test_that("can select fields", { renv_tests_scope() expect_equal(renv_dependencies_impl(field = "Package"), character()) writeLines("library(utils)", "deps.R") expect_equal(renv_dependencies_impl(field = "Package"), "utils") }) test_that(".Rproj files requesting devtools is handled", { renv_tests_scope() writeLines("PackageUseDevtools: Yes", "project.Rproj") deps <- dependencies(dev = TRUE) packages <- deps$Package expect_setequal(packages, c("devtools", "roxygen2")) }) test_that("usages of library, etc. are properly handled", { deps <- dependencies("resources/code.R") pkgs <- deps$Package expect_equal(pkgs, tolower(pkgs)) l <- pkgs[nchar(pkgs) == 1] expect_equal(sort(l), letters[seq_along(l)]) }) test_that("parse errors are okay in .Rmd documents", { deps <- dependencies("resources/chunk-errors.Rmd") pkgs <- deps$Package expect_setequal(pkgs, c("rmarkdown", "dplyr")) }) test_that("inline chunks are parsed for dependencies", { deps <- dependencies("resources/inline-chunks.Rmd") pkgs <- deps$Package expect_setequal(pkgs, c("rmarkdown", "inline", "multiple", "separate")) }) test_that("usages of S4 tools are discovered", { file <- renv_test_code({setClass("ClassSet")}) deps <- dependencies(file) expect_true(deps$Package == "methods") }) test_that("the package name is validated when inferring dependencies", { file <- renv_test_code({SomePackage::setClass("ClassSet")}) deps <- dependencies(file) expect_true("SomePackage" %in% deps$Package) expect_false("methods" %in% deps$Package) }) test_that("empty chunks don't cause issues during dependency resolution", { deps <- dependencies("resources/empty-chunk.Rmd") pkgs <- deps$Package expect_setequal(pkgs, c("rmarkdown")) }) test_that("pacman::p_load() usages are understood", { deps <- dependencies("resources/pacman.R") packages <- setdiff(deps$Package, "pacman") expect_setequal(packages, letters[1:length(packages)]) }) test_that("import:: usages are understood", { deps <- dependencies("resources/import.R") packages <- setdiff(deps$Package, "import") expect_setequal(packages, letters[1:length(packages)]) }) test_that("box::use() usages are handled", { deps <- dependencies(test_path("resources/box.R")) actual <- deps$Package expected <- c("A", "B", "C", "D", "box") expect_setequal(actual, expected) }) test_that("targets::tar_option_set() dependencies are handled", { deps <- dependencies("resources/targets.R") expect_setequal(deps$Package, c("A", "B", "targets")) }) test_that("renv warns when large number of files found in total", { renv_scope_options(renv.config.dependencies.limit = 5L) strip_dir <- function(x) gsub(basename(getwd()), "<project-dir>", x) renv_tests_scope() dir.create("a") dir.create("b") file.create(sprintf("a/%.3i.R", 1:3)) file.create(sprintf("b/%.3i.R", 1:3)) expect_snapshot(. <- dependencies()) }) test_that("renv warns when large number of files found in one directory", { renv_scope_options(renv.config.dependencies.limit = 5L) renv_tests_scope() file.create(sprintf("%.3i.R", 1:10)) expect_snapshot(. <- dependencies()) }) test_that("evil knitr chunks are handled", { deps <- dependencies("resources/evil.Rmd") packages <- deps$Package expect_setequal(packages, c("rmarkdown", "a", "b")) }) test_that("renv_dependencies_requires warns once", { expect_warning(renv_dependencies_require("nosuchpackage", "test")) expect_false(renv_dependencies_require("nosuchpackage", "test")) }) test_that("the presence of an rsconnect folder forces dependency on rsconnect", { renv_tests_scope() dir.create("rsconnect") deps <- dependencies() expect_true("rsconnect" %in% deps$Package) }) test_that("dependencies can accept multiple files", { deps <- dependencies( path = c("packages/bread", "packages/breakfast"), root = getwd() ) expect_setequal(deps$Package, c("oatmeal", "toast")) }) test_that("no warnings are produced when crawling dependencies", { expect_warning( regexp = NA, dependencies( "resources", root = file.path(getwd(), "resources") ) ) }) test_that("Suggests are dev. deps for all projects", { renv_tests_scope() expected <- data.frame( Package = "bread", Dev = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE ) writeLines(c("Type: Project", "Suggests: bread"), con = "DESCRIPTION") deps <- dependencies(dev = TRUE) expect_equal(deps[c("Package", "Dev")], expected) writeLines(c("Type: Package", "Suggests: bread"), con = "DESCRIPTION") deps <- dependencies(dev = TRUE) expect_equal(deps[c("Package", "Dev")], expected) }) test_that("packages referenced by modules::import() are discovered", { deps <- dependencies("resources/modules.R") expect_setequal(deps$Package, c("A", "B", "C", "D", "G", "H", "modules")) }) # https://github.com/rstudio/renv/issues/2007 test_that("module without parameter doesn't give an error", { deps <- dependencies("resources/modules-empty.R") expect_setequal(deps$Package, character()) }) test_that("dependencies specified in R Markdown site generators are found", { renv_tests_scope() writeLines( c("---", "site: blogdown:::blogdown_site", "---"), con = "index.Rmd") deps <- dependencies() expect_true("blogdown" %in% deps$Package) writeLines( c("---", "site: bookdown::bookdown_site", "---"), con = "index.Rmd") deps <- dependencies() expect_true("bookdown" %in% deps$Package) }) test_that("Suggest dependencies are ignored by default", { renv_tests_scope("breakfast") install("breakfast") expect_false(renv_package_installed("egg")) }) test_that("a call to geom_hex() implies a dependency on ggplot2", { file <- renv_test_code({ ggplot() + geom_hex() }) deps <- dependencies(file) expect_true("hexbin" %in% deps$Package) }) test_that("empty fields are handled in DESCRIPTION", { deps <- dependencies("resources/DESCRIPTION") expect_setequal(deps$Package, c("a", "b", "c")) }) test_that("recursive symlinks are handled", { skip_on_os("windows") project <- renv_scope_tempfile() ensure_directory(project) renv_scope_wd(project) symlink <- file.path(project, "symlink") file.symlink(dirname(symlink), symlink) dependencies() }) test_that("exercise chunks are ignored", { deps <- dependencies("resources/learnr-exercise.Rmd") expect_true("A" %in% deps$Package) }) test_that("dependencies in R functions can be found", { deps <- dependencies(function() renv::init) expect_true("renv" %in% deps$Package) }) test_that("dependencies in dotfiles are discovered", { renv_tests_scope() writeLines("library(A)", con = ".Rprofile") deps <- dependencies() expect_true(nrow(deps) == 1L) expect_true(basename(deps$Source) == ".Rprofile") expect_true(deps$Package == "A") }) test_that("reused knitr chunks are handled", { deps <- dependencies("resources/knitr-reused-chunks.Rmd") expect_true(all(c("A", "B") %in% deps$Package)) }) test_that("empty / missing labels are handled", { deps <- dependencies("resources/empty-label.Rmd") expect_true(all(c("A", "B") %in% deps$Package)) }) test_that("only dependencies in a top-level DESCRIPTION file are used", { renv_tests_scope() dir.create("a") writeLines("Depends: toast", con = "DESCRIPTION") writeLines("Depends: oatmeal", con = "a/DESCRIPTION") deps <- dependencies() expect_true("toast" %in% deps$Package) expect_false("oatmeal" %in% deps$Package) }) test_that("multiple output formats are handled", { deps <- dependencies("resources/multiple-output-formats.Rmd") expect_true("bookdown" %in% deps$Package) }) test_that("glue::glue() package usages are found", { deps <- dependencies("resources/glue.R") expect_true(all(c("A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G") %in% deps$Package)) expect_false(any(letters %in% deps$Package)) }) test_that("set_engine() package usages are found", { deps <- dependencies("resources/parsnip.R") expect_setequal(deps$Package, c("glmnet")) }) test_that("eval=F does not trip up dependencies", { deps <- dependencies("resources/eval.Rmd") expect_true("A" %in% deps$Package) expect_false("a" %in% deps$Package) }) test_that("renv.ignore=FALSE, eval=TRUE is handled", { deps <- dependencies("resources/ignore.Rmd") expect_true("A" %in% deps$Package) expect_false("a" %in% deps$Package) }) test_that("eval=<expr> is treated as truthy", { deps <- dependencies("resources/chunk-eval.Rmd", quiet = TRUE) expect_true("A" %in% deps$Package) expect_false("a" %in% deps$Package) }) test_that("piped expressions can be parsed for dependencies", { deps <- dependencies(renv_tests_path("resources/magrittr.R")) expect_setequal(deps$Package, c("A", "B", "C")) }) test_that("bslib