_tempfile("renv-library-") ensure_directory(library) # try running 'sandboxed' version of bootstrap run <- function(version) { # construct bootstrap call code <- call("bootstrap", version = version, library = library) # run that call eval(code, envir = envir) # validate that renv was successfully installed expect_true(renv_package_installed("renv", lib.loc = library)) # validate that the correct version was installed descpath <- file.path(library, "renv/DESCRIPTION") desc <- renv_description_read(path = descpath) expect_identical(desc$Package, "renv") expect_identical(desc$Version, version) } # current on CRAN (test repository version) run("1.0.0") # in the CRAN archive (test repository version) run("0.1.0") }) test_that("bootstrapping gives informative output when succesful", { env <- environment() local_mocked_bindings( renv_bootstrap_download_impl = function(url, destfile) { file.create(destfile) defer(unlink(destfile), env) 0L }, renv_bootstrap_install_impl = function(cmd, args, ...) { structure("", status = 0L) }, renv_bootstrap_download_cran_latest_find = function(version) { if (package_version(version) < "1.0.0") { list(type = "binary", repos = "https://cran.rstudio.com") } }, load = function(...) invisible() ) renv_scope_options(renv.bootstrap.quiet = FALSE) library <- renv_scope_tempfile() expect_snapshot({ bootstrap(version = "0.9.0", library = library) bootstrap(version = "1.0.0", library = library) bootstrap(version = "", library = library) }) }) test_that("bootstrapping gives informative output when download fails", { local_mocked_bindings( renv_bootstrap_download_impl = function(...) { stop("test failure") }, renv_bootstrap_download_cran_latest_find = function(version) { if (package_version(version) < "1.0.0") { list(type = "binary", repos = "https://cran.rstudio.com") } } ) renv_scope_options(renv.bootstrap.quiet = FALSE) library <- renv_scope_tempfile() expect_snapshot(error = TRUE, { bootstrap(version = "0.9.0", library = library) bootstrap(version = "1.0.0", library = library) bootstrap(version = "", library = library) }) }) test_that("bootstrapping gives informative output when install fails", { local_mocked_bindings( renv_bootstrap_download_impl = function(url, destfile) { file.create(destfile) 0L }, renv_bootstrap_install_impl = function(...) { structure("test failure", status = 123L) } ) renv_scope_options(renv.bootstrap.quiet = FALSE) library <- renv_scope_tempfile() expect_snapshot(bootstrap(version = "", library = library), error = TRUE) }) # helpers ----------------------------------------------------------------- test_that("renv_boostrap_version_validate() recognises when versions are the same", { expect_true( renv_bootstrap_validate_version( version = structure("1.2.3", sha = "abcd123"), description = list(RemoteSha = "abcd1234567") ) ) expect_true( renv_bootstrap_validate_version( version = "1.2.3", description = list(Version = "1.2.3") ) ) }) test_that("renv_boostrap_version_validate() gives good warnings", { renv_scope_options(renv.bootstrap.quiet = FALSE) expect_snapshot({ # out-of-sync (request release; have different release) . <- renv_bootstrap_validate_version( version = "1.2.3", description = list(Version = "2.3.4") ) # out-of-sync (request dev; have release) . <- renv_bootstrap_validate_version( version = "1.2.3-1", description = list(Version = "1.2.3") ) # out-of-sync (request dev; have different dev) . <- renv_bootstrap_validate_version( version = structure("1.2.3-1", sha = "22d015905828c3398728a5ff9e381e0433976263"), description = list( Version = "1.2.3-1", RemoteType = "github", RemoteSha = "6b09befaaba3f55e0e2c141cb45c5d247b61ef1e" ) ) # out-of-sync (request dev; have release) . <- renv_bootstrap_validate_version( version = structure("1.2.3-1", sha = "22d015905828c3398728a5ff9e381e0433976263"), description = list( Version = "1.2.3" ) ) }) }) test_that("bootstrap version validation handles 'standard' remote types", { renv_scope_options(renv.bootstrap.quiet = FALSE) expect_snapshot( . <- renv_bootstrap_validate_version( version = "1.0.0", description = list( Version = "1.0.1", RemoteType = "standard", RemoteSha = "1.0.1" ) ) ) })