test_that("all renv paths live within tempdir() during tests", { renv_tests_scope() info <- c(root = renv_paths_root(), tempdir = tempdir()) expect_true(renv_path_within(renv_paths_root(), tempdir()), info = info) }) test_that("the cache path can be set through an environment variable", { cachepath <- renv_scope_tempfile("renv-cache-") renv_scope_envvars(RENV_PATHS_CACHE = cachepath) expect_true(startsWith(renv_paths_cache(), cachepath)) }) test_that("we can construct paths to multiple files with path APIs", { root <- renv_paths_root() files <- renv_paths_root(c("A", "B", "C"), c("a", "b", "c")) expected <- file.path(root, c("A/a", "B/b", "C/c")) expect_equal(files, expected) }) test_that("RENV_PATHS_PREFIX is respected", { os <- "ubuntu-bionic" renv_scope_envvars(RENV_PATHS_PREFIX = os) cachepath <- renv_paths_cache() expect_true(grepl(os, cachepath, fixed = TRUE)) libpath <- renv_paths_library() expect_true(grepl(os, libpath, fixed = TRUE)) prefix <- renv_platform_prefix() expect_true(startsWith(prefix, os)) }) test_that("renv_path_normalize is correctly initialized", { expect_identical( renv_path_normalize, if (renv_platform_windows()) renv_path_normalize_win32 else renv_path_normalize_unix ) }) test_that("UTF-8 paths can be normalized", { skip_if(getRversion() < "4.0.0") info <- l10n_info() if (!identical(info$`UTF-8`, TRUE)) skip("locale is not UTF-8") name <- enc2utf8("\u4f60\u597d") # nihao root <- renv_path_normalize(tempdir()) path <- paste(root, name, sep = "/") defer(unlink(path)) expect_true(file.create(path)) expected <- path actual <- renv_path_normalize(path) expect_equal(expected, actual) }) test_that("our fallback R_user_dir() implementation is compatible", { skip_if(getRversion() < "4.0.0") actual <- renv_paths_root_default_impl_v2_fallback() expected <- tools::R_user_dir("renv", which = "cache") expect_true(renv_path_same(actual, expected)) }) test_that("path environment variables can use ';' as separator", { renv_scope_envvars(RENV_PATHS_LOCAL = "a;b;c") paths <- renv_paths_local() expect_equal(paths, c("a", "b", "c")) })