dependencies are discovered", { deps <- dependencies("resources/bslib.Rmd") expect_true("bslib" %in% deps$Package) }) test_that("utility script dependencies are discovered", { deps <- dependencies("resources/utility") expect_false(is.null(deps)) expect_setequal(deps$Package, c("A", "B")) }) test_that("we handle shiny_prerendered documents", { deps <- dependencies("resources/shiny-prerendered.Rmd") expect_true("shiny" %in% deps$Package) }) test_that("we don't infer a dependency on rmarkdown for empty .qmd", { deps <- dependencies("resources/quarto-empty.qmd") expect_true(is.null(deps) || !"rmarkdown" %in% deps$Package) }) test_that("we do infer dependency on rmarkdown for .qmd with R chunks", { deps <- dependencies("resources/quarto-r-chunks.qmd") expect_true("rmarkdown" %in% deps$Package) }) test_that("we parse package references from arbitrary yaml fields", { deps <- dependencies("resources/rmd-base-format.Rmd") expect_true("bookdown" %in% deps$Package) expect_true("rticles" %in% deps$Package) }) test_that("dependencies in parameterized documents are discovered", { deps <- dependencies(test_path("resources/params.Rmd")) expect_true(all(c("shiny", "A") %in% deps$Package)) expect_false("B" %in% deps$Package) }) test_that("we ignore chunks with '#| eval: false'", { deps <- dependencies("resources/yaml-chunks.Rmd") expect_false("a" %in% deps$Package) expect_true("A" %in% deps$Package) }) test_that("dependencies in hidden folders are not scoured", { renv_tests_scope() dir.create(".hidden") writeLines("library(A)", con = ".hidden/deps.R") deps <- dependencies() expect_false("A" %in% deps$Package) writeLines("!.hidden", con = ".renvignore") deps <- dependencies() expect_true("A" %in% deps$Package) }) test_that("dependencies() doesn't barf on files without read permission", { skip_on_windows() renv_tests_scope() dir.create("secrets") writeLines("library(dplyr)", con = "secrets/secrets.R") Sys.chmod("secrets/secrets.R", mode = "0000") expect_error(renv_file_read("secrets/secrets.R")) deps <- dependencies() expect_true(NROW(deps) == 0L) }) test_that("dependencies() doesn't barf on malformed DESCRIPTION files", { skip_on_windows() renv_tests_scope() writeLines("Depends: A, B\n\nImports: C, D", con = "DESCRIPTION") deps <- dependencies() expect_setequal(deps$Package, c("A", "B", "C", "D")) }) test_that("dependencies() handles inline YAML comments", { deps <- dependencies("resources/chunk-yaml.Rmd") expect_true("A" %in% deps$Package) }) test_that("we can parse remotes from a DESCRIPTION file", { desc <- heredoc(' Remotes: r-dbi/DBItest ') descfile <- renv_scope_tempfile() writeLines(desc, con = descfile) deps <- renv_dependencies_discover_description(descfile, fields = "Remotes") expect_equal(deps$Package, "r-dbi/DBItest") }) test_that("dependencies ignore pseudo-code in YAML metadata", { path <- renv_scope_tempfile() writeLines(con = path, c( '---', 'title: "RStudio::conf reflections"', '---', '', 'Hello!' )) deps <- renv_dependencies_discover_rmd_yaml_header(path, "rmd") expect_equal(deps$Package, "rmarkdown") }) test_that("~/.Rprofile included in dev dependencies when config$user.profile()", { path <- renv_scope_tempfile("renv-profile", fileext = ".R") writeLines("library(utils)", path) renv_scope_envvars(R_PROFILE_USER = normalizePath(path, winslash = "/")) renv_scope_options(renv.config.user.profile = TRUE) renv_tests_scope() deps <- renv_dependencies_impl(dev = TRUE) expect_equal(deps$Package, "utils") expect_equal(deps$Dev, TRUE) }) test_that("captures dependencies from Jupyter notebooks", { path <- test_path("resources/notebook.ipynb") deps <- dependencies(path) expect_setequal(deps$Package, c("IRkernel", "MASS", "stats")) expect_equal(deps$Source, rep(renv_path_normalize(path), 3)) }) test_that("we tolerate calls when parsing dependencies", { document <- heredoc(' ```{r, renv.ignore=TRUE || TRUE} library(A) ``` ```{r, renv.ignore=FALSE && TRUE} library(B) ``` ') file <- renv_scope_tempfile("renv-test-", fileext = ".Rmd") writeLines(document, con = file) deps <- dependencies(file) expect_false("A" %in% deps$Package) expect_true("B" %in% deps$Package) }) test_that("dependencies() notifies the user if directories contain lots of files", { project <- renv_tests_scope() init() # create data directory with 'lots' of files dir.create("data") setwd("data") files <- sprintf("%03i.R", 1:200) file.create(files) setwd("..") # try to collect snapshot dependencies renv_scope_options(renv.dependencies.elapsed_time_threshold = 0) expect_snapshot(. <- renv_snapshot_dependencies(project)) }) test_that("dependencies() can parse NAMESPACE files", { project <- renv_tests_scope() desc <- heredoc(" Type: Package Package: test Version: 0.1.0 ") writeLines(desc, con = "DESCRIPTION") namespace <- heredoc(" import(utils) importFrom(tools, SIGQUIT) import(graphics, except = c(abline)) ") writeLines(namespace, con = "NAMESPACE") deps <- dependencies() expect_setequal(deps$Package, c("graphics", "tools", "utils")) }) test_that("dependencies() handles upper-case engine names", { document <- heredoc(" ```{R} library(A) ``` ") file <- renv_scope_tempfile(fileext = ".Rmd") writeLines(document, con = file) deps <- dependencies(file, quiet = TRUE) expect_true("A" %in% deps$Package) }) test_that("dependencies() ignores R when specified in a DESCRIPTION file", { project <- renv_tests_scope() desc <- heredoc(" Type: Package Package: test Version: 0.1.0 Depends: R (>= 4.0.0) ") writeLines(desc, con = "DESCRIPTION") deps <- dependencies(quiet = TRUE) expect_false("R" %in% deps$Package) }) test_that("dependencies() with different extensions", { project <- renv_tests_scope() writeLines("library(A)", con = "a.R") writeLines("```{r}\nlibrary(B)\n```", con = "a.Rmd") deps <- dependencies(quiet = TRUE) expect_true("A" %in% deps$Package) expect_true("B" %in% deps$Package) }) test_that("dependencies() can infer an svglite dependency from ggsave", { document <- heredoc(' library(ggplot2) ggsave(filename = "test.svg") ') file <- renv_scope_tempfile("renv-test-", fileext = ".R") writeLines(document, con = file) deps <- dependencies(file, quiet = TRUE) expect_contains(deps$Package, "svglite") }) test_that("dependencies() can handle calls", { document <- heredoc(' ```{r} #| eval = c(1, 2) ``` ') file <- renv_scope_tempfile("renv-test-", fileext = ".Rmd") writeLines(document, con = file) expect_no_warning( dependencies(file, quiet = TRUE) ) }) test_that("dependencies() detects usages of Junit test reporters", { check <- function(document) { file <- renv_scope_tempfile("renv-test-", fileext = ".R") writeLines(document, con = file) deps <- dependencies(file, quiet = TRUE) expect_contains(deps$Package, "xml2") } check("JunitReporterMock <- R6::R6Class(\"JunitReporterMock\", inherit = JunitReporter)") check("JunitReporter$new()") check("testthat::test_dir(reporter = JunitReporter)") check("testthat::test_dir(reporter = \"junit\")") }) test_that("dependencies() detects usage of ragg_png device", { check <- function(document) { file <- renv_scope_tempfile("renv-test-", fileext = ".R") writeLines(document, con = file) deps <- dependencies(file, quiet = TRUE) expect_contains(deps$Package, "ragg") } check("opts_chunk$set(dev = \"ragg_png\")") check("knitr::opts_chunk$set(dev = \"ragg_png\")") }) test_that("dependencies() does not create 'object' in parent environment", { result <- dependencies("resources/code.R", quiet = TRUE) expect_false(exists("object", envir = environment(), inherits = FALSE)) }) test_that("R scripts that appear destined for knitr::spin() are detected", { result <- dependencies("resources/knitr-spin.R", quiet = TRUE) expect_contains(result$Package, c("knitr", "rmarkdown")) }) test_that("renv infers a dev. dependency on lintr", { project <- renv_tests_scope() file.create(".lintr") deps <- dependencies(quiet = TRUE, dev = TRUE) expect_contains(deps$Package, "lintr") }) test_that("https://github.com/rstudio/renv/issues/2052", { renv_scope_tempdir() dir.create("subdir") writeLines("library(A)", con = "subdir/test.R") writeLines(c("*", "!/**/", "!*.*"), con = ".renvignore") deps <- dependencies(quiet = TRUE, root = getwd()) expect_contains(deps$Package, "A") }) test_that("https://github.com/rstudio/renv/issues/2047", { renv_tests_scope() writeLines("citation(\"breakfast\")", con = "_deps.R") init() expect_true(renv_package_installed("breakfast")) })